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Does horror game music make you anxious? : exploring horror music’s effect on players: a mixed methods study
Published 2024“…Anxious and suspenseful musical elements are abundant in horror video games, and a lot has been done in study-ing the ways this kind of music is made, and how it presents itself in-game. In video game studies fear and anxiety inducing elements are seen as key emotional elements in the horror genre. …”
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Journalistista viestintäammattilaiseksi : suomalaisen alanvaihtokeskustelun diskurssit
Published 2017“…Aineistosta löydettiin neljä diskurssia, jotka edustavat eri näkökulmia alanvaihtoon sekä tapoja rakentaa alanvaihtoa ilmiönä: 1. Alanvaihto on itsekäs puolenvaihto; 2. Alanvaihtoa leimaa vääristynyt käsitys viestinnästä; 3. …”
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"A strong union is one that thinks strategically" : analysis of the Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy
Published 2018“…It can thus be argued that the EU relies heavily on international institutions, such as the UN, in its global actions, but at the same time tries to achieve a position as an independent actor. …”
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Ayn Rand ja objektivismi
Published 2018“…However, there is reasonable evidence to conclude that Rand's objectivism or its theoretical base do not meet the generally accepted requirements for scientific knowledge. …”
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Victims or activists? : a critical discourse analysis on the roles of women and women’s activism in the fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria
Published 2019“…The aim of the group is to establish an Islamic caliphate in Western Africa, and the group is well known for its anti-Western ideology, strategical use of sexual and gender-based violence, and mass kidnappings. …”
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Political themes in political memes : understanding the intent and prevalence of political online memes
Published 2019“…Numerous different memetic styles were coded however in most instances, memes will alway exhibit a parodic undertone, even if the topic itself is serious. The importance and popularity of memes as a form of political participation is self-evident, considering the volumes of political memes present in Reddit alone. …”
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Vertaisohjaajien osallisuuden rakentuminen kulttuuripajatoiminnassa
Published 2019“…The aim of this study is to gather the baselines of cultural house activities, its meanings for the participants and the structure of participation. …”
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Ripeyttä, luottamusta ja yhteistä tahtotilaa : asiakasosallisuus ja moniammatillinen yhteistyö ankkuritoiminnan ytimessä
Published 2020“…Nuoren osallistumisen taso vaihtelee sen mukaisesti, millainen asia on käsitteillä ja minkälainen vuorovaikutus tuntuu hänelle itselleen luontaiselta. Suurimmaksi osaksi nuoret ovat vastaanottavaisia ja jättävät vain harvoin käyttämättä heille varatun tapaamisajan. …”
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Clashing over commemoration : the memory politics of Sandarmokh
Published 2021“…The research discusses, what kind of effects memory politics has in a state in relation to its historical writing, politics, commemoration and discourses. …”
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Communicating employer brand for an international audience : a collective case study of three career webpages
Published 2021“…Lisäksi työntekijän ei tarvitse huolehtia maahanmuuttoprosessista yksin, vaan työnantaja auttaa sen kanssa. 2) Työntekijä liittyisi yritykseen, joka välittää yhteisönsä hyvinvoinnista ja tiimihengestä. 3) Sisällöstä ilmenee työntekijöiden alustava intohimo pelejä kohtaan ja diskurssista välittyy tarve työntekijän henkilökohtaiseen motivaatioon oppia uusia asioita itsenäisesti, vaikkakin työnantaja tarjoaa mahdollisuudet sitä varten. …”
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Builders of the green future : exploring the background of Finland’s contemporary climate policy
Published 2024“…The Social Democratic Party-led government focused on climate and environmental issues of sustainable development more than its predecessors but was soon caught up in the international crises of its time. …”
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Performing normative power : analysing speech acts in the European Parliament debate on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Published 2024“…Most speakers were calling for the EU to enforce an arms embargo and/or otherwise limit its ties with Saudi Arabia, thus calling for it to take normative action. …”
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Konstruoidun toiminnan kehystämisen strategiat suomalaisen viittomakielen tarina- ja keskusteluaineistossa
Published 2024“…Signed language seems to make it possible that framing constructed action in its traditional sense is not necessarily always needed. …”
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Käsiotteen ja viittomakielisen käsimuodon välinen ikonisuus kognitiivis-semioottisesta näkökulmasta
Published 2017“…Sensorimotor experience of hand grasp creates its own kind of meaning. A linguistic structure may be motivated by linguistic source and language‑independent factors. …”
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Inspiring elite action for a more just society? : media framing of elite social responsibility in an unequal, unconsolidated democracy : a case study from Namibia
Published 2017“…This test found that roughly 70 percent of the items were framed using the Minding My Own or Good Samaritan frames, which suggest that the well-off should do either nothing or do charity. …”
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Kuukausiviittomien foneettinen ja leksikaalinen variaatio suomalaisessa viittomakielessä
Published 2018“…When considering the relation between the social variables and different lexical month variants, age is the most prominent one. Every month has its distinct variant of sign, which is generally used in Finnish Sign Language, regardless of what the social variables are. …”
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”Siinäpä vasta loistoemäntä!” : perheenemännyys 1950-luvun Kotiliesi-lehtien mainosteksteissä
Published 2018“…Kaikissa diskursseissa ilmeni kodin itseisarvoa suojeleva normi, joka välillisesti velvoitti perheenemäntiä pysymään kodin piirissä. …”
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Understandings of creativity, innovation, and technology in a distributed team of journalists : a practitioner-centered approach
Published 2019“…Specifically, this study places its focus on remote work and distributed teams which have increased as communication technology is adopted in professional organizations. …”
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R2P - a contested concept or a global norm? : a rhetorical analysis of the United Nations General Assembly formal debate on R2P in 2018
Published 2019“…R2P is a notion endorsed unanimously by the UN General Assembly in 2005. Its three pillars embody the primary responsibility of states to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. …”
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“As long as I am still here working, I must be committed to start a degree” : a case study on teacher professional development in a refugee settlement in Uganda
Published 2019“…Tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat opettajien motivaatioon kehittää itseään ammatillisesti. Tutkimuksen ensisijainen aineisto kerättiin pakolaisleirille suuntautuneen kenttävierailun aikana, jolloin leirillä työskenteleviä opettajia haastateltiin. …”
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