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Viiankiaapa : suojeltu suo taiteen lähtökohtana
Published 2017“…My approach to the subject is both experiential and theoretical, and the study can be located within the scope of qualitative research. Relying on phenomenological analysis, I looked for answers to my research questions by “discussing internally” the motives and objectives of the project as well as the starting points of my works with myself. …”
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Peruskoulun inklusiivinen liikunnanopetus : jäävätkö urheilevat nuoret huomiotta?
Published 2022“…Based on the research, physical education teachers have the opportunity to reflect on their own teaching more broadly from the perspective of all students and take into account not only those in need of support but also the needs of young athletes in inclusive physical education. …”
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Big datan käyttö työntekijöiden seurannassa ja rekrytoinnissa
Published 2019“…Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia big datan käyttöä työntekijöiden seurannassa ja rekrytoinnissa, erityisesti hyötyjä joita big datan käyttö voi tuoda henkilöstönhallinnalle. Työntekijöiden seurantaa on yrityksissä tehty vuosikausia ja monet nykyaikaiset muutokset työnteossa kuten etätyöt sekä teknologian kehittymisen tuomat uudet haasteet työssä vaativat seurannallekin uusia askeleita. …”
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Työskentelyn tehostaminen digitalisaation, viestinnän sekä digitaalisen työpaikan avulla
Published 2020“…Information needs to be disseminated within the organization to those who actually need it without burdening the individual with too much information. …”
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Biometristen todennusmenetelmien tietoturva ja käytettävyys – sormenjälki ja silmän iiris biometrisinä tunnisteina
Published 2016“…The greatest problem in the area of data security was found to be the lack of different, unique biometric samples in a human being, and the absence of possibilities in changing and replacing those samples. To overcome this problem, many methods and algorithms of cancelable biometrics have been created. …”
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Teknologian hyödyntäminen perehdytyksessä : case: Osuuskauppa Keskimaa ja Workplace by Facebook
Published 2021“…The results of the dissertation revealed that in the old model of orientation, employees develop the use of time, the path of orientation and the scope of orientation. The comparative results show that the employees consider the new model of orientation to be better and more adequate than the old model. …”
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Kirpusta koiraan ja luista ytimiin : eläinten käyttö nykytaiteessa
Published 2013“…Discourse analysis is about studing and understanding those sequences of sentences. …”
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R2P - a contested concept or a global norm? : a rhetorical analysis of the United Nations General Assembly formal debate on R2P in 2018
Published 2019“…From a rhetorical perspective, the debate can be understood as a conflict where both proponents of R2P and those states that are sceptical of it or oppose it seek in turn to determine the premise of the discussion and set the agenda. …”
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A description of time lines in Finnish Sign Language
Published 2020“…Lexical signs that directly refer to time, other types of lexical signs as well as non-lexical depictive signs that explicitly describe the passing of time all make use of time lines. …”
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Politics of transgression in Edith Södergran's poetics
Published 2024“…While in the poems collectivity is depicted as a form of power that protects the individual, it also narrows down their agency and expression of desires. At the same time, those who express their individuality are collectively being pushed onto the margins of the society. …”
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Now they're talking : testing oral proficiency in a language laboratory
Published 1997“…For the instrument of assessment a SOPI type of test, called the LLOPI or Language Laboratory Oral Proficiency Test, was designed. …”
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Positions constructed in specialist health care for patients experiencing intimate partner violence
Published 2012“…The health personnel’s perception of intimate partner violence as a rare phenomenon that only relates to certain types of people can be considered a valid argument for universal screening of violence. …”
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Positions constructed for a female therapist in male batterers' treatment groups
Published 2010“…The therapy sessions had been videotaped and the researcher transcribed the significant sections of the tapes into text files for further analysis. The female therapist was many times positioned primarily as a woman in the groups. …”
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Investigate the radiation response of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors : impact of X-ray irradiation on DC and Low Frequency Noise characteristics
Published 2023“…To extract Kb, a figure of merit representing the 1/f noise amplitude, and locate the low-frequency noise sources, the impact of emitter geometry and collector doping is analyzed using compact SPICE modeling. …”
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Ohjelmistokehitysalan työntekijöiden hyvinvointi koronaviruksen aikana Suomessa
Published 2021“…Etätyö tuo mukanaan tiettyjä haasteita, ja näistä haasteista sekä niistä selviämisestä on tehty tutkimusta jo pidemmän aikaa. …”
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Seniori-ikäiset digitaalisen terveydenhoitopalvelu Maisan käyttäjinä
Published 2024“…A lot of research has been done on the learning of seniors and their use of digital services, but there is still a lack of research data on how people cope when the use of digital services is not possible. …”
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Teacher strain and its relation to experienced fidelity, effectiveness, and acceptability of the intervention
Published 2022“…In conclusion, classroom management is more important than coping strategies for strain because it has a decreasing effect on both disruptive behaviour and teacher strain. …”
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Perceptions on the use of English as a Lingua Franca at home : multilingual families in Finland and Norway
Published 2021“…My findings could serve as a tool to better understand the linguistic and interpersonal realities of multilingual families that use ELF. I hope that this thesis and possible future research will help to shed light on the way in which ELF is present in multilingual families for diverse amount of time and in diversely creative ways. …”
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Accuracy analysis of uncertain variational problems with analytical and machine learning methods
Published 2021“…The chosen type of machine learning model is a deep neural network. …”
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Sovelletun rentoutusmenetelmän arviointi sykevälivaihtelua mittaamalla
Published 2016“…Sovellettu rentoutus on empiirisesti tutkittu ja validoitu, näyttöön perustuva itsehallinta- eli coping-menetelmä. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa ei ole käytetty sykevälivaihtelun mittaamista sovelletun rentoutuksen arvioinnissa. …”
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