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Economic legacy of the European Youth Olympic Festival in Vuokatti
Published 2023“…The research applies event impact model (Virkkunen et al., 2015) as a theoretical framework and lens to answer the research questions. …”
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Innovatiivisuus organisaatiossa : yksilön innovatiivisuuden ja sisäisen yrittäjyyden näkökulma
Published 2014“…This study analyzed the personality traits of innovativeness and the effect of those on the innovativeness and its manifestation in a case study. The theoretical framework was formed around the process model of entrepreneurship, concentrating especially on intrapreneurship and innovativeness. …”
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Value co-creation and co-destruction in identity and access management service platform : case study
Published 2021“…Based on the main theoretical foundations on digital platforms and service-dominant logic, distinct frameworks for both value co-creation and co-destruction were used as a lens to study the phenomena. …”
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Opetuksen vaikutus ikäihmisten älylaitteiden käyttöön ja teknologian hyväksyntään
Published 2020“…In addition, all the participants conducted a survey on the first and last day of the course. …”
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Rakkaudesta lajiin ja paskaan läppään : Icehearts-urheilujoukkue ja poikien sosiaalinen pääoma
Published 2016“…This Master’s thesis in Social Sciences of Sport addresses the Icehearts-team as a source of boy’s social support. Icehearts is an innovative model of youth- and social work, which is based on a team sports hobby and a long-lasting educator (or mentor) relationship with an adult. …”
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Performing normative power : analysing speech acts in the European Parliament debate on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Published 2024“…I conducted my research in the framework of normative power Europe theory. First introduced by Ian Manners, this theory considers the EU as primarily a normative power actor, thus striving to create and implement norms in world politics. …”
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Käyttäjän osallistaminen yrityksen sosiaalisen median käyttöönotossa
Published 2018“…The interview frame and content analysis of the empirical study were linked to a framework generated based on a literature review. …”
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"Tosi urheilullinen, hauska, ja kaikkee ihan normaalia" : lasten kuvauksia ja kokemuksia sporttikummitoiminnasta
Published 2018“…The thesis was conducted as a qualitative study, and its theoretical framework relies on the concepts of youth mentoring and youth mentoring programs. …”
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Elämäntapamuutoksen sisäinen tarina
Published 2020“…Based on the findings of this study there is a need to understand a person living a lifestyle change as embodied and sexual being. …”
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Iäkäs pariskunta uuden elämäntilanteen kynnyksellä : varhaisvaiheessa olevien muistisairaiden ja heidän puolisoidensa kokemuksia Omahoitovalmennus-ryhmästä.
Published 2021“…Older couples should be treated with a holistic approach. There is a need for co-operation to create a memory-friendly society which can enhance the well-being of older couples facing life with progressive memory disorder. …”
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Maailma-kuoron ensimmäisen polven maahanmuuttajalaulajien kokemuksia kotoutumisprosessista sekä kuorotoiminnan merkityksestä
Published 2020“…The studies have shown, for example, that participating in a communal choir as a hobby can create social capital as a by-product. …”
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Political economy and ecology of water control : dynamics of water policy reform and water justice in Taita Hills, South-Eastern Kenya
Published 2015“…In Kenya, the (neoliberal) water policy reforms embedded in the Poverty Reduction Strategy and launched by the Water Act 2002, have commercialized water services and changed the sector institutional framework. Through a broad theoretical framework of political economy and ecology the study analyzed the styles of reasoning embedded in the discourses and practices of the reform and its translation into the waterscape of Taita Hills, South-East Kenya, including the intended and unintended effects with regard to distribution and participation dimensions of water justice. …”
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Kognitiivisen prosessoinnin sujuvuuden vaikutus uupumukseen ja ylikuormitukseen Facebookissa
Published 2021“…Processing fluency was selected as a guiding framework since it is one of the most significant metacognitive cues used in evaluating situations. …”
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Tietojärjestelmän hyväksyminen terveydenhuollossa
Published 2022“…The theoretical part consists of a literature review, which examines the digitalisation of health care and introduces eight individual technology acceptance models, which are combined in the theoretical framework of the theses, in the UTAUT-model. …”
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Privacy Policy Factors : The Effects on Use Continuance in Social Networking Services
Published 2022“…However, the context of privacy incidents has not been addressed. In this study a research framework has been developed to examine and predict the users’ use continuance intention in the context of privacy incidents based on privacy policy associated factors as well as factors identified in existing use continuance literature. …”
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Liikuntaorganisaatioiden ympäristöhallinnan alueellinen kehittämisprosessi : ohjelmateorian muodostaminen Pohjois-Karjalan liikuntaorganisaatioille kehittävän arvioinnin menetelmää...
Published 2024“…The degradation of the natural environment and the climate crisis are among the most relevant challenges facing our society on a global level. Meeting these challenges is one of the key developments of the current decade. …”
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"Eka se oli siistii, mut kyl se hauskuus aika nopeesti loppu" : aikuisten huumeiden käyttäjien tarinoita nuoruudestaan
Published 2015“…I have col-lected the research material from one’s city social welfare and health counseling by inter-weaving seven clients. I carried out a thesis studying first theoretical framework and then followed by collecting data. …”
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"Haamu soittaa pianoa" : neljäsluokkalaisten kokemuksia musiikillisesta pelosta
Published 2023“…The data was collected through a group discussion. The research setup was similar to Henna-Riikka Peltola's (2017) study, which investigated experiences of self-defined sad music using a group interview as a method. …”
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Sex and violence : the meanings and gendering of sex acts in the treatment groups for intimately violent heterosexual men
Published 2012“…Sex acts were perceived as expressions of love and intimacy in the context of a relationship. In these cases the men also often described an ideal relationship where the woman was seen as a partner or a companion. …”
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Measuring music artist success
Published 2012“…This literature is also used to create a new framework and approach to success measurement, which is in turn used to interpret and structure the data subsequently collected. …”
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