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Inactivity contributes to body fat in twin pairs with 30-years discordance in leisure-time physical activity habits
Published 2008Master's thesis -
Opyt izučenija obščestvenno-političeskoj terminologii /na materiale monografii J.N. Davydova 'Begstvo ot svobody'
Published 1983Master's thesis -
Le pilote et son univers dans Vol de nuit d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Published 1990Subjects: “…Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. Vol de nuit…”
Master's thesis -
Déchéance ou précarité en français de certains mots et sens qui survivent en anglais
Published 1972Master's thesis -
Le crève-coeur et Les yeux d'Elsa de Louis Aragon : poésies de circonstance
Published 1975“…Le crève-coeur…”
JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Master's thesis -
”Et jos niinku sinne menee jotenki mestaroimaan niin se ei toimi” : jaettu asiantuntijuus erityisopettajan konsultatiivisessa työssä
Published 2018Other Authors: “…Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
“Se on varmaan jokaisen vanhemman pahin pelko et omaa lasta kiusataan.” : vanhemmat lastensa koulukiusaamisen kohtaajina ja käsittelijöinä
Published 2019Subjects: “…koulun ja kodin välinen yhteistyö…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Političeskij anekdot kak zerkalo sovetskogo soûza i postsovetskoj Rossii : (ot oktâbr'skoj revolûcii do 1994 goda)
Published 2007Subjects: “…Venäjän kieli ja kulttuuri…”
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Werbekommunikation im Wandel : Einblicke in Massenwerbung und "Webvertising" am Beispiel von WWW-Präsenzen finnischer und deutscher Unternehmen
Published 1999Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
CtBP3/BARS-proteiinin merkitys echovirus 1:n ja α2β1-integriinin internalisaatiossa
Published 2007Subjects: “…Solu- ja molekyylibiologia…”
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La subjectivité des adjectifs dans L'Amérique au jour le jour 1947 de Simone de Beauvoir
Published 2012Subjects: “…Beauvoir, Simone de…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Étude contrastive de l'emploi de la voix passive du finnois et ses équivalents en français
Published 2001Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Le systeme graphique dans La deffence et illustration de la langue francoyse de Joachim Du Bellay
Published 2001Subjects: “…Du Bellay, Joachim…”
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Comparison of acute and chronic exercise effects in the lipid droplets topography skeletal muscle, following high and low-fat diet in mice
Published 2015“…Muscle samples from gastrocnemius were collected from 8 groups: sedentary controls fed with a high-fat (HFD, n=10), or a low-fat diet (LFD, n=10), chronic exercise group fed with a high-fat (HFDR, n=10) or a low-fat diet (LFDR, n=10) and acute exercise group that either killed immediately after exercise or 6 hours later following a high-fat (HFD0, n=7 or HFDR6, n=7) or a low-fat diet (LFDR0, n=7 or LFDR6, n=7). …”
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