Showing 3,621 - 3,640 results of 3,725 for search 'Tuope~', query time: 1.03s Refine Results
  1. 3621

    Missä Huhtasuon asukkaat liikkuvat? : liikkumisympäristöt ja niiden kehittäminen by Lehtokorpi, Stella

    Published 2023
    “…In terms of age distribution, the respondents emphasized of those aged 31 to 40. The most common level of education among the respondents was upper secondary education (44 %). …”
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    Master's thesis
  2. 3622

    Liikkumisen apuvälineen käyttö lonkkamurtuman jälkeen by Paukkonen, Jonna

    Published 2014
    “…For this analysis only those who haven’t use walking aid before the hip fracture was chosen (n=50). …”
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    Master's thesis
  3. 3623

    Ylä- ja alavartalon harjoitusvasteiden erot hypertrofiassa sekä maksimi- ja kestovoimassa voimaharjoittelemattomilla aikuisilla by Haapasalo, Leo

    Published 2023
    “…This finding may be partially explained by the observation that the number of performed knee extension repetitions were statistically significantly higher in number than those involving elbow flexion in the study. The results indicate that previously untrained individuals can achieve statistically significant responses in hypertrophy, maximum strength, and endurance in both the upper and lower body with a 10-week hypertrophic maximal strength training program. …”
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    Master's thesis
  4. 3624

    Miksi liikkua koulumatkoilla? : toisen asteen opiskelijoiden liikkuminen koulumatkoilla Lieksassa by Nevalainen, Anssi

    Published 2015
    “…In this study, approximately 40 % of the students walked or biked to school. However, also those using motorized modes of transport often included active commuting. …”
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    Master's thesis
  5. 3625

    "Liikun enemmän kesällä, koska on paljon aikaa." : tutkimus yhden yläkoulun oppilaiden liikuntatottumuksista by Mäkikokkila, Päivi

    Published 2016
    “…Tähän vastanneet nuoret liikkuvat omien sanojensa mukaan erittäin paljon ja monella tulee vähintäänkin tunti liikuntaa päivässä täyteen. …”
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    Master's thesis
  6. 3626

    Seerumin D-vitamiinipitoisuuden yhteys tasapainon varmuuteen, tasapainoon, liikkumiskykyyn ja kaatumisiin lonkkamurtumasta toipuvilla henkilöillä by Korhonen, Kati

    Published 2015
    “…The data of this thesis was formed of those 68 community-dwelling over 60-year-old men and women recovering from hip fracture, whose Vitamin D-concentration was assessed. …”
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    Master's thesis
  7. 3627

    Kehitysvammaisuuden yhteys lapsen motorisiin perustaitoihin by Marttila, Jesse, Suominen, Gitta

    Published 2017
    “…Children with ID (total score 49 out of 100) differed statistically significantly in three of four age categories from typically developing children (total score 78 out of 100) who achieved 59 % better total score than those with ID. The difference was very similar in both Locomotor and Ball skill subtests. …”
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    Master's thesis
  8. 3628

    "Onko lasten kömpelyys ylisuojelevien vanhempien vika?" by Niemi, Paula, Vihersaari, Juuli

    Published 2015
    “…Keskustelupalstat ovat nykyaikainen tapa tuoda omia ajatuksia avoimesti esille ja samalla saada niihin tukea muilta kirjoittajilta. …”
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    Master's thesis
  9. 3629

    Mapping the possibilities of contingency theory in organization research : qualitative and quantitative analysis of two small lobbying organizations by Koskenniemi, Janne

    Published 2017
    “…Ensinnäkin kumpikin organisaatioista on pieni. Tarkoitukseni on tuoda lisää tietoa tutkimukseni kaltaisille pienille lobbausorganisaatioille siitä miten ne voivat rakennemuutoksella vastata muuttuvan toimintaympäristön vaatimuksiin. …”
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    Master's thesis
  10. 3630

    Pre-attentive brain responses to mood-congruent facial expressions are sensitive to changes in depressive symptoms by Alhainen, Veera

    Published 2016
    “…First, we compared P1 and N170 responses to facial expressions in depressed to those in non-depressed control participants. We also used the same conditions in investigating changes in the pre-attentive facial expression processing in depressed between different time points. …”
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    Master's thesis
  11. 3631

