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Now you see me, now you don’t : Increasing transparency and reliability of information in supply chains with blockchain
Published 2022“…The objective of implementation of blockchain is to generate as transparent and reliable ledger of the items journey through the supply chain as possible. …”
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Sosiaalisen median koukuttavuus ja sen negatiiviset vaikutukset käyttäjän psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen hyvinvointiin
Published 2022“…Due to the addictiveness of social media, users can end up using it in a problematic way or become addicted to its use: users may not have control of the use and they may start losing the track of time while being in social media. …”
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Tekoälyn eettiset teemat terveydenhuollon tekoälyteknologioissa
Published 2023“…It is essential to have a consensus on how AI should function ethically in order to ensure its responsible and ethical use in sensitive areas such as healthcare. …”
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Yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen vaikutukset organisaatioiden datan käsittelyyn sekä sen kustannusvaikutukset
Published 2023“…Specifically, the research focuses on changes in data management within companies, the costs incurred due to the regulation, and its impact on the competitiveness of businesses. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian teknologiset haasteet
Published 2023“…The first public and decentralized implementation of blockchain technology was created in 2008 when an individual or a group using the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" published an article titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." Since its release, blockchain technology has generated significant interest due to its real-world applications, such as fast global transactions, smart contracts, immutability, and transparency, making it one of the biggest technological innovations. …”
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Tekoälyn mahdollisuudet ja rajoitukset kohdennetussa mainonnassa
Published 2023“…The purpose of the study was to find out how artificial intelligence is utilized in targeted advertising, and what factors limit its exploitation in this context. In the summary of the study, conclusions were drawn based on the research findings, and possible future research topics were suggested. …”
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Älykkäiden tieliikennejärjestelmien haasteet ja niiden ratkaiseminen
Published 2023“…Tämän jälkeen toisessa sisältöluvussa siirryttiin tarkastelemaan itse tutkimusongelmaa, eli esitellyn tieliikenneteknologian haasteita kyberturvallisista, eettisistä ja lainsäädännöllisistä näkökulmista. …”
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Tekoälyn mahdollisuudet kyberuhkien jatkuvan valvonnan ja torjunnan työkaluna
Published 2023“…The results of the the- sis demonstrated that AI has great potential, especially in continuous monitoring and mitigating cyber threats, although its use also presents challenges. In the con- text of continuous monitoring in the cyber environment, AI proved to be highly beneficial, as it can effectively detect anomalies in normal operations and prevent potential future attacks. …”
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Digitaalisen markkinoinnin merkitys B2B-yrityksissä
Published 2024“…This bachelor's thesis investigated the significance of digital marketing in B2B companies and the tools instrumental in achieving its benefits. The thesis was conducted through a literature review, revealing that digital marketing holds substantial advantages for B2B firms. …”
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Kokonaisarkkitehtuuri digitaalisen transformaation tukena
Published 2024“…Lisäksi liiketoiminnan ja IT:n yhdenmukaisuus edesauttaa päätöksenteossa ja resurssien säästämisessä. …”
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Kohdistetun mainonnan vaikutus kuluttajan ostokäyttäytymiseen
Published 2024“…The study has been carried out as a literature review, and a number of different sources have been used to collect its data, including JYKDOK, Google Scholar and Scopus. …”
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Videopelaamisen yhteys mielenterveyteen
Published 2024“…Various diseases, such as anxiety and depression, have been linked to video games and gaming addiction, which is why a disease of its own, "internet Gaming disorder", was established. …”
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Teknologian vaikutus yksityisyyteen Kiinassa
Published 2024“…Given the cultural differences in defining privacy, this research investigates how privacy is defined in China, its influence on information gathering, and the use of technology. …”
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Sosiaalisen median alustojen vaikutukset terveysinformaation leviämisessä
Published 2024“…The aim of the research was to determine how these platforms impact the quality of health information and how users assess its reliability in practice. Social media can significantly enhance health communication through rapid information sharing and real-time interaction, but this also introduces challenges, such as the spread of misinformation. …”
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CRM- ja ERP-järjestelmän integraation vaikutus tiedonhallintaan ja liiketoimintaprosesseihin
Published 2024“…Aineiston analyysissä vertailtiin integroitujen järjestelmien eroja itsenäisiin järjestelmiin. Tutkielma osoittaa useita mahdollisia hyötyjä, joita yritykset ja organisaatiot voivat saavuttaa integroimalla järjestelmät toisiinsa. …”
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Optimizing Spotify’s business through big data analytics
Published 2024“…Spotify has established itself as a market leader through its freemium business model, which combines a free, adsupported service with a paid premium subscription. …”
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Tekoäly organisaation riskienhallinnassa
Published 2025“…Artificial intelligence is defined, its history and development explored and its future views considered. …”
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Scalability and extensibility in client-independent server architectures
Published 2005“…By client-independent server software architecture we mean the ability of the server architecture to treat the requester of its services in a similar manner. Scalability implies the ability for the architecture to grow and accommodate increasing numbers of users, applications, and systems (Riverton 2004). …”
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”You’re orange, you moron!” : The use of impoliteness strategies in the American TV-series House M.D.
Published 2010“…Olemme kohteliaita antaaksemme itsestämme hyvän kuvan, luodaksemme toimivia ihmissuhteita ja säilyttääksemme ne. …”
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Sykevaihtelu jääkiekkoilijan pelikauden aikaisen kuormittuneisuuden ilmentäjänä
Published 2007“…Mitä pienempi syke-ero kauden aikana oli, sitä suurempi oli itse arvioitu fyysinen palautuminen (p=0.045). Lisäksi mitä korkeampi leposyke oli, sitä korkeampi oli seisomasyke (p<0.01) ja sitä pienemmät olivat parasympaattista aktiivisuutta kuvaavat arvot istumisen ja seisomisen aikana (p<0.05). …”
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