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A Point, A Process, A Meaning : A Psycho-Semiotic Inquiry into the Sorcerer's 3rd Point of Reference and Numeric Indices in Carlos Castaneda's "The Power of Silence" (1987)
Published 2024“…They can be “keyed open” to reveal an obtuse layer of meaning, intricately woven together by a web of iterative numbers. Additionally, a numerologico–narratological interpretation experiment related to the metaphorical dimension of numbers is provided —an anachronic “key” to the implied narrative “game” or “puzzle” within the macro-structure of the Teachings. …”
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Ajan arvoituksia : fiktiivinen ajan kokemus Cormac McCarthyn romaanissa No country for old men
Published 2013“…Lisäksi teos tuo esiin toivon ja itsetuntemuksen tärkeyden, jotta tulevaisuuteen liittyvä epävarmuus voitaisiin ylittää. …”
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Monitaituri ja kumppani : tutkimus valtion koulukotien erityistyöntekijöiden tehtävistä ja rooleista
Published 2013“…Myös valtion koulukodit ovat muutoksen edessä. Entiset itsenäiset koulukodit muodostavat nyt yhteisen palvelukokonaisuuden, joka sisällään kehittää toimintaansa ja palveluitaan vastaamaan alati vaativimpiin tarpeisiin. …”
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Concept and practices of youth media participation : case: youth editorial board Painovirhe
Published 2014“…Painovirhe-nuoret kokevat Painovirhe-toiminnan itsessään lisäävän kansalaistaitoja ja antavan eväitä mediaosallistumiseen kansalaisena. …”
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China's rhetoric and soft power towards the Portuguese-speaking countries : the case of Angola
Published 2014“…In this thesis, Chinese rhetoric and its soft power actions will be explored to understand the relationship with Angola. …”
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Denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in a lake receiving wastewater effluent
Published 2015“…In this thesis, rates of denitrification and DNRA and their correlations with water quality were studied in Lake Keurusselkä, where a wastewater treatment plant releases its effluent waters. Incubation and reactor experiments were conducted by using 15N tracers. …”
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Kohti Leanin mukaista ohjelmistotuotantoa
Published 2015“…This literature review describes the background of Lean thinking, its main principles, Lean transformation and assessment from the viewpoints of industrial and software engineering. …”
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Embodied cognition in prevention of musician’s musculoskeletal problems in learning environment : an integrative review
Published 2024“…Synteesi kehittyi kahden korkean tason teeman ympärille: 1) kehollisuus ja keholliskognitiivinen itsesäätely ja 2) ympäristö kognitiivisissa strategioissa. …”
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Burdens or facilitators? : case study on women's participation in peace negotiations during the Colombian conflict
Published 2020“…The peace agreement between the Colombian government and guerrilla group FARC-EP has been considered one of the most inclusive peace agreements in history; therefore, I intended to look at the peace agreement and its gender-specific provisions. Furthermore, this research aimed to look at how, if in any way, women affected the peace negotiations and how the gender-specific provisions of the peace agreement have been implemented so far. …”
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Investment in English language learning in Finnish upper secondary school
Published 2024“…Oppilaat kokivat, että voivat tuoda itsestään esiin haluamansa symbolisen pääoman. Opiskelijat kritisoivat jonkin verran koulun käytänteitä, kuten kiireistä aikataulua, sekä sitä, että koulussa opittu kieli on epäkäytännöllistä. …”
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Puijo Kuopion ikonisena matkakohteena : matkailumaisema sosiaalisen järjestyksen, vallan ja maailmankuvan mallina : Puijo-kuvaston narratiivinen analyysi.
Published 2020“…Niiden kautta ihminen itse kontekstoi, tulkitsee kokemustaan ja tekee siitä merkityksellisen. …”
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Embrace the inevitable : a paradigm shift in history of psychiatry during the Decade of the Brain
Published 2019“…By examining their works, we can discern a shift of thought, operating on different levels and in various discursive environments, but all converging around the concept of biological psychiatry and its rising influence in society at large. Whereas Shorter was explicitly eager to embrace the new paradigm, Porter remained more ambivalent and Scull continued to ignore the subject for much of the decade. …”
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Pakolaisia, agentteja ja vastavallankumouksellisia : ranskalaiset emigrantit Britannian julkisessa keskustelussa vuosina 1789-1794
Published 2020“…Migration is an internationally topical phenomenon and its history is an important research subject. The topic of this thesis is one of the most significant refugee migrations of modern European history, the French emigration of 1789-1815. …”
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Technology through The Danish Sound : machinery imports to Russia 1815—1853: evidence from the Sound Toll Registers Online and the foreign trade statistics of the Russian Empire
Published 2022“…Aluksi koneiden kaupankäyntiä tarkastellaan koko Itämeren kontekstissa, jonka jälkeen huomio siirretään varsinaisesti koneiden tuontiin Venäjälle. …”
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Modernit parantoladiskurssit : tuberkuloosipotilaiden hoito ja seuranta Paimion parantolan vuosikertomuksissa 1933–1939
Published 2024“…Medical research of tuberculosis took significant steps forward during this same period. Both in its treatment approach and architectural philosophy, the Paimio Sanatorium is closely linked to these historical developments. …”
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The use of communication accommodation strategies in a work group : a case study of four meetings
Published 2017“…Work groups should pay more attention on issues benefiting its cohesiveness, gaining a deeper understanding for cultural differences, and developing procedures that minimize the effect of potential technological breakdowns on communication. …”
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Brain drain and the gulf in world labor market : an analysis of employment conditions of highly skilled Pakistanis in Finland’s ICT sector
Published 2018“…In the developed country, the human capital of the low-income countries has better-paid jobs relative to its home country. However, due to oversupply of labor from the developing countries, the employers of the developed economies get the room to discriminate them on the basis of wages. …”
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Women’s multifaceted citizenship in rural Uganda : an exploration of identity, belonging and spaces of participation
Published 2021“…This study joins the contestations of the contemporary scholarship of citizenship by first proposing a notion of multifaceted citizenship that acknowledges the dynamism of citizenship, that citizenship is context dependent and that relationships and daily practices are a crucial part of it; second by exploring feminist perspectives of citizenship and its contribution of an inclusive model of citizenship while exploring the concepts of identity, belonging and spaces of participation and their implication on women’s citizenship. …”
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The Significance and Function of Regulation in a Converging Media Landscape : Challenges in Audiovisual Regulation in Finland
Published 2022“…Sääntely on muuntunut valtiovetoisesta kohti yhteissääntelyä, ja osin myös kohti itsesääntelyä, eli valta on hajaantunut. Toiseksi, kansallisia ikärajoja puoltaa kansallisidentiteettiin liittyvä kansallisten arvojen vaaliminen. …”
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Temporality & choice for answering is/ought -question : constructive criticism of Saariluoma's attempt to overcome Hume's guillotine
Published 2023“…Ethics cannot be practiced if the practice itself includes acts that produce unnecessary pain. …”
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