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Asiakaslähtöisyys terveydenhuollossa : integroitu kirjallisuuskatsaus ajalta 2009-2013
Published 2014“…From databases 43 studies were selected. Seven of those are Finnish and 36 are international. In addition, the overview was selected five other research on the topic manually and reading from the articles. …”
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Acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses and recovery from velocity-based strength loading sessions : effects of velocity based training in men
Published 2019“…Velocity based training has been an important topic of research, especially in recent years, with interest serving sport scientists and coaches aiming to improve performance in athletes, in the scope of maximal strength, hypertrophy and explosive power. …”
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Kohti huippu-urheilijan uraa : tutkimus nuorten urheilijoiden sosiaalisista, fyysisistä ja psyykkisistä taustatekijöistä sekä heidän uraan vaikuttaneista ympäristötekijöistä...
Published 2012“…Tutkimustulosten mukaan urheilijoiden sisäistä motivaatiota edisti kehittymisen halu sekä urheilun tuoma ilo ja nautinto. Ulkoista motivaatiota edisti perhe sekä menestyminen. …”
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Using language for multiple purposes : Swedish language teachers’ beliefs of teacher competences
Published 2019“…This study is a case study implemented in the south-west coast of Finland and it investigates Swedish language teachers’ beliefs about significant competences and whether those beliefs resonate with their practice. This qualitative research was implemented as a half-structured, stimulated recall interview, as the six participant teachers’ practice was first recorded after which they were all asked the same questions while playing the recordings. …”
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E-oppikirjojen käyttö ja merkitys lukion biologian opetuksessa : esimerkkinä verenkiertoelimistön opettaminen
Published 2020“…E-oppikirjoilla on suuri potentiaali tuoda pedagogista lisäarvoa biologian opetukseen. …”
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Humuspitoisen järven kaukokartoitussignaalin ja klorofylli-a:n määritys optisilla kenttämittauksilla
Published 2020“…Fresh water remote sensing can be utilized to survey cost-efficiently those constituents that affect the optical properties of water. …”
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Narratives of femininity as means of promotion : a case study on Dove's advertisement and audience responses
Published 2017“…Moreover, the promotion of Dove's brand and products through said narratives is also evaluated based on the use of those resources. In addition, an overview of audience responses is included to evaluate how the feedback may be utilised to further improve the company's advertising in the future. …”
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Integrating into Finnish Society Through Professional Football : Issues and Experiences
Published 2023“…Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tuoda esille, miten ulkomailta tulevat ammattilaisjalkapalloilijat kokevat suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan integroitumisen. …”
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Työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kokemusprofiilit ja niiden yhteydet työn vaatimuksiin, työn voimavaroihin ja yksilön ominaisuuksiin
Published 2024“…Tämä tutkimus nostaa esiin erityisesti affektiivisuuden yhteyden työn merkityksellisyyden kokemisessa, mikä on tärkeä näkökulma tuoda osaksi työn merkityksellisyyden keskustelua, sillä ulkoisilla tekijöillä, kuten työoloilla, voidaan vaikuttaa merkityksellisyyden kokemiseen vain jonkin verran ihmisten sisäisten tekijöiden ollessa myös yhteydessä merkityksellisyyden kokemiseen. …”
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The effect of sensory-processing sensitivity on social preference for online interaction and associated outcome on psychological wellbeing
Published 2015“…It was discovered that the HSPs preferred the Internet as a social medium at the expense of time spent in face-to-face interaction, but their important relationships did not take place in the Internet more than those of the non-HSPs. There was no association between better psychological wellbeing and social preference for the Internet among the HSPs, but it remained unclear whether this preference might be linked to a decrease in wellbeing. …”
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Kompaktisuus ja kompaktisointi
Published 2017“…Topological concepts are those that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching and bending. …”
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Acute effects of a robotic ankle exosuit on the gait biomechanics, metabolic cost, and muscle activity during walking in patients with unilateral cerebral palsy
Published 2021“…New clinical technologies, such as exoskeletons and exosuits may enable enhanced gait therapy for patients with neuromotor dysfunction, such as those with CP. The early evidence using these devices in patients with motor impairments has been highly positive, showing improvements in biomechanics, muscle activity, and energy cost during robotically augmented walking. …”
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Vaikuttajamarkkinoinnin keskeiset vaikutukset kuluttajan ostopäätökseen verkkokaupassa
Published 2020“…The aim of this study was also to understand the reasons behind those impacts. The former research done on influencer marketing is still limited and companies need more research information to base their decisions on. …”
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Koneoppimistyökalujen toimintaperiaatteet
Published 2023“…Koneoppimisalgoritmit ja neuroverkot ovat nykyään osa jokapäiväistä elämäämme, ja niiden tuoma kehitys on mullistanut yhteiskunnan montaa osa-aluetta. …”
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Logistiikkatietojärjestelmät sekä niiden haasteet organisaatiokontekstissa
Published 2023“…The results of this study can be beneficial for those in a management position in a logistics organization, in evaluating their own logistics information systems and in their procurement planning. …”
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Vaatimukset testiautomaatiokehitykselle toiminnallisessa testauksessa
Published 2015“…Based on various case studies, the most common framework type today is hybrid. It implements the design principles mentioned and separates the testing tool and framework parts in the architecture. …”
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Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2019“…Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto saattaa tuoda muutoksia liiketoimintaprosesseihin, ja sen takia henkilöstön pitää hyväksyä muutokset. …”
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Tekoälyn hyödyntäminen osana rahoituspäätöstä
Published 2023“…Implementing AI in risk management is a complex process that has been studied from various perspectives over the years, using many different formu- las and models. However, due to the scope of AI implementation, there are still many problems and challenges that need to be addressed before the technology can be widely used in everyday situations. …”
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Informaatioteknologiasta saavutetut hyödyt ja niiden jakatuminen
Published 2017“…The digital inequality is in the same time the fault and the consequence for other inequalities in the society. Very often, those who are in the economically and socially disadvantaged position tend to be in the weakest group from the digital inequality point of view. …”
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Jokien pohjaeläimistön vertailuolojen määritys ekstrapoloivalla mallinnuksella
Published 2021“…The modelled reference conditions (pc) and the observed to expected or Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) status based on them and used in the status assessment were assessed to detect if they differ from those of current practice. The estimated pc values for the test-river type were very close to the observed and the EQRs calculated from them were practically identical to the type-specific ones. …”
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