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Energianmittauksen tietojärjestelmän konfiguraation hallittavuus
Published 2018“…The aim of the study is to create a preliminary framework for the compa-ny's software configuration management method and to create a framework for combining the existing, fragmented configuration management methods of a company. …”
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Monetary Policy, Time Variation of Equity Returns, and Regime Switching
Published 2022“…The earlier studies have mainly focused on the unconditional linear econometric frameworks. However, the presence of regimes in the macroeconomy infers a regime switching structure in equity returns’ means, volatilities, autocorrelations, and cross-covariances. …”
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Influence of users' cultural values on their perception of gamification elements
Published 2019“…For academics, it helps broaden the conversation on gamification especially with respect to motivating users of information systems. It provides a theoretical framework to bolster the idea that gamification is more psychological than technical. …”
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Tietoturva-auditointiprosessin kehittäminen viranomaisnäkökulmasta
Published 2022“…The framework provides new knowledge to the field of information systems sciences, achieves the goals that were set during the study and delivers a good baseline for future research. …”
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Mapping the individual professional development journeys of teachers in an Indian school setup
Published 2019“…This study goes on to map the individual journeys of these participants while they adapt and implement practices based on the 4C framework. Alongside, it also explores the impact of implementing new practices on a teacher’s mental and emotional well-being. …”
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Migration and integration : an integrative review of relevant theories
Published 2024“…I also discuss theories that explain integration, focusing on social and human capital theories, and explain how they can be frameworks to understand migration theories and help provide a comprehensive analysis of the integration process. …”
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Practical implications of ethics in AI development
Published 2020“…The developers appeared to delegate responsibility of AI impacts on themselves, their supervisors and their employing institution. A framework of keywords accountability, transparency and responsibility were utilized to discover different aspects of the development. …”
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Syväjohtaminen ja musiikkikasvatus : palaute ja arviointi osana oppimisprosessia
Published 2024“…The transformational leadership framework proved effective as a tool for self-assessment and peer assessment, enhancing students' ability to reflect on their learning and teaching methods. …”
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Onnistuminen muotoilussa : muotoilijan työn tavoitteiden mittaus ja arviointi
Published 2016“…The hypothesis behind the measurement framework consists of seven dimensions: three principles about environmental sustainability and one about socio-ethical sustainability, end user needs, a designer’s own needs and external requirements. …”
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Persuasion tactics used in corporate and activists’ communication
Published 2023“…To approach this phenomenon, a theoretical framework of persuasive tactics in misinforming messages was created. …”
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Minimipanoksella maksimihyöty : julkisorganisaatioiden jatkuvaa digitaalista innovaatiota kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön avulla
Published 2020“…Based on the field research, the guiding principle of the created framework was resource efficiency. Therefore, the goal was to create a framework which would offer maximum results of enterprise architecture work, with minimum resources spent, from the perspective of continuous digital innovation. …”
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Yläkoulun liikunnanopettajien kokemuksia tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen käytöstä ja opettaja-oppilassuhteesta liikuntatunneilla
Published 2024“…Additionally, the study investigated how physical education teachers perceive the importance of social and emotional skills for a positive teacher-student relationship. The research is based on the CASEL framework for social and emotional learning, which provides a framework for social and emotional skills. …”
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Implementing artificial intelligence ethics in trustworthy systems development : extending ECCOLA to cover information governance principles
Published 2021“…This was accomplished by following the Design Science Research methodology approach using a conceptual framework based on ethical guidelines of the European Commission and content analysis. …”
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TikTok affordances and everyday nationalism : An exploration of #expat
Published 2023“…In collecting 100 of the most popular videos under #expat, I explore common narrative frameworks in order to create a typology and illustrate the ways in which the nation is indexed within these frameworks. …”
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MobileMonday culture : the lure of participatory space
Published 2010“…It provides an historical perspective on the technology and concepts used in social media, and applies a theoretical framework based on the premise of participatory culture as a manifestation of the postmodern condition, influenced by tacit aesthetics, and dominated by media culture. …”
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Managing the repatriation of professionals following overseas assignment
Published 2017“…It is contended that this framework might have made the transition back home a smoother process for the sample group and therefore it is recommended as a practical way forward in managing repatriation of professional individuals. …”
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Teknisen velan hallinnoinnin viitekehykset: tiimin näkökulma
Published 2018“…Simultaneously with the awakened interest of the practitioners, there emerges a need for various models, frameworks and solution models – tools – that would enable proper management of technical debt in practice. …”
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Kyberturvallisuus osana siviili-ilmailun turvallisuutta
Published 2022“…The research's literature review consists of the cyber security management model and the reference frameworks for securing civil aviation. The framework of the cyber security management model discusses cyber security as a concept, cyber security management, management, risk management and resilience. …”
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Cultural sustainability in indigenous people's festivals : cultural impact of Riddu Riddu Festival, Norway
Published 2019“…The broader implication of this framework, outside policy areas, is to design events and activities with a specific cultural outcome in mind. …”
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Kaikkikanavastrategia ja saumattoman monikanavaisen asiakaskokemuksen edellytykset
Published 2020“…After that the empirical part was executed by conducting qualitative interviews with one consultant and four professionals working in retail companies.Based on the literature review, a framework of the requirements was created, and it was utilized for creating the interview framework and for analysing the interviews. …”
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