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The unforeseen future by strategy gurus : the interplay between sense making, sense giving, and the role of language
Published 2023“…The gurus foresee the future using prospective, retrospective, and strategic sense-making while providing meaning through identity, metaphorical framing, cognition, semiotic interpretation, and pragmatism-heuristics. Finally, a conceptual framework will be developed to illustrate the interaction between sense-making and sense-giving. …”
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Sosiaalinen media yrityksen asiakkuudenhallinnassa
Published 2017“…The collected material is presented in the main chapter of the study, textually and within a table. The results in the table are presented from two perspectives: the Social Media Honeycomb framework, and Zablah, Bellenger and Johnston's five-pointed CRM theory. …”
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Konnektiivinen toiminta ja digitaalinen (sl)aktivismi : tapaus r/wallstreetbets
Published 2022“…Qualitative content analysis was used as a methodical framework for this study, albeit impressions were also taken from narrative and semiotic analysis. …”
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An economic perspective on crime, its costs, crime fighting and rehabilitation efforts
Published 2010“…One of its main predictions being that a high likelihood of detection and conviction is a major deterrent. …”
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Expatriate knowledge sharing, replacement and repatriation processes in linkage with the performance management : case Metso
Published 2011“…Afterwards, from the basis of an extensive theory overview a summary model (FISTE) of the theoretical framework was presented. …”
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Laadullinen tutkimus tilinpäätösanalyysin käytöstä taloudellisessa yrityskauppatarkastuksessa
Published 2023“…The key conclusion on the theoretical framework is that financial statement analysis is or at least it should be a focal method in FDD. …”
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Tietoturvatietoisuusohjelman vaatimukset Kelan tietoturvayksikössä
Published 2024“…Data sources include Kela’s public documentation, experts from Kela, relevant legislation, and international standards and frameworks. The thesis resulted in a set of requirements to be used as the foundation for designing Kela’s awareness program. …”
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Lumeen lihallistuminen : virtuaalitodellisuuden kokeminen, kehollisuus ja virtuaalikeho
Published 2024“…At the end of the thesis, I present a critique of Vindenes and Wasson's framework and user–environment relations. …”
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Mobiilipankkiasioinnin omaksumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät Suomessa
Published 2014“…In addition, based on earlier studies attribute called credibility was also added to the framework. The empirical part of the thesis was based on a semi-structured survey allocated for all ages in Finland, undertaken during May 2014. …”
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Environmental governance towards microplastic pollution : the case of personal care and cosmetics products in Bangladesh
Published 2019“…Recent years have seen increased attention of academics, practitioners and policymakers regarding microplastic pollution, which is posing a severe threat to ecosystems and human health. …”
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Vokseleihin perustuvat pinnanmuodostusalgoritmit ja maaston proseduraalinen generointi
Published 2021“…The study was conducted by applying a framework for design science methodology and a constructive research method. …”
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Consumer perceptions of grocery stores
Published 1998“…At close of the second part a summary framework is presented which displays the interplay between grocery stores and consumers. …”
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The effect of negative interest rate policy's implementation on banks' profitability
Published 2024“…This thesis explores the effects of NIRP and short-term interest rates during the era of negative policy rates on profitability of banks. Leveraging a panel dataset spanning 1467 banks across the eurozone, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland from 2010 to 2022, and employing a static modelling framework, the analysis reveals nuanced effects. …”
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Analysis of System Quality Features In Workplace E-Learning Platforms That Affect Performance Expectancy And Effort Expectancy
Published 2024“…These factors were tested to discover whether they had a relationship with performance expectancy and effort expectancy. …”
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Assessing unemployment and livelihoods : perspectives of urban youth
Published 2019“…For this research, I assess how DFID’s concept of sustainable livelihoods could be used as a framework to identify and use such resources in unemployment contexts. …”
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Exploring Finnish university students' perceived level of critical thinking
Published 2015“…The second aim is to understand how students view critical thinking and to identify activities that contributed to their critical thinking development. A mixed-methods questionnaire was used to collect data, which was developed on the basis of Facione’s (2013) framework of critical thinking, consisting of six skills and seven dispositions. …”
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Capability Maturity Model for data-driven marketing
Published 2020“…The data and methodology used in this research include ten marketing professionals’ interviews, as well as a thorough literature review to describe the theoretical framework and to position for this thesis. …”
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Social media in public diplomacy : survey on the social media communication of the Finnish missions abroad
Published 2012“…The missions have implemented social media as a part of their communication mainly since 2010. …”
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The Future of Banking : Strategic Alliances between Banks and FinTechs
Published 2022“…A total of 70 respondents from Finland participated in the survey. …”
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Live as you wish and ruin your life : Haybron on unhappiness and well-being
Published 2014“…This goal is attained by introducing the concepts of narrative self and practice developed by Alasdair MacIntyre in his work After Virtue, and a cognitivist concept of emotion. In this interpretation, good life and emotional flourishing are in relation to the fulfilment of a person’s roles in the framework of social practices. …”
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