Showing 3,501 - 3,520 results of 3,725 for search 'Tuope~', query time: 0.89s Refine Results
  1. 3501

    Ammatillisen identiteetin yhteys työhyvinvointiin ja eläköitymiseen by Strömberg, Sanna

    Published 2021
    “…In addition, participants committed to occupational identity experienced more commitment to work and higher job satisfaction compared to those who were not committed to occupational identity. …”
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    Master's thesis
  2. 3502

    Kansainvälisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden kyselyn ja FitBit Zip-aktiivisuusmittarin yhteneväisyys sepelvaltimotautikuntotujien fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittaamisessa by Ravanne, Anu

    Published 2019
    “…The purpose of study was to compare the results of subjective (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ, short form) and objective (Fit-bit-Zip) measurement of physical activity (PA) of those in coronary artery disease rehabilitation, and to study the agreement of the results in different levels of physical activity: moderate, vigorous and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). …”
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    Master's thesis
  3. 3503

    Koiranomistajan temperamentin ja koiran roturyhmän vaikutukset koiran sosiaaliseen käyttäytymiseen by Silfverberg, Tiia

    Published 2022
    “…Dogs of the owners ranked high in negative affectivity had weaker human gesture reading ability and those dogs also sought contact with a unfamiliar person more frequently. …”
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    Master's thesis
  4. 3504

    Vanhempien kokemuksia rokotuspäätöksenteosta by Ryynänen, Johanna

    Published 2015
    “…Parents deemed important that society maintain a high vaccination coverage for children in line with the national vaccination programme, and felt that people who refuse these types of vaccinations are acting unfairly. As a conclusion, we can say that parents do not question using the inoculations included in the national vaccination programme, but influenza and other extraneous vaccinations are not considered essential. …”
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    Master's thesis
  5. 3505

    Teaching responsibility to enable cooperative learning in PE by Koivisto, Kalle-Veikko

    Published 2015
    “…Niin vastuuntuntoisuuden mallin kuin yhteisoppimisen toteuttaminen vaatii kuitenkin opettajalta taitoa sisäistää ja tuoda sisällöt luonnolliseksi osaksi omaa liikunnanopetusta. …”
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    Master's thesis
  6. 3506

    Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, masennusoireiden ja tyypin 2 diabeteksen välinen yhteys by Helminen, Anu

    Published 2016
    “…The prevalence of depressive symptoms decreased with increasing physical activity. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes were higher in people with depressive symptoms compared to those without depressive symptom in moderate physical activity level (p=0.038). …”
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    Master's thesis
  7. 3507

    Internalizing, externalizing and attention problems among learning disability subgroups by Rousi-Laine, Maria

    Published 2018
    “…Overall, knowing and understanding the possible LD subtype differences in comorbid socio-emotional problems is important to identify the problems as early as possible, and to observe more carefully those children who might be at more risk developing or having comorbid problems. …”
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    Master's thesis
  8. 3508

    Vesivastusharjoittelu ja fyysinen toimintakyky lievässä polven nivelrikossa : harjoittelun vaikuttavuus ja pysyvyys postmenopausaalisilla naisilla. by Kirvesniemi, Elisa

    Published 2018
    “…Secondary outcomes were self-reported symptoms and function measured using the Finnish version on KOOS (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score). Only those participants who had performed all the measurements of major outcomes at baseline, after intervention and after 12-months follow up were included to statistical analyses. …”
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    Master's thesis
  9. 3509

    Monimuotoisen elintapaintervention vaikutus ikääntyvien henkilöiden elintapoihin ja elintapamuutoksen pysyvyyteen by Rissanen, Heta

    Published 2020
    “…The participants answered the large lifestyle questionnaire at baseline and follow-up visits. Of those questions, 20 were selected for Lifestyle Index, that was composed for this thesis. …”
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    Master's thesis
  10. 3510

    Yhdeksäsluokkalaisten koettu vesipätevyys by Valkonen, Miia, Salonen, Laura

    Published 2020
    “…When examining water skill tasks individually, ninth-grade students from Mikkeli had higher means in depth diving, saving a person from the water and backstroke compared to students from Hämeenlinna. Those locality differences were statistically highly significant (p<.001). …”
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    Master's thesis
  11. 3511

    Lajikohtaiset perinteet vai laajat ekologiset lähtökohdat : ex-situ projektien menestys eläinlajien ja populaatioiden suojelussa by Kaunisto, Noora

    Published 2012
    “…The survival of rehabilitated animals did not differ from the survival of those that had not suffered physical trauma. Rehabilitation may then have potential in conserving small populations. …”
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    Master's thesis
  12. 3512

    Paperitehtaan jätevesien käsittely termofiilisellä aktiiviliete- ja biofilmiprosessilla by Lehtonen, Eeva

    Published 2005
    “…Käsittely totuttua korkeammassa lämpötilassa voi tuoda taloudellisia sekä prosessin toimintaan liittyviä etuja. …”
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    Master's thesis
  13. 3513

    Fluorescence labeling of the photosensory unit of Deinococcus radiodurans bacteriophytochrome for Förster resonance energy transfer studies by Takkinen, Heini

    Published 2016
    “…Furthermore, none of the measurement techniques revealed a difference between Pr and Pfr, and there was discrepancy between D-A distances determined from steady-state results and those evaluated from earlier solution structures. …”
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    Master's thesis
  14. 3514

    Grooming internetissä ja lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö by Lampainen, Katri

    Published 2011
    “…Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on pyrkiä vastaamaan näihin kysymyksiin ja osaltaan tuoda yksityiskohtaisempaa tietoa internetin kautta toteutuvan grooming-prosessin vaiheista. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 3515

    Etenemisnopeudet ja sykkeet eritasoisilla suunnistajilla käyttäen satelliittipaikannusta by Nivukoski, Juha

    Published 2006
    “…Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella aikuisilla on kokemuksen tuoma suunnistustaidon hyötysuhde parempi kuin nuorilla. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 3516

    Lukion liikunnanopettajien kokemuksia syömishäiriöitä sairastavista opiskelijoista by Perttula, Tuomas

    Published 2023
    “…Ages of the interviewees was 25 to 62 and 47 on average and duration of those interviews was 17-39 minutes and 29 minutes on average. …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 3517

    Vantaan aikuissosiaalityön tilastoinnin kehittäminen 2011-2015 by Kaijala, Jussi

    Published 2018
    “…This study results in nothing that the employees do not feel that they have been able to influence in changes, their own jobs or the planning of either of the aforementioned. Those working in the customer interface state that the system itself should include all statistics necessary and statistics should not be an additional part to the job as separate tasks. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 3518

    Kognitiivisen toiminnanohjauksen ja liikkumiskyvyn yhteys ikääntyneillä henkilöillä by Salo, Sira

    Published 2019
    “…Compared to individuals with good EF, those with poor EF increased their SPPB score on average 1.4 points less between baseline and 6 months follow-up (p=0.009). …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 3519

    Age-related differences in aperiodic MEG activity in children and adults by Ryödi, Helmiina

    Published 2024
    “…It has been suggested that particularly the slope of the spectrum, aperiodic exponent, may indicate the level of E/I balance at the neuronal population level at the cortex. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 3520

    Lapsuuden kilpaurheilun, ohjatun ja omatoimisen liikunnan yhteys keski-iän liikunta-aktiivisuuteen naisilla by Honkonen, Essi

    Published 2018
    “…In adulthood level of leisure-time physical activity is higher among those who have been more active in their childhood. …”
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    Master's thesis
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