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Connotations in Kenneth Grahame's The wind in the willows and its Finnish translation
Published 2009Get full text
Master's thesis -
ART-ohjelman soveltaminen aggressiiviselle käyttäytymiselle vaihtoehtoisten toimintamallien opettamisessa : tapaustutkimus ohjelman soveltuvuudesta 4.-6....
Published 2010Subjects: “…Aggression Replacement Training (ART)…”
Master's thesis -
"Kun ihmiset hoksais et kuin helppoa se perheliikunta on" : perheliikunnan harrastaminen 4.-luokkalaisten perheissä
Published 2011“…Perheliikunnan harrastaminen 4.-luokkalaisten perheissä…”
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Master's thesis -
Value-added bioproducts or renewable energy derived from lignin?...
Published 2016JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
"Ois kiva et se kattois mua ja puhuis" : cochlear implanted learners' experiences of learning English as a foreign language, a case study
Published 2015“…Cochlear implanted learners' experiences of learning English as a foreign language, a case study…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
Value-added bioproducts or renewable energy derived from lignin?...
Published 2016“…The global warming and acidification potentials were also higher with refinement, but only 1.6 to 3 times. One of the key outcomes of the thesis is that the environmental impact cannot be assessed only by the applied method, but also e.g. carbon sequestration and possible product substitution must be taken into account in the assessment. …”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The use of language learning strategies and its role in language learning
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The formal method known as B and a sketch for its implementation
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Connotations in Kenneth Grahame's The wind in the willows and its Finnish translation
Published 2009Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Rollenspiel als Vermittler der interkulturellen Gesprächskompetenz in der Grundstufe
Published 2001Subjects: “…Saksan kieli ja kulttuuri…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Die Pragmatik als Teil und Symptom der Sprachwissenschaft
Published 2006Subjects: “…Saksan kieli ja kulttuuri…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"En mä halua et mun pomo seuraa mua" : mitkä tekijät estävät työntekijää omaksumasta organisaation sisäistä sosiaalista viestintävälinettä?
Published 2017“…The models for the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT and UTAUT2) are used as a combined framework. The data collection was done using the theme-centered interviews with employees (=13) and for the analysis a thematic approach was adopted to turn the qualitative data into meaningful patterns. …”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"Ois kiva et se kattois mua ja puhuis" : cochlear implanted learners' experiences of learning English as a foreign language, a case study
Published 2015“…Cochlear implanted learners' experiences of learning English as a foreign language, a case study…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
"Vähän heitettiin syvään päähän ja katottiin et uidaanko" : primary school teachers' readiness to teach early English to young learners
Published 2019Other Authors: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Der Vogel als Symbol in Hermann Hesses Roman Demian
Published 2022Subjects: “…Saksan kieli ja kulttuuri…”
Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
"Als gäbe es nicht die dunklen Stellen dazwischen" : Intertextuelle Bezüge und Gegensätze in der Kurzgeschichte Landvermessung von Thomas Stangl
Published 2016Subjects: Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis