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Bottijohtajuus : palvelurobottien soveltamismahdollisuudet johdon tehtävissä johtajuusteorioiden valossa
Published 2019“…Based on the theory, I built a research framework that laid the foundation for interviews and later analysis. …”
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“Double-decker buses, AmongUs, FBI and McDonalds” : 2nd, 4th and 6th graders’ associations and attitudes towards English in Finland
Published 2022“…The data was analysed through content analysis and the literature review was used as a theoretical framework. Three themes were established; attitudes towards English as a as a culturally and geographically free language, attitudes towards English as a medium for participation and attitudes towards English as a subject of study. …”
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"Sori mä en voin tullan" : negaatioilmaukset suomi toisena kielenä -oppijoiden teksteissä
Published 2014“…Verbien määrän suurin kasvu on koululaisilla siirryttäessä tasolta A1 tasolle A2, kun taas YKI-aineistossa suurin harppaus verbien määrässä on vasta siirryttäessä tasolta A2 tasolle B1. …”
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Flow'n vaikutus impulssiostamiseen verkkokaupoissa
Published 2017“…Later, these value chains were coded into visual value maps. As a result of the research, the value maps were encoded again with the factors and components of flow and impulse purchasing by using the theoretical framework as support. …”
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Aikuisiällä ADHD-diagnoosin saaneiden naisten hoitopolut ja diagnoosille annetut merkitykset
Published 2024“…Additionally, I employed a narrative approach, emphasizing the importance of experience and interpretative reading in this study. …”
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From disaster to development : parliamentary debate analysis: Atomausstieg and securitization
Published 2017“…Also, the results show that these debates comprise a particular time span among the decades when Atomausstieg has been deliberated upon. …”
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Onko talitiaisen (Parus major) persoonallisuuden ja makuherkkyyden välillä yhteyttä?
Published 2020“…My research shows there is a lot of variation in great tit individuals, both in their personality traits and in their bitter taste sensitivity. …”
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Statustutkimus korkeakouluopiskelun kontekstissa : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2022“…At the subject level, articles dealt with studying technology, economics, military science, mathematics and computer science while most of articles were not related to a specific subject. The study framework in the studies was mostly focused on group work, but working in dyads, ethical decisions and exchange studies were also discussed. …”
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Tietoturvallisuuden hallinta kunnissa - prosessi ja sen vaiheet
Published 2023“…The research was carried out as a literature review and thematic interview. The ISO27001 served as the research framework. …”
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Me voimme nauttia luontoa : rektioilmaukset suomi toisena kielenä -oppijoiden teksteissä
Published 2013“…Tutkielman päätulos on, että pääpiirteissään rektioilmausten käyttö lisääntyy ja tarkkuus paranee taitotasoilla ylöspäin edetessä. Tarkkuudessa A-tasolla on aineistojen välillä pieni ero: koululaisaineistossa tarkkuus alkaa parantua heti A1-tasolta eteenpäin, mutta aikuisaineistossa tarkkuus on A1-tasolla parempi kuin A2- ja B1-tasoilla. …”
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Pilvipohjaisten tietovarastojen hyödyt yrityksille
Published 2023“…The purpose of the study was to connect the framework created through literature review on the benefits of cloud-based data warehousing to a more practical level. …”
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Tapaustutkimus tietoturvainvestoinneista pienessä kasvuyrityksessä
Published 2020“…The empirical part of the study is conducted as a qualitative case study. The case study explores how information security needs are perceived in a small, Finnish, strongly growth-focused startup company. …”
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Elements of Participation in the Third Sector : Case Paremmin Yhdessä Ry
Published 2021“…The association specializes in multiculturalism and immigration-related missions. The theoretical framework of the study is framed by seeing third sector as a sublevel in the cross-sectoral organisation -model by Matthies (1994), as mediating organisations. …”
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Käyttäjien ja kehittäjien välinen viestintä tietojärjestelmien kehittämisessä : haasteita ja ratkaisuja
Published 2017“…Research was executed as a literature review. Results of the research were categorized according to theoretical framework derived combining media synchronicity theory and the concepts of user-developer communication. …”
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Tapaustutkimus käyttöliittymän intuitiivisesta vuorovaikutuksesta
Published 2023“…The application was studied using usability testing, INTUI-questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. During usability testing test subjects were instructed to think aloud while performing the given tasks. 11 persons with background matching the target group took part in the study. …”
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Yrittäjyyskasvattaja : ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnon ja kaupan alan opettajien näkemykset itsestään ja työstään yrittäjyyskasvattajana
Published 2001“…The ideal model of the entrepreneurship educator was presented as a synthesis of the conceptual analysis. The empirical part of the study consisted of a questionnaire designed for the teachers at the polytechnic level, in the field of business and administration. …”
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Analysis of interaction processes in physical education : development of an observation instrument, and its application to teacher training and program evaluation
Published 2002“…This dissertation deals with a large-scale and long-term research, which focussed on the measurement of teaching process - interaction - in physical education. …”
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The equivalent photon approximation in one- and two-photon exchange processes
Published 2022“…In this thesis, the equivalent photon approximation and the associated equivalent photon distribution are derived in one- and two-photon exchange processes using a helicity-based method in the framework of quantum field theory. …”
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Private Sport Finance in Finland : New Socially Responsible Financing for Individual Athletes
Published 2024“…The study links sports finance with sustainable finance, highlighting a shift in investment mindset towards personal values and ethical considerations. …”
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The multiple case analysis of board interlock development and strategies in Finnish family businesses
Published 2023“…This master's thesis employed a qualitative research method, consisting of a systematic review and multiple-case analysis. …”
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