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- Tietojärjestelmätiede 339
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- Gerontology and Public Health 94
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Puettavat teknologiat liikunnassa ja urheilussa
Published 2021“…The technologies used are in general similar to those used by consumers, but the data can be collected in more ways. …”
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Työssäoppimisen koetut merkitykset ammatilliselle kasvulle liikunnanohjauksen perustutkinto-opiskelijoilla
Published 2023“…Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tuoda esiin erityisesti liikuntaneuvojaopiskelijoiden oma ääni eli heidän ajatuksiaan, kokemuksiaan ja mielipiteitään ammatillisen kasvun kokemuksestaan työssäoppimisjaksojen aikana. …”
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“The Finnish accent is natural, anything else would be pretending” : Finnish EFL speakers’ accents as stylistic choices
Published 2024“…Based on the results it can be estimated that the Finnish accent has its established role among even those English-speakers who usually use a more nativelike variety. …”
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Älykkäiden tieliikennejärjestelmien haasteet ja niiden ratkaiseminen
Published 2023“…To improve the coverage and accuracy of possible future research, the scope should be tightened, and more attention should be paid to the age of the material. …”
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Naisten superpesiksessä käytetyt testit kaudella 1999-2000
Published 2006“…Testien valintaan vaikutti mm. testien tuoma harjoittelumotivaatio, lajianalyysi, toteutuksenyksinkertaisuus, menetelmien hyvä käyttöarvo, aikaraja, oma kokemus, perinne seurassa. …”
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Sukupuolipuhe eron jälkeiseen vainoamiseen syyllistyneiden miesten haastatteluissa
Published 2017“…The project aimed to develop preventive and rehabilitation services for those whose lives are touched by this crime. We studied gender talk in five interviews of men who had stalked their ex-partners. …”
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Finnish upper secondary students' perceptions of audiobooks as a resource for EFL learning and reading
Published 2024“…In this study, I wanted to learn about upper secondary students' personal experiences with English-language literature and audiobooks as well as scope out how they view the benefits of audiobooks in learning English. …”
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Kroppsbild och ätbeteende bland unga idrottande kvinnor
Published 2017“…Dieting and higher scores in the questionnaire correlated statistically significantly. Those athletes who had more training hours than 15 hours in a week scored significantly higher in EDE-Q than those athletes whose training hours were fewer than 15 per week. …”
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Un-polarizing news in social media platform
Published 2019“…Thus, with a successful solution and many captivating findings, I hope that with the works described below, I could contribute to help battling the echo-chamber and misinformation as well as inspire other scholars and companies to do the same: help creating a better world. …”
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Figure skating coaching in the contemporary sport culture : Finnish figure skating coaches' perceptions about their work
Published 2016“…The frames for the theme interviews included sport coaching, well-being of coaches, conflicting pressure situations and coping skills. The data collected from the theme interviews were analyzed using theme coding. …”
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"Sit ei oo köyhä eikä kipee, ku säveltää" : terapeuttiset kokemukset musiikintekemisessä
Published 2024“…It is possible to handle one's emotions through music making, and the bad feeling and unpleasant emotions can be turned into hope and happiness through composing. The results of the study are very well in line with previous literature and research results, and thus strengthen the assumption that songwriting and composing can have a lot of positive therapeutic and health-related effects on people. …”
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Digitaalisen asiakaspalvelun onnistumisen avaintekijät
Published 2017“…Providing digital customer service has become more common during recent years as companies continuously introduce new technologies in the hopes of serving their customers better. Even though technology is rapidly advancing and different types of self-service opportunities are offered to consumers, most of them still prefer personal human-generated customer service. …”
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Henkilöhahmojen maskuliinisuuden ja feminiinisyyden representaatioita piirrosanimaatiosarjassa Avatar: Viimeinen tuulentaitaja
Published 2021“…Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen, millaisia maskuliinisuuden ja feminiinisyyden representaatioita animaatiosarjan Avatar: Viimeinen tuulentaitaja (Yhdysvallat/Nickelodeon 2005-2008) henkilöhahmot Avatar Aang, Sokka, Katara ja Toph Beifong tarjoavat. Analysoin näiden henkilöhahmojen suhtautumista maskuliinisiin ja feminiinisiin piirteisiin itsessään ja toisissaan sekä sitä, miten heidän käsityksensä muuttuvat sarjan aikana. …”
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Kak vlasti Rossii sozdajut i sokhranjajut ideologiju i obshchnost` cherez televizionnye novosti
Published 2018“…Reportaasin aiheena on Venäjän doping-skandaali, jonka julkaisun aikaan saatiin vahvistettua tietoa Venäjän antidoping-laboratorion toiminnasta valtion rahoituksella. …”
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Research into the Aspects of Cybersecurity Education in Higher Education
Published 2023“…The first theme of the development program is to ensure top class knowledge and development of cyber security education in Finland. …”
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Using the latency correction method to calculate the tonic stretch reflex threshold in spastic cerebral palsy pre and post exercise intervention: a case study
Published 2024“…These findings highlight the distinct roles of these muscles and suggest targeted interventions could enhance motor control in individuals with cerebral palsy, especially those with spasticity. The results must be interpreted cautiously, and no generalisations should be made as this was a case study. …”
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Yksinasuvien positiivinen mielenterveys
Published 2017“…It can be concluded that the positive mental health of those living alone were moderate. This study shows that living alone positive mental health is affected by socio-economic factors, employment, income, and marital status, as well as related to housing issues. …”
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Thiazyl radicals and their derivatives
Published 2017“…The formation of metal complexes is expected to lead to enhanced magnetic properties as the unpaired electron on the radical unit can interact with those on the paramagnetic metal center. This master´s thesis contains two parts. …”
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Isovarpaan pitkän koukistajalihaksen rooli kävelyn aikana
Published 2017“…FHL-lihas avustaa myös supinaatiossa ja tukee jalan mediaalista pitkittäiskaarta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää FHL-lihaksen roolia erilaisten kävelytehtävien aikana. …”
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Public Sector Branding and Social Media Use
Published 2023“…Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että vaikka brändi on konseptina melko tuore tulokas julkisella sektorilla, kiinnostus sitä kohtaan lisääntyy nopeasti. …”
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