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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 339
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- Social Work 101
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- Gerontologia ja kansanterveys 95
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- Gerontology and Public Health 94
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- ikääntyneet 93
Liikunnan yhteisopetus yläkoulussa - oppilaan toive vai kauhistus : tapaustutkimus yhden yhteisopetukseen siirtyneen luokan oppilaiden kokemuksista
Published 2017“…Students wrote me essays about their thoughts and opinions and I got those essays nameless. There were 10 girls and 10 boys, all together 20 students in that class. …”
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Dielectrophoretic trapping and Raman spectroscopy of fluorescent oligonucleotides
Published 2016“…Obtaining a clear Raman signal proved to be challenging though and in the end the only peaks visible in the Raman spectra were those originating from the silicon substrate. There were problems with the confocal fluorescence microscope too. …”
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Nuorten liikunnanopettajien työelämäkokemuksia ryhmän toiminnasta ja siihen vaikuttamisesta
Published 2014“…Kolmanneksi tutkimukseni tuo esille opettajien näkemyksen siitä, millaiset ryhmän toimintaan vaikuttamisen valmiudet opet-tajat kokevat omaavansa ja mistä he ovat valmiutensa saaneet. …”
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Kestävyyskunnon ja kehonkoostumuksen vaikutus työmuistiin ja motoriseen nopeuteen
Published 2014“…Persons whose walking test result was below or within the reference values of their own age group formed one group and those whose walking test result was above the reference value formed the other. …”
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"Mä en oikein tiedä mitä multa odotetaan" : nuoren urheiluharrastus vanhempien tulkitsemana
Published 2015“…Lisähaasteensa arkeen ja vanhemmuuteen tuo lapsen mahdollinen urheiluharrastus, mikä vaatii ennen kaikkea vanhempien omistautumista ja aikaa. …”
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Factors influencing the success of women sports coaches: analysis of education, athletic experience, enabling factors and salary implicationsCATIONS
Published 2024“…The main findings of this study show that education is an important common factor among those who became coaches of high-level athletes. …”
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Riitelyn ja eri mieltä olemisen hetket pariterapiaistunnoissa sekä niiden aikana ilmenevät muutokset sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiossa
Published 2020“…The aim was also to investigate what elements of conversational interaction occur in temporal connection with those SCR-changes. The second purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is sympathetic nervous systems’ synchrony between the couples and between therapists and clients. …”
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Vesivoimistelun vaikutus reumaa sairastavan fyysiseen toimintakykyyn ja kipuun
Published 2013“…Vertailuryhmä jatkoi elämäänsä ilman, että liikunnallisia tottumuksia muutettiin tuona aikana. Tutkimus oli kontrolloitu seurantatutkimus ja ryhmät muodostettiin vapaaehtoisuuden perusteella. …”
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Voimaharjoittelun vaikutukset lonkkamurtuman kokeneilla ikääntyneillä : tarkastelussa lihasmassa ja tuoliltanousutesti
Published 2019“…Resistance training is a common type of training after a hip fracture. Resistance training has been shown to increase muscle mass, muscle strength and muscle power. …”
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11–15-vuotiaiden urheiluseuraharrastamisen lopettamiseen johtaneita syitä Suomessa
Published 2019“…The Physical Activity Behaviours of Children and Adolescents in Finland (LIITU) study consisted of 609 randomly sampled elementary schools taken from the school register. Of those, 285 Finnish and 65 Swedish speaking schools participated in the study. …”
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Harmaahylkeen (Halichoerus grypus) ravinto eri osissa pohjoista Itämerta
Published 2013“…The estimated proportion of salmon in the grey seal diet should be viewed with caution, however, as the sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) in the Bothnian Bay has (δ13C and δ15N) values similar to those of salmon. Sprat, smelt and three-spined stickleback varied from 9-35% in grey seal diet depending on the sea area. …”
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”Se kuuntelee ja sit jatketaan, sekin on tosi tärkeetä mulle” : fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen tutkimus naisurheilijoiden subjektiivisesta kokemuksellisuudesta seksuaaliseen häirintä...
Published 2021“…Spreading of harassment to surroundings of virtual interaction is a serious societal problem, which challenges the equality principle of top sport culture as well as the security of those involved. …”
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Pyhäjärven siian (Coregonus lavaretus) kasvu ja ikäjakauma rysäpyynnissä kalastuksen säätelyn perustana
Published 2015“…However the weakness of the method is that it might not reveal those hybrids which are morphologically similar to whitefish. …”
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Effects of weight reduction on body composition, hormone concentrations and physical performance in female track and field jumpers during a preparatory and competition season
Published 2019“…The aim of this study was to follow the effects of a preparatory season (exercise, diet) on body composition, hormonal concentrations and physical performance in female track and field jumpers and follow those variables throughout summer’s competition season. …”
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Tupakoinnin yhteys epigeneettiseen ikääntymiseen varhaisaikuisuudessa
Published 2020“…The epigenetic aging of smokers was 3.3 years faster compared to non-smokers (p <0.001) and aging of non-smokers was 0.8 years slower compared to those who had quitted smoking (p = 0.004). Prolonged smoking in adolescence (~ 4.8 years) accelerated epigenetic aging by 3.7 years compared to nonsmokers (p <0.001), but shorter-term smokers (<4.8 years) also aged faster than non-smokers (2.1 years, p <0.001). …”
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Keski-iän työn henkisen kuormittavuuden yhteys myöhemmän iän kognitiiviseen toimintakykyyn
Published 2021“…High job strain in men was associated with lower MMSE scores compared with those who had low job strain (β -0.623, 95% CI -1.06, -0.19, p=0.005). …”
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Loppuuko urheiluseuraharrastus loukkaantumiseen? : urheiluseuraharrastuksen lopettamisen syyt nuorilla
Published 2021“…In comparison to hobby orientation groups, “I had other things to do” and “getting tired of sports” were among the top three reasons for dropping out of sports for all three groups. …”
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Vaihtoehtoliikuntaa ohjatussa toiminnassa: Suomalaisten freestylelaskijoiden suhde valmennukseen, kilpailuun ja seuratoimintaan
Published 2018“…Skill learning-based instruction can be justified among the youngest skiers, whereas among those skiers 15 years of age and older, coaching practices based on individual objectives should be emphasized. …”
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Vanhempien luoman kasvuympäristön yhteys toisen asteen opiskelijoiden fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja liikuntaan
Published 2024“…Gender differences in physical activity were particularly pronounced in those who exercised most often. Upper secondary aged men were physically more active than women or nonbinary students. …”
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Nuorten jääkiekkoilijoiden nuuskan ja nikotiinipussien kokeilu ja käyttö
Published 2024“…Young ice hockey players whose family members, friends, or either coaches or equipment managers used snus or nicotine pouches, and whose teams did not prohibit their use, were more likely to experiment with these products compared to those whose close circle did not use them and whose teams prohibited their use (p<0.05). …”
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