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Turvallinen ja terveellinen kalanmaksa : viljellyn ja luonnonvaraisen siian (Coregonus lavaretus) sekä kirjolohen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) maksan ravitsemuksellinen sisältö
Published 2019“…Tutkimuskohteina olivat viljelty siika ja kirjolohi merialueen (Itämeri) verkkokassiviljelystä sekä sisämaan kiertovesi- ja läpivirtauslaitoksilta. …”
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Effect of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) infection on virulence of flavobacterium columnare in brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Published 2019“…Freshwater Pearl Mussel (FPM) Margaritifera margaritifera glochidia is an obligatory gill parasite to its salmonid host, brown trout (Salmo trutta). In general, it has been reported that parasiteic infections usually increase its host´s susceptibility to other secondary infections including bacterial infection. …”
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PKR phosphorylation as an Indicator for echovirus 1 genome egress from endosomes
Published 2019“…Kaksijuosteisesta RNA:a (dsRNA) aktivoituva protein kinase dsRNA-dependent-proteiini (PKR) on eIF2 kinaasi, joka itsefosforyloituu aktivoituessaan. Sekä PKR:N että eIF2:n fosforylaatio yhdistetään usein antiviraaliseen soluviestintään. …”
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Cellular distribution and amounts of positive and negative RNA strands of enterovirus during an infection in vitro
Published 2020“…The life cycle of enteroviruses is relatively well known, but the distribution of the positive RNA genome and its complementary negative RNA strands during an infection are unknown, mostly due to lacking techniques. …”
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Cell entry and early infection of Echovirus 30
Published 2020“…Here, we have purified E30 and studied its cell entry and early infection using confocal microscopy and receptor binding assay. …”
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Effects of the early life environment on the morphology, behaviour and reproductive success of male bank voles (Myodes glareolus)
Published 2019“…The early life period of an individual is sensitive to changes in its environment and can potentially exert changes to its phenotype. …”
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Use and perception of biosolids through a literature review and a case study in Ndola, Zambia
Published 2021“…The amount of sewage sludge produced is increasing with population growth, urbanisation in the developing world and increasingly stringent wastewater treatment standards, therefore increasing the pressure to find sustainable solutions to its end use. Agricultural use of sewage sludge, i.e. biosolids, is a common practise but is not free from risks as sewage sludge can contain a variety of pollutants and face public opposition. …”
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IHN- ja VHS-virusten RT-qPCR-testimenetelmän käyttöönotto sekä konsentrointimenetelmien vertailu
Published 2023“…Among the concentration methods, PEG precipitation and ultrafiltration slightly increased the concentration of the sample, but ultrafiltration was selected for processing samples from the RAS facility due to its speed and simplicity. Neither of these methods had a significant effect on the concentration of the sample. …”
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Alppi- ja freestylehiihtäjien fyysisten ominaisuuksien muutokset vuoden seurannan aikana
Published 2000“…Toisaalta alppilajien harjoituskausien vaikutuksista lajissa vaadittaviin ominaisuuksiin on olemassa hyvin vähän raporto itua tutkimustietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena olikin selvittää alppilajien fyysisten ominaisuuksien muutoksia harjoitus- ja kilpailukaudella sekä testien soveltuvuutta alppilajien menestyksen kuvaamiseen. …”
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Composition and prognostic significance of T helper lymphocytes in lung cancer
Published 2024“…Lung cancer is the most fatal cancer worldwide with non-small cell lung cancer and its subtypes adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma accounting for approximately 80% of all lung cancer cases. …”
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Sienten lajirunsaus ja -koostumus pääte- ja harvennushakkuiden teko- ja luonnonpökkelöillä
Published 2024“…Kartoitin tutkimuspökkelöistä silmin havaittavat sienten itiöemät ja keräsin purunäytteen sienilajiston DNA-määritystä varten. …”
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The cheerio mechanosensory region fine-tunes Drosophila cellularization
Published 2024“…The genotype with the least restriction to its protein interaction site separated itself from other genotypes by its perimeter and circularity values and by being localized differently. …”
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Vajavainen nainen : Freudin naiskuva Irigarayn silmin
Published 2017“…Rikottu alkuperäsuhde vaikuttaa Irigarayn mukaan laajemmin myöskin siihen, että naisen on tarkoitus Freudin teoriassa vihata ei vain äitiään, vaan myöskin itseään. Tämä aiheuttaa pakostikin naisen tunteen huonommuudesta. …”
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Immigrant integration and policy framework : an analysis on the impact of integration policies of immigrants within Finland and their economic influence within the welfare state
Published 2018“…This paper will specifically focus on the decision making processes behind immigrant integration policies, highlighting its different scopes, efficiency as well as the different roles the various actors play and contribute to shaping these policies. …”
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The conditions of choice : analysis of the decision making process on abortion in Western Ukraine
Published 2019“…This study aims to look at young women’s decision making process on abortion and struggles that they face in Western Ukraine. Its’ goal is to find out what factors have an influence on decision to terminate pregnancy or keep a child and to look at the conditions in which the decision is being made. …”
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Musical learning for the development of well-being, well-being approaches to deepen learning : an action research project integrating coaching, positive psychology, mindfulness, an...
Published 2020“…This led to high reported pleasure, but perhaps at the expense of more marked results via stronger habit formation, which might have increased well-being further due to competency gains in musical and mindfulness skills. Future iterations of the action research cycle could explore these issues. …”
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Facebook as a discursive space for grassroots action
Published 2021“…Verkon sosiaaliseen ryhmään kuuluminen näyttäytyi itsetarkoituksena, jossa yksilö hetkellisesti ja rajattuja varantoja hyödyntäen tuli nähdyksi ja kuulluksi, jos sopeutui sivuston määrittämiin rajauksiin. …”
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Women’s economic empowerment in Cambodia : analysis of gender mainstreaming in the National Strategic Development Plan (2019-2023
Published 2023“…Lopussa tutkimus pyrkii antamaan suosituksia poliittiseen suunnitteluun epätasa-arvon vaikutuksen ymmärtämisessä yhteiskunnalliseen vakauteen. After its disastrous history, Cambodia has managed to accelerate its growth. …”
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From needs to competencies : a case study on the integration of a rights based approach into NGO practises
Published 2010“…Considering different approaches and rethinking ‘the child’ is important as it engages the organisation to examine its current practises. …”
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Ruokailutottumusten, kehonkoostumuksen ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteys kolesterolin metabolisiin profiileihin
Published 2016“…Fyysistä aktiivisuutta koehenkilöt arvioivat itse arviointina kyselylomakkeella, joista arvioitiin henkilöille aktiivisuusluokka kuukausitasolla. …”
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