Showing 3,121 - 3,140 results of 3,725 for search 'Tuope~', query time: 0.98s Refine Results
  1. 3121

    'Resilience is a strategic priority' : conceptual analysis of the European Union’s Global Strategy by Kärkkäinen, Jenni

    Published 2016
    “…The EUGS defined resilience as ability to reform, and emphasized internal resources in coping from risks. According to pragmatic turn, risks were not clearly defined, but they were treated as unpredictable threats. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  2. 3122

    The effects of intelligent technology assisted exercise intervention on functional capacity in older community-dwelling women and men by Saikkonen, Nyyti

    Published 2020
    “…We analysed separately individuals who reported gait difficulties at baseline (GD, n=7) and those without reported gait difficulties (NGD, n=13). …”
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    Master's thesis
  3. 3123

    Achieving heritage preservation in the era of projectification : A study on Interreg cross-border projects by Söderström, Hanna

    Published 2022
    “…Projects can secure a certain maintenance and recording work, but they mainly address the future of heritage preservation through a hope of popularity and future projects. Therefore, while the long term objective of heritage preservation is an underlying factor, the preservation in the projects is done in and by the present. …”
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    Master's thesis
  4. 3124

    Yleinen malli kehonkäyttöä ohjeistavasta tietojärjestelmästä päätetyössä by Kohtala, Maria

    Published 2019
    “…The presented system interprets if there is a need to take a break at work or for better posture and saves data from biosensors and position sensors for monitoring which purpose is to improve the ability to work. It's hoped that user will notice the advantages of taking breaks and practicing good ergonomics. …”
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    Master's thesis
  5. 3125

    Path to podcasting : a material package for a podcasting module in upper secondary school by Kuitunen, Minttumaari

    Published 2023
    “…Vieraaseen kieleen ja erityisesti sen puhumiseen voi oppijoilla liittyä ahdistusta ja pelkoa (Horwitz, Horwitz ja Cope 1986). Suomalainen koulujärjestelmä on pitkään korostanut oikeakielisyyttä ja taitoa kääntää tekstiä tyylipuhtaasti kielestä toiseen (Rissanen, Taavitsainen and Nevalainen 2004). …”
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    Master's thesis
  6. 3126

    China's rhetoric and soft power towards the Portuguese-speaking countries : the case of Angola by Tavares Martins, Nuno

    Published 2014
    “…The eight Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste constitute a group with a population of around 250 million people, a vast wealth of natural resources and potential for gaining economic and political importance in the near future. …”
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    Master's thesis
  7. 3127

    Exploring music induced anxiety in virtual reality games : a literature review by Salmirinne, Santeri

    Published 2022
    “…In this study I will first shine light on some different views on how we might define anxiety as an emotion, and how exactly it functions within the context of hor-ror games. The main questions I hope to answer are: - What is anxiety and how it functions in the context of art and media? …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  8. 3128

    Perceiving the visual in cinema : semantic approaches to film form and meaning by Valkola, Jarmo

    Published 1993
    “…The functions of orchestration are related to those of editing because, in a way, the writing of a script also starts the editing process: it deals with the thinking through images and an image is always a mixture of various elements with many things happening simultaneously. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  9. 3129

    Quantitative comparison of option pricing models: neural networks vs. stochastic models by Nyholm, Sebastian

    Published 2024
    “…The optimal network architecture identified diverges notably from those architectures used in prior literature, featuring significantly greater numbers of hidden layers and neurons per layer. …”
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    Master's thesis
  10. 3130

    Lantionpohjan lihasharjoittelu raskauden aikana by Anttonen, Elina

    Published 2017
    “…Harjoittelun esteenä koetaan olevan tiedon ja taidon puute, joten jatkossa tulee löytää keinoja raskaana olevien lantionpohjan lihasharjoittelun ohjauksen kehittämiseksi. …”
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    Master's thesis
  11. 3131

    Psykologisen joustavuuden yhteys mielialaan ja kehollisiiin oireisiin pitkäkestoisesta uupumuksesta ja sisäilmaongelmista kärsivillä aikuisilla by Wikström, Liisa

    Published 2023
    “…Prolonged physical symptoms are significant burden for both society and those who suffer from them, and with a better understanding both health care operations and the everyday life of people can be improved. …”
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    Master's thesis
  12. 3132

    Toimintaterapeuttien ja vanhempien yhteistyö toimintaterapiassa lapsille, joilla on CP-oireisto by Onkalo-Okkonen, Riitta

    Published 2017
    “…The results of the study were that 92 % of the occupational therapists collaborated with the parents of those children and 87 % of the occupational therapists considered the parents´ role and knowledge to be central to the goal setting in the child´s therapy. …”
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    Master's thesis
  13. 3133

    Transparency of the Finnish municipal companies from the viewpoint of the local authority audit committees by Vaarnamo, Vilho

    Published 2021
    “…Further research could study the effects of extending the scope of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities to the municipal limited liability companies. …”
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    Master's thesis
  14. 3134

    Valtion virastojen pilvipalvelujen ohjeistuksen ja koulutuksen kehittäminen by Aho, Leena

    Published 2016
    “…An important issue was to find out, how guiding and education in the systems using cloud services should be implemented so that the tools provided by those could be imbibed in daily work. An additional purpose was to unveil major problems in fluency of daily work and so possibilities for understanding potential of new technologies. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 3135

    Strategic Procurement in the Face of Uncertainty by Uusitalo, Juho

    Published 2019
    “…Mitäänsanomaton asennoituminen yrityksien puolesta liittyen riskeihin ja epätietoisuuksiin voi tuoda turmiollisia seuraamuksia. Aikaisempi tutkimus esittää, että on olemassa aukkoja tietoisuudessa liittyen toimitusketjuihin ja sen alakohtiin – nousevat trendit ja uusi kehittyminen alalla vaatii lisää tutkimusta. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 3136

    Constructing performance measurement model for the M&A integration project - Objectives and Key Results (OKR) by Luhtaniemi, Petrus

    Published 2020
    “…Yrityskaupat ovat strategisia hankkeita, jotka voivat tuoda kummallekin osapuolelle erilaisia etuja kuten mahdollisuuden tehdä liiketoimintaa yhdessä tehokkaammin kuin erikseen. …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 3137

    Social media influencers in Finland : brand fit and communication strategy roles by Huttula, Tia

    Published 2020
    “…Yrityksen ja vaikuttajan yhteistyön onnistumisen edellytys on brändin ja tuotteen sopivuus vaikuttajan imagoon, sillä yleisöstä tulee epäileväinen sisältöä kohtaan, jos yhteistyö on liian ilmeinen. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 3138

    "When girls don't have to work that much they are doing better in school" : ethnographic case study on girls participation in Nepalese village school by Pikkarainen, Heli

    Published 2013
    “…Girls who were members of lower casts or members of some tribal community were not participating as actively as those who were members of other communities. …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 3139

    Circular economy definitions and assessment in Finnish media by Koskela, Juliana

    Published 2018
    “…The purpose of this research is to find out how the concept of circular economy is assessed in the Finnish media, what definitions are given to the concept and how those definitions differ from the ones given in academic sources. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 3140

    "Mielestäni olin aika onnekas" : nuorten koulutettujen maahanmuuttajanaisten kertomuksia suomalaisilta työmarkkinoilta by Jokiranta, Jenni

    Published 2017
    “…To find and to understand incidents those were important to one’s career, this research uses critical incidents theory. …”
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    Master's thesis
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