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Virtuaalitodellisuuden keinot luoda ja vangita arvoa
Published 2019“…Uusi teknologia ja virtuaalimaailmat kiehtovat kuluttajia, jotka voivat nykypäivänä ostaa itselleen kohtuuhintaiset virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteet, mutta yrityssektorilla virtuaalitodellisuuteen on suhtauduttu varauksella. …”
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Testaus palveluna : eroavaisuudet perinteisiin testausmenetelmiin
Published 2019“…Aiemmat tutkimukset painottuivat paljolti itsessään perinteiseen testaukseen tai testauspalveluun erillisinä kokonaisuuksina, mutta vertailevia tutkimuksia oli harvassa. …”
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Opetuksen pelillistäminen
Published 2019“…This bachelor's thesis fulfilled as a literature review deals with gamification and it’s use as part of education. The thesis deals in particular with digital gamification. …”
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Muutosvastarinnan ennaltaehkäisy kuntien ja kuntien kaltaisten organisaatioiden tietojärjestelmäprojekteissa
Published 2019“…This is followed by a review of the literature on resistance to change and its prevention and an integrated model of change resistance. …”
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Videoiden merkitys yritysten sisällöntuotannon välineenä sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2020“…Video is constantly evolving as a medium and its importance and uses are inc- reasing. This research focuses on how companies can make use of videos in their content marketing and what kind of benefits does using videos give for a company. …”
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Käytettävyyden tärkeys uudessa mobiililaitteessa ja järjestelmässä
Published 2020“…This thesis discusses usability and its importance in a new device and system. The thesis is carried out as a literature review using the literature in the field and seeks to find issues that affect usability to improve them and prevent problems caused by poor usability. …”
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Virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntäminen markkinoinnissa
Published 2020“…In addition, the rapid development of VR technology brings its own challenges as VR files become obsolete. …”
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Millaisia ansaintamalleja henkilöbrändäys mahdollistaa sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2020“…Sosiaalisessa mediassa vaikuttajat ja muut näkyvyyttä keräävät henkilöt luovat itselleen henkilöbrändin osittain tiedostaen ja tiedostamatta. …”
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Big datan ja data-analytiikan haasteet markkinoinnissa
Published 2021“…The potential of big data has been widely recognized in various industries and its potential has gained weight in both scientific research and practical business. …”
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Teollisen internetin hyödyntäminen teollisuudessa
Published 2021“…This thesis discusses the Industrial Internet of Things and the benefits, applications, and challenges associated with its utilization, and it also compares the conceptual differences between the Industrial Internet of Things and the Internet of Things. …”
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SAFe-viitekehyksen käyttöönotto : mahdollisuudet ja hyödyt
Published 2021“…SAFe framework is a scalable agile framework implemented to an enterprise. Its goal is to enable traditional agile methods, such as Scrum, to a larger unit, rather than one team. …”
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Autojen käyttöjärjestelmien vaikutus turvallisuuteen
Published 2021“…This thesis examines different solutions to implement a car operating system and its controls, focusing on the safety of their use while driving. …”
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IOT-laitteiden kyberturvahaavoittuvuudet älykotiympäristössä
Published 2021“…Overall a smart home can make the life of its user easier by saving time and money. The problems form when the person controlling the IoT system in a smart home environment does not have the proper knowledge or resources to maintain adequate security, which increases the amount of cyber security vulnerabilities and makes cyber security risks more likely to happen. …”
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Finanssiteknologia ja vertaislainat : substituutti vai komplementti perinteisille pankkilainoille?
Published 2021“…Peer-to-peer lending is increasing its margin in the financial sector while very little is known about the factors behind the change. …”
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Teknologian mahdollistaman tiedon helpon saatavuuden negatiiviset vaikutukset kognitioon
Published 2022“…We have become quite reliant on the Internet for finding information, and in recent years questions have arisen about its possible effects on human cognitive functions, such as thinking and memory. …”
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Katsaus Non-Funbgible tokeneihin
Published 2022“…This dissertation examines NFTs from the perspective of new technology, its features, components, and its current market platforms and uses. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian sääntely Euroopan unionissa
Published 2022“…The European Union’s blockchain strategy contains plans of close co operation in hopes of building a union wide network. The EU is also doing its best to ensure its citizen’s safety by combating criminality by means of active legislation. …”
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Algoritmisen ajattelun oppiminen oppimis- ja viihdepelien avulla
Published 2022“…In the last decade, computational thinking has made its’ way to curricula around the world. However, conceptualizing computational thinking has had some challenges due to its differing definitions. …”
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Esineiden internetin hyödyt iäkkäiden ja vanhusten kotihoidossa
Published 2022“…The thesis presents in detail the properties of the Internet of Things and its problem areas. In addition to the introduction to the Internet of Things, the attitudes of the elderly towards new technologies and challenges they bring will be reviewed. …”
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Videota toistavien suoratoistopalveluiden käyttäjäkokemus mobiililaitteilla
Published 2022“…User experience, on the other hand, is important itself as it is crucial for the development of streaming services and the competition between streaming services. …”
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