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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 339
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- Physical Education Teacher Education 201
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- Gerontologia ja kansanterveys 95
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- Gerontology and Public Health 94
- 602 93
- ikääntyneet 93
Weighted BMO, Riemann-Liouville type operators, and approximation of stochastic integrals in models with jumps
Published 2020Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Perceived differences between natural and convolution reverberation types in 5.0 surround sound
Published 2011Get full text
Master's thesis -
Performance-related fear experiences, coping and perceived functional impact on highly skilled athletes
Published 2013“…Performance-related fear experiences, coping and perceived functional impact on highly skilled athletes. …”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Victims' experiences concerning the actions of the authorities and the coping skills used for surviving partner stalking
Published 2017Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The Future-oriented Hopes and Goals of Dual Career Athletes at Different Stages of High School
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Perceived differences between natural and convolution reverberation types in 5.0 surround sound
Published 2011“…The sine sweep reverberation type was perceived to be more similar to the natural reverberation of the space rather than the balloon burst method. …”
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Effects of muscle action type on corticospinal excitability and triceps surae muscle-tendon mechanics
Published 2014“…Moreover, the study aimed to clarify the effect of muscle action type on muscle-tendon mechanical behavior in order to shed light into the possible role of sensory information in modulating corticospinal excitability during different muscle actions. …”
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Biomechanical comparison between sprint start, sled-pulling and selected squat type exercises
Published 2012“…The purpose of the present study was to compare kinetics, kinematics and muscle activity between sprint start, sled-pulling and selected squat type exercises and also to examine how different exercises and variables correlate with the performance time of the block start (10 m). …”
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The type and the frequency of output-based activities in Finnish upper secondary school EFL textbooks : an overview of modern textbooks
Published 2014“…It aims to create an overview of the type and the frequency of output-based activities in two different textbook series. …”
Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Pedagogisen suhteen luonne ja erityispiirteet : teoreettinen tarkastelu psykoanalyyttisessa viitekehyksessä
Published 2008Master's thesis -
Implementation of cultural rights within international legislative instruments
Published 2015Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"Kaikki katsoisivat ympärilleen" : 5. luokkalaisten lasten kokemukset ja käsitykset yksinäisyydestä
Published 2014Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Valmistuvien työläistaustaisten luokanopettajien kokemuksia sopeutumisesta yliopistoon
Published 2019Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Toistuvien kipujen yhteys lasten tunteiden säätelyyn
Published 1999Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis