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Informaatioteknologian tuottavuusparadoksi : 90-luvulta nykyaikaan
Published 2018“…We also conclude that productivity paradox is a relevant phenomenon even today. This thesis has been fully produced as a narrative literature review. …”
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Kyberuhkiin valmistautuminen : riskienhallintatyökalujen vertailu
Published 2022“…There is little research available to identify the most effective risk management model, especially focusing on cyber environment, and it would therefore be important to provide organizations with the most relevant tools for working against cyber threats. As a result of the study, it can be stated that Kill Chain-based reference frames are a more effective choice for combating cyber threats. …”
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Esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan ominaispiirteet
Published 2017“…The perspectives of data management are being described by using a unified framework. In the study, the characteristics of data management of internet of things are being estimated by reviewing versatile technological applications, illustrative models and different contexts. …”
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Pivo-mobiililompakon tarkastelu tehtävän ja teknologian yhteensopivuuden näkökulmasta
Published 2017“…Task-technology fit and usage of an information system are known to have a positive impact on user's performance. Drawing upon the task-technology fit theory, a conceptual framework was adopted and tested. …”
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"Kuitenkaan ihminen ei voi voittaa vuorta" : japanilaisen Wandervogel-klubin jäsenten käsitykset vaeltamisesta ja vuorista
Published 2012“…This discussion forms the underlying framework that is necessary for perceiving hiking as a time-intensive excursion out of the built environment and into the unbuilt, the contrast of which two is particularly stark in Japan. …”
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Minä näytöllä : dramaturginen lähestymistapa videovälitteiseen teknostressiin
Published 2021“…This dramaturgical framework provides an opportunity to look at telecommuting-related occurrence and related stressors in a new way. …”
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Henkilöautojen varkaudenestojärjestelmien vertailu
Published 2022“…The study concluded that anti-theft systems for traditional passenger cars are better from a risk assessment perspective. At the end of the thesis, the results of the thesis and the limitations in the thesis are discussed, for example, how the framework used in the thesis should be used. …”
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Windows technical hardening against the most prevalent threats
Published 2023“…A widely known and used framework MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise matrix was used for the research. …”
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Yritysvastuuviestintä : tapaustutkimus hyvämaineisen perheyrityksen yritysvastuuviestinnästä: Oy Gustav Paulig AB : kuluttaja-asiakasnäkökulma
Published 2014“…Therefore family firms are not recognized the opportunity of competitive advantage from CSR communication. The theoretical framework is based on stakeholder theory. The responsi-ble action of firm generates confidence in stakeholder relations, which generates a good reputation to the firm. …”
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Two decades of discussion on charitable food aid in Finland : analysing the framing by and through the media
Published 2016“…Utilizing frame package analysis, the thesis attempts to explore the tentative linkages between the evolution of frames utilized within the discussion and the more abstract notions of changes in welfare responsibilities and the Finnish welfare state as a whole. By analysing the various frameworks through which charitable food aid has been interpreted throughout the timespan, the results suggest that i) charitable food aid, most notably the breadlines, are predominantly used as a rhetoric device in the discussion; ii) when the practices are framed as potential receivers and redistributors of food waste, the normative perception of charitable food aid is mainly positive and the underlying causes for Finnish food insecurity are not addressed; iii) the vague concept of ”hunger” has led to speculation on whether or not the recipients are actually in need of aid, and moreover to the discussion focusing more on economic poverty rather than dimensions of food insecurity; iv) the responsibilities within the context of the Finnish welfare regime, especially through the transition of welfare responsibilities from the state to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the civil society, have been addressed in the discussion throughout the timespan; and v) the organizers of charitable food aid are somewhat underrepresented in the media. …”
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Paraurheilutapahtuma sidosryhmien silmin
Published 2023“…The framework for sport sponsorships was based mainly on Alaja’s (2000) theory. …”
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Aitoa rahaa aineettomasta asusteesta? : virtuaalituotteiden ostajien motiiviketjut
Published 2017“…Also purely cosmetic virtual goods are bought because they are expected to give a competitive edge. …”
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An intergovernmental organization and its reputation according to politicians : case: the United Nations in Finland
Published 2016“…The theory part also concerns the UN as an intergovernmental organization and Finland’s history as a member of the UN. The research is a case study and the method chosen is semi-structural thematic interview. …”
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Responsiivisen verkkosivuston vaikutukset yrityksille ja käyttäjille
Published 2021“…Responsive webpage offers a chance to view content regardless of the device being used. …”
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Study of non-family executives in Chinese family firms
Published 2014“…In order to overcome the potential threat for family businesses, many owners of family business tried to employ nonfamily executives. Although a couple of reasons motivate those owners to employ nonfamily executives, there are also a number of constraints that prevent the decision. …”
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Interdisciplinary perceptions on comparing systems analysis and design to the practices of digital service design
Published 2022“…This thesis does not claim to present a complete framework for integrating the two studied domains, but rather delves into building foundations for stimulating academic interest on furtherly studying the linkage between the domains and potential issues involved. …”
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DevOps - historia ja nykytila
Published 2024“…DevOps combines the best aspects of previous methods and adds continuity and automation. DevOps represents a comprehensive and evolving framework for modern software development, aiming to improve the efficiency, reliability, and quality of software delivery. …”
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DevOpsin toteuttaminen pilvipalveluna : keino laadukkaaseen sovelluskehitykseen?
Published 2023“…Since quality is a multifaceted term, it is precisely defined, and a new framework is established to support the research. …”
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Electron-phonon interaction in flat-band superconductivity
Published 2017“…The Eliashberg theory is a rigorous theoretical framework of electron-phonon superconductivity, which takes naturally into account the finite speed of the phonons in the interaction between the electrons. …”
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Diet estimation and comparison of fatty acid-based diet modelling methods
Published 2019“…Trophic interactions have been a popular research subject among ecologists for decades because understanding the structure of food webs is essential in understanding consumer-resource interactions and complex ecosystems. …”
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