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  1. 2501

    Environmental factors influencing effects of chemicals on soil animals : studies at population and community levels by Martikainen, Esko

    Published 1998
    “…Increasing organic matter content decreased dimethoate concentration in the soil pore water, and hence its toxicity. Lowering the temperature increased the toxic effects, but only slightly. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  2. 2502

    Intellektuaalista terrorismia : Kansainväliset situationistit 1957-72 by Sederholm, Helena

    Published 1994
    “…Many of its ideas about art and politics came from Dada, COBRA, Lettrism and other movements. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  3. 2503

    Illuminating political experience : exercises on Hannah Arendt's thought by Hyvönen, Ari-Elmeri

    Published 2017
    “…The study explores Arendt’s notion of political experience and its role in political thinking more broadly. It argues that while the importance of experience is often noted in the existing scholarship on Arendt, a proper exploration of its meaning is lacking. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  4. 2504

    From business correspondence to message exchange : the notion of genre in business communication by Louhiala-Salminen, Leena

    Published 1999
    “…In addition, the present book includes a report of a substudy that analyzed authentic business messages as textual products focusing on the characteristic formal elements, on the one hand, and on the metadiscoursal items found in letters, faxes, and email messages, on the other. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  5. 2505

    Siiwollisuuden tuntoa ja ylewätä kauneuden mieltä : suomenkielinen nuorisokirjallisuus 1851-1899 by Kuivasmäki, Riitta

    Published 1990
    “…A central force in the birth of Finnish children's literature was Fennomania, the nationalist movement awakened by J.V. Snellman, and its ideology of public enlightenment. It was supported both by the school and library establishments and by an increasingly complex network of societies and associations. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  6. 2506

    Kurssimuotoisuus opetussuunnitelman moduulirakenteen sovelluksena lukiossa by Välijärvi, Jouni

    Published 1993
    “…The theoretical background of the research consisted of a general curriculum theory and its relation to the constructivist concept of learning. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  7. 2507

    Cygnaeuksen jäljillä käsityönopetuksesta teknologiseen kasvatukseen by Kantola, Jouko

    Published 1997
    “…The lecturers have brought up themes that develop their students' environmental awareness and sensitivity, e.g., issues pertaining to loading the environment and to its condition. The lecturers are fairly well aware of environmental matters, they know the terminology and also the qualities of the substances used in technical work. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  8. 2508

    Ylioppilastutkinnon muotoutuminen autonomian aikana by Lindström, Aslak

    Published 1998
    “…Venäläistämispolitiikka jarrutti uudistumista. Vasta itsenäisessä Suomessa tutkintoon tehtiin perusteellisemmat muutokset. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  9. 2509

    Ero ja immersio. Tutkimus artefaktin ongelmasta ja aineellisen ja käsitteellisen välisistä suhteista by Hassinen, Pekka

    Published 2021
    “…Historiallisesti suhteellisen nuoreen artefaktin käsitteeseen on tullut materiaalisuuksien kasvun myötä sen painon sivuuttavaa itsestäänselvyyttä, kuten tapahtui ikivanhalle olemisen käsitteelle Martin Heideggerin käänteentekevän huomion mukaan. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  10. 2510

    Hoitokokouksen äänet : dialoginen analyysi perhekeskeisen psykiatrisen hoitoprosessin hoitokokouskeskusteluista työryhmän toiminnan näkökulmasta by Haarakangas, Kauko

    Published 1997
    “…The context of this study is treatment meeting, which is the basic event in the family and network oriented psychiatric treatment model at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio and in its catchment area in Western Lapland. The aim of the study is to examine conversation in treatment meeting as a dialogical process especially from the viewpoint of the team. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  11. 2511

    Sosiaalityön rajasysteemit ja kehitysvyöhyke by Arnkil, Erik

    Published 1992
    “…Research enhances its critical potentials by reframing social work as coping in conflicting networks. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  12. 2512

    Regional convergence and migration in Finland 1960-95 by Pekkala, Sari

    Published 2000
    “…Second chapter analyses regional GDP growth and convergence at different regional levels and periods, and shows that regional convergence has taken place in Finland. However, its speed has varied greatly in time and across different levels of regional aggregation. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  13. 2513

    The extended therapy room coming from an authentic place... : a phenomenological-hermeneutic study of my experiences as a psychotherapist in the Extended Therapy Room by Håkansson, Carina

    Published 2014
    “…This practice combines ordinary life with therapeutic knowledge and is not primarily about theoretic perspectives and therapeutic techniques, but the meeting between people and how these meetings in different ways make an impact, not only on the one here called client, but on all of us included in the shared commitment and the organization in its whole. The research material is made up of fourteen stories where I'm part of the events that take place, mainly as a psychotherapist but in one story I'm a social worker and in another I'm a child. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  14. 2514

    Two perspectives to text structure representation by Sallinen, Riitta

    Published 1998
    “…The two levels of analysis are carried out side by side so that a group of propositions is coded for its message-core function and for the messagestrategic pattern by means of which the message core function is realized. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  15. 2515

    Interspecific social information in habitat choice by Seppänen, Janne-Tuomas

    Published 2007
    “…Social learning is a special case of social information use, where the individual gains generalised knowledge about some feature in its environment. By simulating arbitrary preferences of tits, I showed that both pied and collared flycatcher can blindly copy the preferences of residents. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  16. 2516

    Järjestäytyminen ja yhteiskunnan muutos : järjestötoiminnan alkuvaiheet ja laajentuminen suomenkielisellä Etelä-Pohjanmaalla vuoteen 1908 by Latikka, Olavi

    Published 1987
    “…The parish of Ilmajoki with its surroundings was clearly the centre of economic and ideal organizational activities towards the end of the 1800's. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  17. 2517

    Pohjanmaan suomenkielisten kylien oltermannihallinto : tutkimus vuoden 1742 kyläjärjestysohjeen toteuttamisesta by Kallio, Reino

    Published 1982
    “…In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, the system of village administration by elders gradually lost its original significance. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  18. 2518

    Painted and photographed portraits in Finland 1839-1870 by Käyhkö, Unto

    Published 1995
    “…The severe age lasted in its strict form as the hard period up until the early part of the 1850's. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  19. 2519

    "Az igazság ismérve az, hogy igaz" : etika és nemzeti identitás Sütő András "Anyám könnyű álmot ígér" című művében és annak recepciójában by Bartis, Imre

    Published 2008
    “…The introduction outlines the basic ideas of narrative ethics and narrative identity theory, which serve as tools for the close reading of András Sütő s Anyám könnyű álmot ígér and its literary critical reception. The reasons for choosing these theories and the topics of ethics and national identity are also given here: the main argument is that, since both the analyzed literary work and its reception interweaves in a narrative form the question of moral principles with that of Hungarian identity, a narrative ethical approach on the construction of identity in the texts in question can be relevant. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  20. 2520

    Themiksen temppeli : vanhan Vaasan hovioikeudentalo Kustaa III:n valistuspyrkimysten monumentti by Harju, Virpi

    Published 1997
    “…A clear exception among Finland's court buildings is Gustav Ill's Old Vaasa Court of Appeal, which is distinguished by its architectural magnificence and its iconographical importance. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
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