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Teknovelka ohjelmistoissa : vaikutukset, hallinta ja suhde ohjelmistoturvallisuuteen
Published 2020“…Development may gain temporary speed by acquiring technical debt, but this debt must be managed accordingly, or its consequences may prove costly or even crippling. …”
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Hiljaisen tietämyksen hallinta : historiallinen näkökulma
Published 2020“…However, technological developments, and with it the exponentially growing increase of knowledge, have created the need to model the context of knowledge through new types of mechanisms in order to enable its strategic utilization. After efforts on storage and transformation of individual-level knowledge, the collaborative creation of group-level tacit knowledge and investments on value-added practical applications have become the focus of tacit knowledge management for organizations in several industries. …”
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Sosiaalinen media osana älykkään kaupungin hallintoa
Published 2020“…This thesis is done in the form of a literature review, and its purpose is to find out what opportunities and benefits social media brings to smart city government. …”
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Verkkokaupankäynnin omaksuminen ja menestyminen : viitekehyksenä teknologian omaksumismallit
Published 2020“…Businesses are transferring their products and services to online, so it’s relevant to recognize, how consumers adapt to the electronic commerce and which are the key factors that lead businesses to success. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian sovellusmahdollisuudet toimitusketjun jäljittämisessä
Published 2020“…This bachelor’s thesis delves into blockchain technology and examines its application possibilities in supply chain traceability. …”
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Teknostressin huomioon ottaminen transformationaalisessa johtamisessa
Published 2021“…The purpose is to find new information about the impact of leadership style to the employees’ technostress and its incidence. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that transformational leadership has a relieving effect on the technostress of employees. …”
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Disinformaation muodostamat kyberuhat
Published 2021“…A networked information society predisposes its members to a continuous flood of information. …”
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Neutralisaatiotekniikoiden hyödyntäminen osana organisaatioiden tietoturvatutkimusta
Published 2021“…Lupaavana tuoreena suuntauksena esiintyvät neutralisaatiotekniikat, jotka esittävät työntekijöiden neutralisoivan itselleen haitallisia ohjeistuksen vastaisesta toiminnasta aiheutuvia seurauksia. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian hyödyntäminen sähköisten potilaskertomusten datan hallinnassa
Published 2021“…However, challenges in blockchain’s scalability and storage capacity management, as well as in data security and interoperability, as well as in cultural and social adoption, have so far been identified hampering its larger-scale adoption in this area. This bachelor’s thesis has been implemented as a literature review, in which material that meets the criteria of scientific research has been searched from selected databases with selected and defined keywords. …”
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Verkkoon kytkettyjen IoT-laitteiden tietoturvaongelmat
Published 2021“…The research has been implemented as a qualitative literature review and its main research questions are: “What kind of security risks does IoT involve?” …”
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Graafisten käyttöliittymien visuaalinen suunnittelu ja sen vaikutus käyttäjäkokemukseen
Published 2022“…The term user experience became to emerge in the design process, and its intention was to describe users’ interactions with products and the experiences those interactions created. …”
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Tekoäly yritysmarkkinoinnin työkaluna
Published 2022“…This thesis explores the opportunities that artificial intelligence and its application offer to business-to-business marketing. …”
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Machine learning in macroeconomic forecasting
Published 2022“…Machine learning is at its strongest in making predictions. Econometric models have always tried to forecast the economy, but it has been noted that machine learning is more accurate in its predictions than the more traditional models. …”
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Pelitestauksen menetelmät ja haasteet
Published 2022“…Monet pelit joutuvatkin hylätyksi tai epäonnistuvat, kun joko itse työ tai tulos ei vastaa vaatimuksia. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on selvittää pelitestauksen haasteita peliyritysten kehi-tystoiminnassa. …”
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Digitalisaation vaikutukset uutismedian kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen
Published 2022“…Digitalization has had a profound impact on every aspect of our society. Journalism and its consumption is no exception here and we are living in a time of media revolution. …”
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Tekoälyn hyödyntäminen digitaalisessa markkinoinnissa
Published 2023“…Since the utilization of artificial intelligence is still a relatively new phenomenon in digital marketing, not all marketers have a comprehensive understanding of its use in digital marketing. This bachelor’s thesis investigated how artificial intelligence can be utilized in digital marketing and what advantages the utilization of artificial intelligence brings to digital marketing. …”
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Tekoälyn hyödyntäminen asiakaspalvelussa
Published 2023“…The results of the study revealed that artificial intelligence in customer service offers new opportunities above all in enhancing customer service, but its use also contains limiting factors, especially in relation to information security and customer satisfaction. …”
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Tekoälyn hyödyntäminen osana rahoituspäätöstä
Published 2023“…Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained significant popularity in our society in recent years. Its use in the workplace and our daily lives is more prevalent than ever before. …”
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Digitalisaatio ja sen vaikutus metsätalouteen
Published 2024“…The forestry sector is not exempt from this development but includes its own customized applications for new technologies. …”
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Chatbotit sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä : kuluttajien suhtautuminen ja vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2024“…The most significant factor affecting consumers’ attitude is anthropomorphism and its elements that allow chatbots to communicate and appear in a very human-like way. …”
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