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The unspoken pressure of tradition : East Asian classical musicians in western classical music
Published 2013“…Discourse analytical framework is used as a main method to illustrate four different representations of East Asian classical musicians ‒ the Invader, the Asian, the Virtuoso, and the Bridge Builder. …”
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GDPR:n valvominen, kirjallisuuskatsaus
Published 2023“…Tehokas GDPR-valvonta edellyttää rekisterinpitäjien, yksityishenkilöiden ja tietosuojaviranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä, jolla lisätään tietoisuutta ja ymmärrystä asetuksesta, varmistetaan tehokas asetuksen noudattaminen ja suojellaan yksilöiden yksityisyyttä koskevia oikeuksia The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive framework for data protection and privacy in the European Union. …”
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“Onko se semmonen niinku mies-juttu” : mieskuvat parisuhteissaan väkivaltaisten miesten ryhmämuotoisessa hoidossa
Published 2023“…As a result of the analysis, three representations of men were identified. …”
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IS Discontinuance : tracking down users' motivational journey from amotivated to motivated and back in crowdsourced software testing
Published 2019“…The research was conducted as an exploratory study using qualitative approach and theme interviews matched with a theoretical framework that combines Self-Determination Theory and Organismic Integration Theory. …”
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Fysiikan ja musiikin oppiaineintegrointi lukiotasolla
Published 2014“…There are many fields where subject matter integration is possible and this thesis could cover only a minute amount of that. Integrating different concepts of physics and music to each other gives a very good way to make physics contents meaningful and hopefully reducing tendency to generate alternate frameworks for physics phenomena. …”
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Kuntien liikuntajohtajat muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä : liikuntajohtajien kokemuksia asiantuntijuudesta ja johtamisesta
Published 2024“…Expertise is examined within a framework based on New Public Governance (NPG), the characteristics of public management, and the dual role leadership. …”
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Viidesluokkalaisten digitaalisiin medioihin liittyviä käsityksiä ja käyttötottumuksia : "alakoululainen on oikea media-ahmatti"
Published 2014“…My thesis is qualitative and phenomenographic in nature. The theoretical framework consists of some relevant key concepts, a curriculum review, and presentation of earlier studies. …”
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"En mä halua et mun pomo seuraa mua" : mitkä tekijät estävät työntekijää omaksumasta organisaation sisäistä sosiaalista viestintävälinettä?
Published 2017“…The models for the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT and UTAUT2) are used as a combined framework. The data collection was done using the theme-centered interviews with employees (=13) and for the analysis a thematic approach was adopted to turn the qualitative data into meaningful patterns. …”
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Genetic methods for detection of plant-associated aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria
Published 2024“…Our results show that the techniques developed offer a good framework for future studies. More specifically, the sequence data show that primers pufM_uniF and pufM_uniR have good sensitivity and species coverage for plant-associated AAPB, and that they are well suited for analysis of epiphytic AAPB. …”
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"Olen ihminen vaikka olenkin potilas" : pitkäkestoista kipua kokevien aikuisten vuorovaikutuskokemuksia terveydenhuollossa
Published 2021“…Patients experienced taking notes before, during and/or after interactions with healthcare professionals as useful. Having a third person present during interactions was perceived as beneficial. …”
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Suomalaisen jalkapallotutkimuksen monipuolistajat : kartoittava kirjallisuuskatsaus Suomen yliopistojen ylempien korkeakoulututkintojen jalkapalloaiheisista opinnäytetöistä
Published 2023“…The research was carried out using a scoping review method, which aims to provide a broad description of the subject of the study. …”
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Customer journey in an industrial B2B services context
Published 2024“…Overall, this study contributes to the existing research of the B2B customer journey and provides new perspectives to the subject through a framework, focusing on the context of industrial B2B services. …”
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Tietoturvakäyttäytyminen suomalaisissa matkailualan pienyrityksissä
Published 2019“…In addition, the thesis examined how the changing computing environment and cloud services affect information security behavior. To create a reference framework, a systematic literature review was carried out, in which the characteristics of information security behavior were reviewed based on previous scientific publications. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien käsityksiä ja kokemuksia oppilaiden motivoimisesta koululiikunnassa
Published 2018“…Participated teachers felt as a great challenge to be able to motivate students with uncertain body image and low perception of itself as a physically active person. …”
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Suomalainen dopingin moraalisäätelyverkosto : verkoston muotoutuminen, rakenne ja moraalisäätelypuhe asiakirja- ja media-aineistossa
Published 2019“…The social relevance of this study is based on approaching a current and significant phenomenon from a different point of view. …”
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Nikkelin ympäristönlaatunormin mallintamisen haasteet sekä toksisuuskokeen kehittäminen Lymnaea stagnalis -kotilolajille
Published 2018“…The main aim of the Water Framework Directive is to reduce pollution in the water systems and one way is to set environmental quality standards (EQS) to each type of pollutant such as heavy metals. …”
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EU-maiden pankkien kyberturvallisuusraportointi
Published 2025“…Cybersecurity disclosure is examined in the context of EU countries and banks because the financial sector, particularly banks, plays a significant role in the economy, societal stability, and security. …”
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Tietohallintolaki ja sen vaikutukset sähköisen asioinnin kokonaisarkkitehtuuriin
Published 2013“…The study follows the Kartturi’s framework model for whole architecture and its applicable parts. …”
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Mobiilimaksamisen omaksuminen maksun vastaanottajan näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…The theoretical framework utilized in this thesis is the diffusion of innovation theory. …”
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Crisis preparedness through co-operation between municipalities and non-governmental organizations
Published 2016“…The leading theoretical frameworks in the study were the CERC model and the Crisis Communication Scorecard. …”
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