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Overlapping talk in ELF team meetings
Published 2021“…Kokouksissa oli organisaation itse asettama agenda, jonka mukaan kokoukset etenivät. …”
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"We do not want 2015 to happen again" : parliamentary conceptions on asylum policy in the rhetoric of Bundestag during the German government crisis of 2018
Published 2022“…Germany’s role in the management of the crisis had great effects in its domestic politics, evidenced by the decline of the people’s parties and the rise of the right-wing party AfD. …”
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Fragile states produce authoritarian citizens : the relationship between the country of residence and personal-level authoritarianism
Published 2022“…In this master's thesis, I examined whether people's country of residence and its "fragility", or lack of democracy, affect their personal authoritarian orientation. …”
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Covid-19 pandemic related denialism and spread of false information
Published 2022“…This phenomenon manifested itself in the form of denialism and spreading of mis- and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic. …”
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Value creation in online brand communities on Youtube
Published 2023“…At the core of these communities is the interaction between its members, which creates value to both the brand and its community. …”
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Tietämättömyyden tila ihmiskunnan esteenä : Ǧāhilīya islamin negaationa Sayyid Qutbin maailmankuvassa ja ǧāhilīyan ylittäminen teoksessa Maʿālim fī l-ṭarīq
Published 2023“…According to Qutb, mankind is capable of living according to God's will in a harmonious state with itself and its environment, as long as it returns to the circle of Islam. …”
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Perceived contributions of Plan International Finland Children's Board participation to active global citizenship
Published 2024“…Considering that active global citizenship learning is a life-long and life-wide learning process, influenced by many factors, this study explores the programme’s contributions to active global citizenship development among former Children’s Board members instead of its impact. In the study contribution analysis is being applied to experiment how the method fits the exploring of qualitative retrospective accounts of perceived contributions. …”
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European narratives on EU’s energy security vis-á-vis Russian natural gas
Published 2018“…Additionally, the study discusses the EU’s struggling of building a common and coherent energy policy and its aim to decrease its dependence on Russian natural gas imports. …”
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Medical rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions on intercultural interaction, competence, and well-being at work
Published 2020“…The data was gathered by interviewing six medical rehabilitation professionals, after which the transcribed interviews were analysed with the Qualitative Content Analysis method and its directed approach. Themes such as the role of interpreters in the appointments with immigrant patients, the traumatic backgrounds of some patients, and perceived cultural differences with the immigrant patients came up during the interviews. …”
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“We Promise to Be a Good Company” : Oatly’s Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Twitter
Published 2020“…Finally, it can be noticed that Oatly addresses every stakeholder which means that it targets both of its audiences at the same time. Oatly also needs both of its audiences to make CSR communication as effective as possible. …”
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Lapsiperhepalvelut nepsy-lapsiperheen vanhemman kokemana
Published 2020“…Malli kuvailee lyhyesti perheen haasteita, sitä minkä perheet ovat kokeneet tuovan tukea, tai mitä he vielä toivoisivat lisää. Malli on itse rakentamani ja perustuu aineistossa esiin tulleisiin asioihin. …”
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KODA-lasten leksikaaliset taidot
Published 2021“…This master thesis studies lexical knowledge and its quantitative and qualitative features of hearing kids of Deaf parents (KODAs) from their results of SVK-LEKSIKKO. …”
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"Minä haluan lukee, koska teksti on helppoo ja ymmärtää" : aikuisten S2-oppijoiden kokemuksia selkokielisen kaunokirjallisuuden lukemisesta
Published 2022“…Haastattelu- ja keskusteluaineiston keräsin Teamsissa toteuttamassani opetuskokeilussa, jossa kuusi osallistujaa luki itsenäisesti Jää-novellin ja ryhmässä Sauna-novellin. …”
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Exploring employee perspectives into technology-mediated communication in multinational organizations
Published 2023“…However, TMC is reportedly limited in facilitating interpersonal bonds due to the absence of physical presence, and its inability to convey non-verbal cues like emotions and gestures thereby hindering the development of strong interpersonal relationships with a sense of commitment. …”
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Klassisen tiedon määritelmän haasteet ja Gettier-kritiikki : klassisen tietokäsityksen kestävyys tietoteoriassa
Published 2024“…The thesis presents two main arguments that demonstrate that Gettier cases have significant problems of its own. According to these two arguments, Gettier cases involve 1) coincidence or luck that is incompatible with knowledge and 2) their central argumentative basis rests on a semantic error that relies on the ambiguousness of natural language. …”
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“The Finnish accent is natural, anything else would be pretending” : Finnish EFL speakers’ accents as stylistic choices
Published 2024“…Based on the results it can be estimated that the Finnish accent has its established role among even those English-speakers who usually use a more nativelike variety. …”
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From streets to slavery? : vulnerability, resilience and the risk of human trafficking among street children in Nairobi, Kenya
Published 2017“…Katutytöille kaikkein tehokkain tapa pitää itsensä turvassa oli “menemällä naimisiin” katupojan kanssa. …”
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"Make America Great Again" : a rhetorical analysis of campaign and presidential speeches by Donald Trump in 2016-2017
Published 2018“…Based on the results, both Donald Trump’s campaign and presidential rhetoric is formed by describing an encompassing state of ruin and destruction of the USA and its people, to which the only deliverance is Trump’s own presidency. …”
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Sosiaalityöntekijöiden näkemyksiä olosuhdeselvitysten tekemisestä
Published 2018“…Asiasanat: olosuhdeselvitys, huoltoriita, lastensuojelu, sosiaalityöntekijän asiantuntijuus The thesis deals with the circumstance statement about families that the social service prepares at the district court's request for custody disputes. Custody disputes and its effects have been studied mostly from the point of view of children and parents. …”
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Media representations of asylum seekers : a multimodal analysis of online articles of the Guardian and the Daily Mail
Published 2018“…Useimmat saapuivat Kreikkaan tai Italiaan jatkaen matkaansa pohjoiseen, usein kohti Saksaa, Unkaria ja Ruotsia. …”
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