    Suomalaisten e-urheiluorganisaatioiden haasteet ja kehityskohteet by Harjuoja, Eemeli

    Published 2024
    “…The challenges and areas for development faced by e-sports organizations are not entirely separate from those encountered by traditional sports organizations, and the findings can also be applied to the planning and development of activities in traditional sports clubs. …”
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    Master's thesis
  12. 3632

    Alaraajojen voiman ja kehonkoostumuksen yhteys sääri- ja reisiluun geometriaan perimenopausaalisilla naisilla by Rantanen, Noora

    Published 2020
    “…Also, lower limb strength, especially knee extension force, had modest or weak associations with most bone geometry variables, those being stronger in tibia than in femur. This thesis shows that body composition has strong associations with bone geometry, lean mass appears as main predictor of cortical bone strength in middiaphyseal sites of weight-bearing long bones. …”
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    Master's thesis
  13. 3633

    Keihäänheittäjän kovatehoisen heittoharjoituksen akuutit vaikutukset kyynärnivelen toimintakykyyn ja kyynärniveleen by Viitikko, Eero

    Published 2024
    “…With each throw, the UCL’s ability to withstand valgus stress during the throwing motion is exceeded, necessitating strong support from muscles dynamically stabilizing the joint, including those pronating the forearm and flexing the wrist and fingers. …”
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    Master's thesis
  14. 3634

    “Everyone advertises their service as perfect, but from the online review you can see the reality” Finnish customers ́ experiences about online reviews ́ reliability and usefulness... by Putkonen, Sini

    Published 2025
    “…On the other hand, a lot of people didn't think the picture were necessary unless those were already telling something specific about the object of the review. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 3635

    Nukkumisergonomia kroonisilla selkäkipupotilailla by Kokko, Kaisa

    Published 2016
    “…Numbness was the only sleep-disturbing symptom that insufficiently sleeping patients experienced more than those sleeping sufficiently. About half of the patients (51%) experienced that body position affected the symptoms of back pain and 57% of the patients informed that they were forced to change sleeping position because of back pain symptoms. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 3636

    Psyykenlääkkeiden käytön yhteys koettuun suun terveyteen yli 64-vuotiailla henkilöillä by Raja-Aho, Maarit

    Published 2013
    “…The sample in this study includes those people over 65 years who answered the questions and took part in the interviews, in total 1833 people (648 men and 1185 women). …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 3637

    Teknologia-avusteisen liikunnanopetuksen yhteys viidesluokkalaisten oppilaiden sosiaaliseen kompetenssiin, auttamiskäyttäytymiseen ja ryhmän yhteenkuuluvuuteen by Arkoma, Jussi, Riekkinen, Ella

    Published 2015
    “…The aim was also to examine the correlations between those variables. The target groups of the study were a class of 5th graders from the University of Joensuu Teacher Training School (n=24) and three groups of 5th graders from the University of Jyväskylä Teacher Training School (n=69). 93 pupils participated in the study, 43 girls and 50 boys. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 3638

    Urheiluseuratoiminnan merkitys lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytymisessä by Huoman, Sami

    Published 2014
    “…Liikunnan tehokkuutta ja sen vaikutusta terveyteen tulisi tuoda selkeämmin esille. Seuratoiminnan rooli lasten liikuttajana on hyvin merkittävä ja sen rooli tulevaisuudessa saattaa kasvaa entisestään. …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 3639

    Oikealla vai vasemmalla? : 5-7-vuotiaiden lasten lateraalisuus ja sen yhteys karkeamotoristen taitojen tasoon by Kemppinen, Ella-Maija, Löfberg, Emmi

    Published 2016
    “…The scores in hop, two-hand strike (position of hands), one-hand strike, and kick were higher in those children who showed laterality in their performances. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 3640

    Lasten motoristen taitojen yhteys opettajan antamaan liikunnalliseen tukeen by Hyvönen, Arttu

    Published 2024
    “…Students with the weakest motor skills perceived physical support lower compared to those with average motor skills (p=0,002; 0,016). …”
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    Master's thesis
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