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Ketterän menetelmän räätälöinti
Published 2014“…Fourth, the thesis will describe and analyze six case studies on agile method tailoring based on a framework composed of development context and its special features, tailoring process and strategy and outcome. …”
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Musiikkilähtöiset menetelmät työhyvinvoinnin tukena -systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus
Published 2024“…The thesis also maps the methodological-theoretical frameworks from the literature. Music is a worldwide phenomenon and it is understood to be influential in many ways. …”
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IEC 62443-4-2 standardin hyödyt ja haasteet yritykselle : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus
Published 2023“…In recent years, the IEC 62443 standard has been spoken of as the de facto standard for industrial automation devices. The standard provides a comprehensive framework for securing automation devices. …”
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Presidentti Niinistön ydinaseretoriikka ja siinä tapahtuneet muutokset virallisissa julkipuheissa vuosina 2012-2024
Published 2024“…The results show that, particularly during the years 2012–2022, Niinistö’s rhetoric emphasized global threats posed by nuclear weapons and concerns over the stability of the international regulatory framework. From 2022 onwards, a new emphasis emerged, portraying NATO’s nuclear deterrence as a factor promoting and ensuring security. …”
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Facebook-markkinoinnin vaikutus ostokäyttäytymiseen ja tunnevetoisen facebook-mainonnan vaikutus kahdessa casessa
Published 2021“…In addition, the validity and metrics of the study were assessed using a variety of metrics. The results of the study show that emotionally driven and rational Facebook advertising has a statistically significant difference in generating intent to buy. …”
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Päikky-tietojärjestelmän vaikutus päiväkodin johtamiseen
Published 2017“…This can be considered as a new research result because even-handedness is not generally expected from information systems. …”
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Käytettävyystestauksen hyödyllisyys organisaation asiakkaille näkyvissä järjestelmissä : vertaileva tapaustutkimus
Published 2022“…By looking at two different usability testing cases and thus agile development teams and the usability team, a view of the organization’s usability order process was formed. …”
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Nike says, “Just do it”, so I do. : perceived brand anthropomorphism and its effects on consumers’ well-being
Published 2023“…The results of this study emphasize the importance of the congruence between a consumer and a brand, and brand partnership to create and maintain consumer-brand relationship. …”
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Ekologisen kompensaation ja ekosysteemitilinpidon yhteiset ja eroavat tietotarpeet : tapausesimerkkinä Tampereen kaupunki
Published 2024“…Ecosystem accounting together with biodiversity offsetting could offer a functioning framework for monitoring and offsetting the impacts of land use on biodiversity. …”
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Lähteen ja tiedon luotettavuuden mittaristo kybertiedonvaihtoon
Published 2024“…At the beginning of the work, a Delphi panel of experts was invited to do the definition work, the result of which was a matrix that would be applicable to cyber information exchange. …”
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Urheilun ympäristövastuuverkosto liikunnan ja urheilun ympäristöhallinnan mahdollisuusrakenteena : kyselytutkimus Urheilun ympäristövastuuverkoston jäsenille
Published 2019“…Increasing environmental problems as a result of global warming has raised a demand to develop environmental politics nationally and internationally. …”
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Miten 4-6-vuotiaiden lasten oikeudet toteutuvat COVID-19 aiheuttamissa poikkeusoloissa? : lapsen ikätasoinen tiedottaminen ja huomioon ottaminen yhteiskunnallisessa kriisitilantees...
Published 2020“…Informing children is important for preventing protracted fright and posttraumatic stress disorder. The research revealed a course of action for families within a crisis in the future. …”
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Green bonds and shareholder value : the announcement effect of corporate green bonds
Published 2021“…These re-sults along with the compiled theoretical framework, are providing more insight into the emerging of the Green bond market. …”
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Scrum ja .Net ohjelmistokehityksessä
Published 2009“…Olennaninen osa VSTS:ä on Visual Studio Team Foundation (VSTF). …”
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Sidosryhmien välinen viestintä häiriön- ja muutostenhallinnan prosesseissa : tapaustutkimus
Published 2022“…The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the communication between stakeholders in the ITIL-based incident management process and in the change management process, which are used in IT service management. ITIL framework is a service management model of IT-field, which consists of the best practices of IT service management. …”
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Tietojohtamisen kyvykkyys suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden vuosikertomuksissa
Published 2023“…The objective of this Master's thesis was to examine knowledge management capability, and to increase understanding of its significance for organizational effectiveness. The thesis created a comprehensive view of knowledge management capability and a new framework for its analysis. …”
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Toimintatutkimus musiikkiliikuntateknologian kehittämisestä ja soveltamisesta koulukontekstiin
Published 2018“…Usability and user experience are also looked into from the perspective of information system technologies and physical education pedagogy. Based on a literature overview a theoretical framework of user experience was used which was then applied by qualitative research methods. …”
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”Kukaan ei voi antaa sitä taitoa sulle” : kokemuksia follow along-video-opetukseen osallistumisesta käsinseisonnan harjoittelussa
Published 2021“…Qualitive methods were used to gather and analyze the study’s data. Research approach was a phenomenological-hermeneutic framework. In this thesis, it meant finding out the individual experiences of the participants about practing handstand with follow along videos as a primary teaching tool. …”
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Pedagogical environments in education for six-year-old children in Finland and in the Netherlands
Published 2017“…The Dutch groups used technology as a tool in teaching more than the Finnish although the Finnish theoretical framework highlighted it more. …”
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Kangasalan Vesijärven ekologisen tilan kehitys 1800-luvulta nykypäivään : paleolimnologinen tutkimus
Published 2015“…Lake Vesijärvi in Kangasala, southern Finland, is a quite shallow (mean depth 6 m) clear-water lake. …”
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