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Building an entrepreneurial and collaborative community for creating impact at the entrepreneurial and engaged university
Published 2024“…The empirical study was guided by a framework developed from the literature review. …”
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Matalan kynnyksen luontoliikunta : yläkouluikäiset luontoliikunnan kehittäjinä
Published 2020“…Eating in nature was the highlight of the activity choices. There was a desire to utilize the diversity of nature in many ways. …”
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Perspective of small enterprises : how web analytics are used by Finnish online retailers?
Published 2018“…To examine the contextual factors more closely, a contextual framework was created, which examines the relationship between the level of know-how and the usage of web analytics. …”
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Oman älypuhelimen läsnäolon vaikutus käytettävissä olevaan työmuistin kapasiteettiin
Published 2022“…For example, just hearing a notification sound have been observed to decrease attention and sending messages while in class lowering learning outcomes. …”
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Sustainability evaluation of Indian Eco-Village Development -Project
Published 2010“…Empowerment evaluation provides a philosophy, theoretical framework, and methods to address the concerns of self-assessment and it employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. …”
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Correlated uncertainties in Bayesian inference
Published 2025“…Kaikilla sovelletuilla malleilla saatiin onnistunut kuvaus HERA:n vaikutusaladatasta, mutta charmihiukkastuottodatan lisääminen heikensi GBW-mallin suorituskykyä molempien datasetien yhtäaikaisessa kuvaamisessa. This thesis presents a framework to implement correlated uncertainties in Bayesian inference, specifically in the context of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and high-energy deep inelastic electron-proton collisions from DESY's HERA particle accelerator. …”
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Haastattelututkimus peleissä olevien virtuaalihyödykkeiden ostamiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2021“…The literature review undergoes the explanation for the virtual goods, different kind of attributes they have and the ways they are utilized in video games. A theoretical framework that is used as a base for the empirical part of the study, is composed based on the literature review. …”
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Advantages and disadvantages of decentralized financial (DeFi) services
Published 2022“…This thesis’ contribution, the frameworks of advantages and disadvantages of DeFi can act as a basis for future research and offer valuable insights for practitioners. …”
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Free-to-Switch? : Consumer Switching Behavior in Freemium Mobile Games
Published 2022“…In addition, partial switching behavior in the form of trialing behavior and combining behavior is found to play a role in it and extend the widely accepted push-pull-mooring framework. …”
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Päätöksenteko alkuvaiheen startup-yrityksessä : etnografinen tutkimus
Published 2019“…The empirical part of the research provides details of what kind of decisions a nascent entrepreneur must make, how Cynefin decision-making framework can be used to support decision-making and how otherwise decisions can be divided. …”
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Eettiset ongelmat massadatan ja tiedonlouhinnan hyödyntämisessä
Published 2016“…The results were compiled in a table, which acts as an ethical framework for the use of these technologies. …”
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Vulnerabilities in Digital Communication
Published 2024“…Recognizing the dynamic nature of the digital technology landscape and the associated challenges in keeping pace with emerging vulnerabilities, the research emphasizes the importance of continuous inquiry and the adaptation of mitigation strategies. A key outcome of this work is the development of a detailed framework designed to comprehensively comprehend and address these vulnerabilities. …”
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Indigenous peoples rights and conflict-situation in the oil-producing states of Nigeria : the globalization connection and activities of the multinationals
Published 2009“…The result of the research cuts across different crosscutting themes within the comprehensive and broad developmental frameworks, from a human rights based approach to climatic sustainability issues as well as other tenets of the holistic-developmental ideas. …”
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Adapting ITIL with lean, agile and DevOps : case : SaaS customer support provider
Published 2021“…ITIL has been considered as a complex framework which have been thought to guide primarily larger size companies. …”
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Hoivakodin valinta ikääntyneiden asumispalveluissa
Published 2021“…The thesis presents the Finnish institutional framework within which service providers and subscribers operate. …”
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Digitalisaatio ja opettajien teknologisten taitojen kehittäminen ammattikorkeakoulussa
Published 2019“…This research main idea is how teachers has studied or found new technological skills and to find the best practices using TPACK as a theoretical framework. TPACK means technological pedagogical content knowledge which is a theory formed by Mishra and Koehler (2006). …”
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Would you like to have some beta with those slopers? : anglicisms in Finnish sport climbing jargon
Published 2020“…Jargons can utilize large amounts of loan words, which are any foreign words entered at language’s lexicon as a result of word borrowing. Loan words are a crucial part of the Finnish climbing language because sport climbing is a relatively new sport in Finland and highly influenced by the Anglophonic climbing culture. …”
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Internet of Things service development expectations
Published 2018“…As such, their work is impacted by user experience (UX). User experience as a term has a broad range of meanings and it has risen as a coun-ter-movement to the task and work orientated usability. …”
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Traktorit ja kyberturvallisuus
Published 2018“…The main goal of this thesis is to find out what kind of cyber security threats a modern tractor faces. The result of the research is a report about the threats and findings and a framework that describes how to conduct this kind of a cyber security review to a cyber-physical system. …”
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Continuous Delivery adoption challenges for small and medium sized ERP system vendors
Published 2020“…As a result, a framework consisting of 12 identified Continuous Delivery adoption challenges classified into five separate, but interconnected challenge themes is presented. …”
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