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The State of Phishing : An Analysis on The Indicators of Phishing Attacks
Published 2022“…The goal of this thesis was to analyze the contents of phishing communications and determine the features within those communications that can be recognized as indicators of phishing by the users that receive the communications. …”
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Subjective norm in password selection
Published 2020“…Subjective norm is defined a “perceived expectations of the specific referent individuals or groups, and by the person’s motivation to comply with those expectations”(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975, p. 302). …”
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Ryhmäkeskustelua valtakielestä : maahanmuuttajien käsityksiä suomesta muuton jälkeen
Published 2015“…Keskustelut perustuivat kollektiiviseen muisteluun, jossa muistikuvia pyrittiin saamaan pintaan ryhmän avustuksella. Informantit saivat tuoda esille omat kokemuksensa ja ajatuksensa kielestä juuri sellaisina, kuin ne heille itselleen näyttäytyivät, jolloin oli kyse introspektiosta. …”
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Framework for governmental research institution’s sustainability report
Published 2021“…The part focusing on societal impact chooses the most suitable Sustainable Development Goals for SYKE’s substance knowledge and outcomes of it, reasoning of choices and utilizing those as societal impact indicators. The part focusing on sustainability as an organization presents SYKE’s stakeholders and organizational sustainability from environmental, social, and economic sustainability perspectives. …”
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Outsourcing framework for delivery planning team
Published 2020“…The framework provided three different overarching themes, 17 sub-themes and overall, 241 themes about outsourcing and from those themes the suggestions for the companies were formed. …”
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Sisarussuhteet ja vanhemmuus ylivilkkaan lapsen perheessä
Published 2010“…Aihetta olisi kuitenkin tärkeä tarkastella lisää, etenkin lasten näkökulma olisi syytä tuoda esiin. Esimerkiksi niiden sisarussuhteiden tutkiminen olisi tärkeää, jotka sisälsivät paljon riitoja, kateutta ja häpeää, kuinka näitä suhteita voisi tukea ja miten lapset pohjimmiltaan reagoivat. …”
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International employees’ cultural adaptation : a comparison between societal and organizational contexts
Published 2020“…The study and the research questions pursue to find out different perceived factors impacting on the adaptative perceptions and experiences in these two contexts as well as compare those contexts with each other. The research was conducted by interviewing employees of a multinational organization located in Spain. …”
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An anatomy of the infodemic : a critical discourse analysis of coronavirus misinformation on Twitter
Published 2022“…Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto oli melko pieni, joten jatkotutkimuksissa voisikin olla hyödyllistä analysoida suurempaa aineistoa, mikä voisi tuoda lisävalaistusta tutkimusaiheeseen. COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation in March 2020. …”
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Sisäpiiriuhkan hyökkäysketju : sisäpiiriuhkan hyökkäysvaiheiden mallintaminen
Published 2023“…Organizations need to protect their information assets from multiple different threat actors, including those from within the organization. Individuals who have been given authorized access to the assets of an organization can be called insiders. …”
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Tietämyksen tehokas jakaminen: Datan ja Analytiikan wikisivun kehittäminen organisaatiossa
Published 2024“…Artefakti on avoin wikialusta, joka hyödyntää jo olemassa olevia teknologioita. Sen tarkoitus on tuoda läpinäkyväksi data ja siihen liittyvät aiheet, jotta ne eivät olisi enää tuntemattomia eri sidosryhmien kesken. …”
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"Onks sua ruvennu pelottaan kun mä oon näin hurja" : teorialähtöinen sisällönanalyysi yhteistyökatkoksista psykoterapissa
Published 2015“…The focus is on discovering the causes for the ruptures and in examining the events that are displayed during the ruptures. The resolution of those events through therapeutic interference and the actions of the therapist are the main interests of this study. …”
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Class teachers and subject teachers’ perceptions of teaching English at primary school
Published 2019“…Studying the perceptions of English teachers can be especially beneficial for those teachers, who get to teach English in primary school after the changes in the curriculum, which possibly demand more English teachers. …”
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Engineering an experience : pre-production challenges in video game development
Published 2021“…This study identifies three broad categories of issues faced during and resulting from the activities of pre-production: (1) schedule, (2) specification and (3) scope. A common cause for these challenges seems to be the lack of pre-production efforts and rushing into implementation with insufficient planning, design and validation. …”
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Comparison of pre- and post-intervention levels of physical activity among sedentary Finnish mothers
Published 2010“…In 1998 Dunn, Anderson and Jakicic called for testing LPAI in specific populations, such as mothers with newborns, in order to improve interventions targeting those populations. This study examines if there is any change in physical activity and sedentary behavior for two groups of stay-at-home (n = 14) and working Finnish mothers (n = 8) after a one year, group based LPAI. …”
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Home-school cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic : the perspective of elementary school special education teachers in Finland
Published 2021“…There are still 3,7 billion people worldwide without access to internet connection. Those who continue to study online, how will they study? …”
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Viivästetty reflektio pariterapiassa: multimodaalinen keskustelunanalyysi pariterapian vuorovaikutustutkimuksessa
Published 2018“…Vaikka viivästetyn reflektion aiheiden lähtökohta on terapeuttien välisessä reflektiivisessä keskustelussa, osoittautui se myös asiakkaille mahdolliseksi väyläksi tuoda esiin kokemuksia. Hengityksen tarkastelu osoitti, että sen avulla on mahdollista saada lisätietoa sellaisista viivästettyyn reflektioon kytkeytyvistä fysiologisista ilmiöistä, joita ei aina ole silmämääräisesti mahdollista havaita. …”
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Configural and metric invariance of the teacher classroom behavioral climate scale across Finland and Greece
Published 2023“…Examining validity in different populations is important to ensure that the measurement tool is appropriate and accurate for use with those populations. Classroom behavioral climate (CBC) scale was developed in Finland to measure the behavioral climate specifically in the classroom context. …”
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Relationship between pedometer-determined physical activity and low back pain in middle aged Finnish population (30-45) : "The Young Finns Study"
Published 2016“…All the same subjects who participated first time in this study in 1980 and had a permanent address in Finland (n=3596) were invited to participate in the latest follow up in 2007. Among those, 2204 (65%) individuals filled out the questionnaire. …”
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Effect of enjoyment on attitude and on behavioral intention to use mobile applications when technology use is mandatory
Published 2014“…Based on data collected in survey, a structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was performed with latent constructs using the measurement model developed in the beginning of the study. Model contained those three latent factors, behavioral intention, perceived enjoyment and attitude. …”
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Ohjelmistokehityksen ketteryys ja sen mittaaminen
Published 2015“…This thesis attempts to portray agility in software development as a whole in-cluding its definition, scope and practice. Themes of agility research are intro-duced in order to find widely accepted definitions of agility as well as views of its manifestation in the development process. …”
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