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Palvelunestohyökkäykset ja kuinka Kali Linux pystyy niihin vastaamaan?
Published 2022“…The purpose of the previous mentioned two is to reduce the risk of the threats. This is a case-study with constructive research approach, where the idea is to formulate a construction of the latest threats and how in practice diminish those threats with the help of Kali Linux. …”
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“The law that mandates us is stronger than the consumer's rights” : what are the decisions related to authentication method selection?
Published 2023“…There exist various frameworks for the selection of end-user authentication methods, but none of those takes a stand concerning the organizational point of view regarding secure software development. …”
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Situation awareness and Cyber Kill Chain when Russian cyber operators hacked Democratic National Committee
Published 2020“…The incidents are analyzed using cyber security framework, combined with situation awareness theory. …”
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Hate speech in social media
Published 2020“…The focus of this study is to explore the approaches used in data collection and data analysis along with theoretical frameworks used in the existing studies. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review, and a total of 30 articles met the inclusion criteria and are used for the final analysis. …”
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The relationship between entrepreneurial behaviour and effectuation : the case of Japanese restaurants in Finland
Published 2019“…Entrepreneurship is a wide range of research field which includes a variety of theories and concepts in several different domains. …”
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Real-time sentiment analysis of Twitter public stream
Published 2015“…Moreover, Twitter stream data arrives instance-by-instance and therefore we have utilized online learning with incremental and per-instance learning flexibility. SAMOA is a framework that provides support for a set of scalable online learning algorithms such as Vertical Hoeffding Tree. …”
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Case Study on Customer Engagement in Co-Creation Process
Published 2018“…FINDINGS - The findings suggest that the key in managing customer engagement in cocreation process is setting frames for innovation, proper expectation management, goal alignment and open communication of these throughout the relationship. Furthermore, a company can increase the customer value by having all the internal processes, frameworks and guidelines in place and to communicate these throughout the organization to support the external interaction and relationship building with customers. …”
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EU - do you hear me? : the role of civil society organisations in the democratisation of the European Union
Published 2009“…The question is studied within the framework of discursive democracy, which draws its inspiration from the theory of communicative action by Jürgen Habermas. …”
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"To your petit-bourgeois feminism, I prefer the real one" : discursive constructions of identities and ideologies in feminism-centred plenary debates in the European Parliament
Published 2021“…The analysis was conducted using concepts of Critical Discursive Psychology, which observes identity categories as produced communicatively and informed by the speaker‘s available beliefs, as a methodological tool, and intersectional feminism as a framework. …”
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The significance of environmental responsibility on airline customers' intention to purchase
Published 2015“…The theoretical framework was built on a modified Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which assessed the airline passengers intended purchase behavior by their attitudes towards pro-environmental behavior (PEB), past purchase behavior related to PEB, perceived behavioral control and self-identity with regard to PEB. …”
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Emme olleet ymmärtäneet, mitä toiveen kääntöpuolena olisi : genrejen ilmeneminen, muokkautuminen ja uudelleenluominen Puella Magi Madoka Magicassa
Published 2019“…The thesis shows how Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a work that expresses, modifies and re-constructs its genres and is a part of a larger cultural and historical continuity of anime and manga. …”
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Scrum-viitekehyksen vaatiman hallinnollisen työn vaikutus tiimin toimintaan
Published 2022“…This study has examined the effects created by the Scrum framework within an organization from the perspective of its administrative work as well as leadership. …”
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Antropomorfismi luottamuksen rakentajana ihmisten ja robottien välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa
Published 2022“…Based on the research literature, a framework was chosen that focuses covering services in this study on hospitality and tourism. …”
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Towards more professional management of non-profit sport clubs : case study on challenges and solutions in figure skating
Published 2009“…The data was examined by means of close reading (the Club’s archives and Board meeting minutes) and qualitative framework analysis (the interviews). On the basis of previous studies (qualitative managerialism, management audit, governance guidelines, quality management), a framework was outlined to provide structure for the analysis. …”
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Viruses, vaccines, and power : Russia's strategic use of information in the COVID-19 crisis
Published 2024“…Twenty-one Russia Today articles were analysed to identify key discourses, discursive frameworks, and underlying ideology. The research showed that RT had used two main discourses, which can be seen as a part of Russian sharp power tools: Russian Superiority and Critique of the West. …”
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Sustainable fisheries certification process in the developing countries : potential of tourism industry in the Philippines
Published 2017“…Second part of the study conducted a market analysis on selected local resorts, looking at their current seafood sustainability and focusing especially on whether there is any demand for sustainable seafood supplier. …”
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Commodification of higher education? : an analysis of Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP) phase 1 (2006 to 2011) document of Namibia's 2005 to 2020 educatio...
Published 2017“…As a result, the country has invested in different educational programmes and initiatives aimed at transforming the education system in the country especially through government policies such as the ETSIP document. …”
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Framing hope : analyzing NGO communication on Instagram about Middle Eastern refugees
Published 2023“…The qualitative study method was chosen to develop a deep understanding of the topic of the study. …”
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Audit quality : the effect of prior experience
Published 2016“…The variables used are based on a large sample of Swedish companies over a ten year period. …”
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Organisational love : external stakeholder perspective on organisation showing affection in B2B relationship
Published 2022“…The case organisation is Valo Solutions, a Finnish software company that sells B2B software solutions through a global partner network. …”
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