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Physical performance of Finnish futsal players, analysis of game intensity and fatigue in official futsal games
Published 2017“…During Finnish Futsal League games the distance moved is similar to those measured in literature, but the intensity lower when expressed as % HRmax, distance moved in one minute or in different speed zones. …”
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Osoitukset kielen ja eleiden rajapinnalla
Published 2013“…Pointing can also be used in a very conventional way. In those cases it can be speculated whether it still is a purely gestural, nonlinguistic element. …”
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A functional analysis of the Finnish 2012 presidential debates
Published 2016“…In addition to forming a clearer picture of Finnish political campaign discourse, the aim is to compare the results to those reached in the United States and to reach a better understanding of possible differences between the two political cultures. …”
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The career paths of women to the international leadership positions
Published 2019“…Despite the great need, the demand for international leaders has been mainly limited to men and the number of women in international leadership positions is significantly lower than those of men. The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about career paths of women to the international leadership positions; with what kind of career paths do women end up in international leadership positions, which factors are contributing to their careers, and in turn what kind of challenges they have to face in their careers when pursuing these positions. …”
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Constructing PR professionals’ understanding of AI for PR purposes : a repertoire analysis of PR professionals’ blog texts
Published 2020“…However, PR professionals’ knowledge and understanding of AI and its applications is still in preliminary stages, thus, in 2018 Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) launched the AI in PR panel to scope the influence of AI in PR work. The topic of this master’s thesis is AI as a new phenomenon in public relations. …”
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Tracking the Finnish social and health care reform : issue arena analysis in a major online news medium
Published 2015“…Rather than focusing on issue arenas as a research tool for user-created content, the scope of this research is on the partly controlled media through its gate-keeping function. …”
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"Ole sinä vaikka äiti ja mää lapsi" : päiväkoti-ikäisten lasten esittämät näkemykset perheestä leikeissä ja keskusteluissa
Published 2016“…Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuoda lasten näkökulmaa esille ja siten monipuolistaa ymmärrystä perheestä. …”
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Luokkahuoneen ulkopuolella tapahtuvan opiskelun vaikutus oppimismotivaatioon opiskelu-uupumuksen ja opiskeluinnon näkökulmasta
Published 2023“…In some questions it improved considerably, in some it remained the same or got worse. For those under the age of 18, the results of study engagement were contradictory. …”
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Kybertoimintaympäristön hierarkkisen rakennemallin hyödyntäminen älypuhelimissa
Published 2023“…The quantity and quality of attack vectors targeting smartphones now correspond to those directed at computers. Predictions about the future development of smartphones also indicate that there are expected to be new, even greater threats to smartphones and smartphone users in the cyber operational environment. …”
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Exploring RPA project success from the supplier perspective
Published 2020“…Tutkielmassa esitetyt tulokset vahvistavat aikaisemmassa kirjallisuudessa esiintyviä havaintoja samalla tuoden uudenlaista näkökulmaa RPA-projektien tutkimusalueeseen. …”
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Ravirata palvelualustana : case Vermo
Published 2019“…Neljännessä vaiheessa ravirata tulee digitalisoida, jonka avulla saadaan kerättyä käyttäjien luomaa dataa sidosryhmien (ja raviratojen) hyödyksi. …”
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Ympäristöystävällinen pietsosähköinen energiankeruu esineiden internetissä
Published 2024“…The study found a significant increase in the number of publications, especially since 2019, reflecting a growing interest in new types of piezoelectric materials. The research field mainly considers those piezoelectric materials environmentally friendly which are compatible with international lead-free directives. …”
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Itsensä johtamisen taitojen vaikutus kognitiivisen kuormituksen tunteeseen
Published 2021“…The work increasingly requires an independent approach, especially for those working at the expert level. The cognitive requirements of work tasks are related to the processing of information, its interpretation, memory, and problemsolving skills. …”
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Tapaustutkimus opettajien kokemuksista tietotekniikan hyödyntämisestä aikuisten maahanmuuttajien perusopetuksessa Suomessa
Published 2023“…Respondents of all of these groups were reporting both advantages and challenges in the use of techonology in teaching. Those respondents who had the most positive attitude towards the use of technology, were also utilizing it the most and had more education of the use of technology. …”
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Projektien menestystekijät ketterillä menetelmillä : projektipäällikön näkökulma
Published 2017“…The project largely determines the type of method required to implement it, and what knowledge must be found from the project. …”
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Markkinoinnin automaatiojärjestelmän käytön omaksuminen
Published 2020“…In addition, the research examines that how and to what degree those factors have an impact. The acceptance and use are reviewed using the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model, which was formulated using eight different technology acceptance models. …”
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Minäkö pitäisin oopperasta? : tutkivan oppimisen opetusmenetelmä oopperakasvatuksessa
Published 2015“…Ooppera on sellaista, mistä kaikki ihmiset pystyvät nauttimaan. Tapa tuoda oopperaa ihmisille ja kehittää heidän taitoaan ymmärtää sitä on ottaa se mukaan perusopetukseen. …”
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Hate targeted at organisations : a literature review
Published 2021“…Lisäksi siinä pyrittiin selvittämään, millaisia uusia näkökulmia aiheesta voisi tuoda esille. Tutkielman aineisto koostui 20 vertaisarvioidusta vihaa ja organisaatioita käsittelevästä artikkelista, jotka oli julkaistu englannin kielellä vuoden 1999 jälkeen. …”
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Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu -sarjan henkilönnimet
Published 2010“…Nimillä voidaan siis paitsi yksilöidä henkilö myös esimerkiksi viestiä sosiaalisesta asemasta (Marilyn Grönberg-Paukkunen), iästä (Signe), ulkonäöstä (Isonapa) tai herättää assosiaatioita (Nestor) ja tuoda tekstiin humoristisuutta (Carl-Gustaf Mäkäräinen). …”
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Autonomic nervous system responses during a relationship enrichment intervention
Published 2014“…In this study, four couples in a four-person relationship enrichment intervention, simulating a therapeutic setting, were studied to determine what kinds of psychophysiological responses can be induced with positive and challenging topics or periods of relaxation and if there are significant differences between those responses. The sessions were designed to imitate couple therapy sessions in order to provide control data for the research project The Relational Mind in Events of Change in Multi-actor Therapeutic Dialogs. …”
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