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Fysiikan ja musiikin oppiaineintegrointi lukiotasolla
Published 2014“…Integrating different concepts of physics and music to each other gives a very good way to make physics contents meaningful and hopefully reducing tendency to generate alternate frameworks for physics phenomena. …”
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Utilising marketing automation to support sales in digital business-to-business environment
Published 2018“…Tutkimuksen mukaan markkinoinnin automaatio tulee nähdä enemmänkin konseptina, jossa on strategisia ja operatiivisia puolia. …”
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DevOps ja sen vaikutukset järjestelmäevoluution hallintaan
Published 2017“…Toisien sanoen järjestelmiä tulee jatkuvasti muuntaa, jotta niiden kyky toimia ympäristössään säilyy. …”
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Don’t feed the troll : response strategies for false reviews among small Finnish service sector companies
Published 2022“…In a case of more serious situation, most would contact the platform for example, but the hopes of it amounting to something were low. Also, the general attitude towards buying reviews was negative and more so towards the negative false reviews. …”
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Kuulon ja sen ulottuvuuksien yhteys elinpiiriin ikääntyvillä naisilla ja miehillä
Published 2023“…Kuuloaisti on tärkeä tekijä monissa arkisissa toiminnoissa, kuten kommunikoinnissa ja ympäristön hahmottamisessa. Kuuloaisti tukee myös liikkumista muiden aistien ohella. Kuulonalenema koskettaa jopa yli puolta yli 70-vuotiasta. …”
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The regulation of mitochondrial network in rhabdomyosarcoma by prospero-related homeobox 1
Published 2024“…PROX1 silencing was noticed to affect the mitochondrial network of all cell types, but RD and KLHEL1 RMS cells were more affected than the healthy primary myoblasts. …”
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Effects of exercise intensity on recovery of autonomic nervous system immediately after exercise and during sleep, and on subjective and objective sleep quality
Published 2010“…After acute exercise cessation, fast changes occur in the cardiac function within few minutes: parasympathetic tone increases, whereas sympathetic activity decreases. …”
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"Että välissä tehhään muutaki ko vain perus oppitunnit" : VOIMAA! Pellon perusopetuksen Liikkuva koulu toiminta
Published 2016“…Students liked moving and hoped that there was even more possibilities to move during classes, breaks and special action days. …”
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Kodin merkitys muistisairautta sairastavalle miehelle : puolison näkökulma
Published 2013“…The Aim of this study is to reveal the meaning of home to a man suffering from dementia of Alzheimer’s type. The material (N=9) is composed of writings from the men’s spouses. …”
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Kunnan viranhaltijoiden ja valtuutettujen näkemyksiä hyvinvointikertomuksesta
Published 2014“…Additionally, an attitudinal change was hoped in order to develop the course of action instead of repeating old routines. …”
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Nais- ja mieskuvat parisuhdeväkivallan hoitoon tarkoitetussa ryhmämuotoisessa pariterapiassa
Published 2023“…Representations of women constructed by men had a more negative tone, while representations of men constructed by women were more neutral. …”
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Korkeasti koulutettujen työntekijöiden kokemukset etätyöstä sekä niiden yhteys työhyvinvointiin
Published 2024“…The profiles were formed based on the amount of remote work they had done before and during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the amount of remote work they hoped to do after the pandemic. In addition, we examined how the remote work profiles were associated with occupational well-being (burnout and its three core dimensions, work engagement). …”
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Multivariate statistical analysis of thematic changes in customer feedback
Published 2023“…In addition to themes, there were also background variables, and sentiment, which indicated the tone of the feedback. The primary goal was to group themes that behaved similarly over the study period. …”
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Suomalainen urheilusponsorointikeskustelu Twitterissä
Published 2019“…Main results of this study comprise five different types of discourses about sport sponsoring. These discourses represent different types of images, which can be attached to the Finnish sport sponsoring conversations. …”
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Lesson Study -opetusmalli opettajaopiskelijan ammatillisen kasvun kehittämisessä : toimintatutkimus yläkoulun liikuntatunnilla
Published 2021“…In addition, the LS teaching model can promote teachers' ability to cope with their work and promote continuous professional development. …”
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Yhdessä suksille : lasten hiihtokoulu- ja vapaa-aikakokemusten merkitys urheilussa ja maastohiihdossa
Published 2020“…These subcategories were formed to three upper categories: enjoyment on the ski school (44 mentions), social matters on the ski school (24 mentions) and leisure activity (13 mentions). By sorting the tone in the answers, it became clear that cross-country ski school mostly created positive experiences (30/44), but as well some unpleasant experiences such as feelings of losing or weakness. …”
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Nuorisokodissa asuvien lasten ja nuorten liikkumisen esteet työntekijöiden kuvaamina
Published 2023“…The interviews were recorded with a tape recorder and the material was transcribed verbatim. …”
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Narsististen piirteiden yhteys työriippuvuuteen : muuntaako johtaja-asema tätä yhteyttä?
Published 2024“…New targeted occupational health services for preventing work addiction and improving coping at work can be developed based on these findings. …”
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Deindustrialisaatio ja muutoksen hallinta Kouvolassa
Published 2015“…Creating new replacing jobs and adjusting public finance are some of the attempted measures to cope with the changed situation. On this issue, the roles of the Finnish State and the City of Kouvola are blurred, and the timescale of modifying measures is seen as too long. …”
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Ympäristövastuullisuuden edistäminen seurakunnissa : johdon rooli työntekijöiden sitouttamisessa
Published 2016“…The cooperation of parishes was hoped in order to meet the challenges. Motivating, providing cognitive competences, sharing responsibility and giving feedback were stated as the most important managerial strategies promoting employee engagement. …”
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