Näytetään 2 801 - 2 820 yhteensä 3 725 tuloksesta haulle 'Tuope~', hakuaika: 1,02s Tarkenna hakua
  1. 2801

    La guerre et le thème du pacifisme dans le scénario du film Hiroshima mon amour Tekijä Torikka, Leena

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…Rakkaustarinaan kietoutuu siis hallitsevana sota ja sen tuoma pasifistinen sanoma. …”
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  2. 2802

    Peruskoulun musiikinopetuksen eriyttäminen arvoristiriitatilanteissa Tekijä Turpeinen, Emilia

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…Tarkoituksena on tuoda opettajalle ymmärrystä ja tietoa siitä, miksi vanhoillislestadiolainen oppilas voi arvottaa esimerkiksi populaarimusiikin itselleen sopimattomaksi. …”
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  3. 2803

    Fronesis ja draaman kirjoittaminen chatbotilla Tekijä Ådahl, Mariika

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…Se voi toimia inspiraation lähteenä sekä oman luovuuden laajentajana. Cleverbot saattaa tuoda keskusteluun myös uuden, yllättävän elementin. …”
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  4. 2804

    ”Ei elämääni lomia mahtunut.” – Naisten muistelukerrontaa palkkatyöstä talvi- ja jatkosotien ja jälleenrakennuksen aikana Tekijä Hytönen, Kirsi-Maria

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…Women’s work at the home front is also an important part of the history of the Second World War. In addition, I hope to contribute to the methodological discussion about written memories and oral history, and, furthermore, on the connection between cultural narratives and personal experiences. …”
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  5. 2805

    Aspiration development among rural youth : case study Liceo Rural Sámara Tekijä Naukkarinen, Hanna

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…By assessing which factors are most influential to youth’s development of aspirations this study hopes to provide information which can help to improve infrastructure for the development of aspirations in the future. …”
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    Pro gradu
  6. 2806

    Attitudes and motivation in the treatment of IPV : a case study of two intimately violent men Tekijä Nuutinen, Noora

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…The data of this study consisted of the video tapes of the men’s therapy sessions, and of the interviews of their spouses. …”
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    Pro gradu
  7. 2807

    Organizational responses to climate change related stigmatization in multinational oil and gas industry Tekijä Yavan, Atalay

    Julkaistu 2021
    “…It was revealed that a combination of both symbolic and substantial methods was introduced by oil and gas businesses to cope with the intensifying societal disapproval. …”
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    Pro gradu
  8. 2808

    The unknown player : accommodation behaviour in real-time strategy gaming communities Tekijä Müller-Braune, Frederic

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…During the course of four weeks, a total of 44 datasets were collected in order to research: a) how players accommodate each other during interaction, b) how the game environment and structural framework influence players’ communication, c) how players construct an in-game identity, and finally, d) how players cope with the absence of physical and visual cues in a game. …”
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    Pro gradu
  9. 2809

    Toward the affective process of collaborative leadership : a phenomenological study in managing the complex educational change Tekijä Nguyen, Uyen-Phuong

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…This study came up with five significant themes including (1) The Tendency toward Collaboration-facilitating Experiences; (2) The Growth in Mind-sets and Skill-sets; (3) The Improvement in Teacher Practice and Student Learning; (4) The Tendency from Individual to Collective Growth; (5) Organizations’ Collaborative Initiatives Coping with Contextual Challenges. These findings reveal important and intriguing explanations to what and how the participants experienced over time in the affective process of leadership executed in collaboration in real-life educational change circumstances. …”
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    Pro gradu
  10. 2810

    Teachers' perceptions of student engagement and teacher self-efficacy beliefs Tekijä Pappa, Sotiria

    Julkaistu 2014
    “…This study attempts to investigate the relationship between these two concepts and hopes to reveal their impact on the teaching quality. …”
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    Pro gradu
  11. 2811

    Military service and elite para ice hockey : a case study of American paralympians' sports paths Tekijä Ott, Kyra

    Julkaistu 2020
    “…Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the two longest-serving veterans of the U.S. national team. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed using thematic-content and frequency analysis. …”
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    Pro gradu
  12. 2812

    The Nature of Teacher Questioning Roles while Supporting Dialogue and Argumentation Tekijä Kilpelä, Jonathan

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…The analysis included evaluating discourse based on the type of communicative approach used by the teacher, the teachers’ questioning roles, and the level of student argumentation. …”
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    Pro gradu
  13. 2813

    Metsäbileet heterotopiana : omaehtoisen tilan merkitykset alakulttuuriyhteisölle Tekijä Okker, Sauli

    Julkaistu 2022
    “…Tutkielman tavoitteena on raottaa metsäbileitä koskevaa salaisuutta ja tuoda ilmiötä sekä sen taustalla olevaa kulttuuria ymmärrettäväksi. …”
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    Pro gradu
  14. 2814

    Meanings attached to disability, attitudes towards disabled people, and attitudes towards integration Tekijä Derseh, Tibebu Bogale

    Julkaistu 1995
    “…However, the meanings attached to regular students were more favourable than those attached to the disability categories. Visual impairment had the most positive meaning, followed by hearing impairment, physical disability and mental retardation. …”
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  15. 2815

    A Self determination theory based exercise intervention in a group of adult exercisers : a contextual evaluation Tekijä Kaminski, Karoline

    Julkaistu 2010
    “…According to the Self-determination theory, when the social context is autonomy supportive, people are motivated to internalize the regulation of important activities, and whereas when the context is controlling, self-determined motivation is undermined. Exercise is one of those important activities which when internalized would result in persistent engagement leading people to positive psychological and physiological outcomes (improved health, affect, self esteem). …”
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    Pro gradu
  16. 2816

    Pilvipohjaisen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän keskeisten vaatimusten mallintaminen pienyrityksessä Tekijä Kärkkäinen, Juho

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…The target company's goal is to improve the organization's information management and accessibility while also improving efficiency of core processes. The research scope is based on the mapping of the company's core processes. …”
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    Pro gradu
  17. 2817

    Sustainable development of airports : peak at the sustainability of airport ́s commercial sector Tekijä Käyrä, Minna

    Julkaistu 2018
    “…Research is of qualitative standpoint. The scope of the review was narrowed down to a specific European airport. …”
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    Pro gradu
  18. 2818

    The effects of cold water immersion on medial gastrocnemius muscle architecture and performance post-exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise Tekijä Kositsky, Adam

    Julkaistu 2017
    “…The aim of this study was to investigate how muscle architecture of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and neuromuscular performance change after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise and what effects a single CWI has on those parameters over 48 hours (48H). Male athletes (n = 11) were randomized into either a passive recovery control group (CON) or CWI. …”
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    Pro gradu
  19. 2819

    Visual manifestations of racism and antiracism in Finnish early childhood education and care Tekijä Parantainen, Jenni

    Julkaistu 2023
    “…However, the data set demonstrated that despite good intentions, those efforts can also unintentionally reinforce discriminative ideas. …”
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    Pro gradu
  20. 2820

    Tarkkaavaisuuden suuntaamisen ohjeiden merkitys etujalan sivupotkun suoritukseen 10–15-vuotiailla taekwondokilpailijoilla Tekijä Siltanen, Simo

    Julkaistu 2019
    “…The subject is less studied in children and those results have been more controversial. This study investigated if EFA-instructions are connected to better kicking performance than IFA-instructions among 10–15-year old taekwondo competitors. …”
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    Pro gradu
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