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Liikunnan- ja luokanopettajiksi opiskelevien kehonkuva, syömis- ja liikuntakäyttäytyminen sekä koetut ulkonäköpaineet
Published 2020“…There is a need for further study of the appearance-related pressures, the causes and the possible consequences for future physical education teachers, especially considering the potential impact of the teacher's own values and attitudes on students and teaching situations. …”
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Valmennussuhteen ja koetun stressin yhteys häiriintyneeseen syömiskäyttäytymiseen urheiluakatemiaurheilijoilla
Published 2022“…Elite athletes are known to suffer more from stress and coach-athlete relationship affect also to stress levels and athletes’ performance. …”
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Merkityksenannon muutokset perheterapiassa : uhmakkuus- ja käytöshäiriödiagnoosin saaneiden lasten oireille annetut merkitykset ja niiden yhteys perheen vuorovaikutussysteemiin
Published 2022“…The change in the process of giving meanings manifested in the endeavours to understand the children’s actions, paying attention to positive behaviour, functional communication, participating and engagement in treatment, increased resources of parenthood, and increased trust. …”
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Viittomakielen lautakunnan tehtävät ja rooli kuurojen viittomakielityön ammattilaisten näkökulmasta
Published 2013“…However, based on the descriptions of the professionals, the board is expected to carry out all tasks related to language policy and planning, such as planning of the structures and status of the language, text and language teaching as well as attitude planning. According to the professionals, the board is seen as an important actor in the field of language policy and planning, but the division of work between the institutions in the field of sign language is unclear. …”
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Two studies investigating the value of DJing for contemporary music education
Published 2014“…DJs were also the least susceptible to “phase attraction” out of the three participant groups. It is hoped that these results might stimulate a greater inclusion of informal learning practises into the contemporary music classroom, and further investigation of the cognitive skills and abilities that are being developed by informally trained musicians in response to advances in (music) technology. …”
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An economic assessment of micro-scale use of renewable energy sources : two case studies
Published 2015“…This thesis also suggests that by engaging in renewable energy generation by first-hand experience encourages a sense of responsibility and the importance of saving energy which would be difficult to attain otherwise. …”
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Tuntemattomasta tähdenlennoksi : laulukilpailujen heijastumia peruskoulun musiikintunteihin
Published 2015“…The results makes clear that singing competitions effects widely and singing competitions should be researched also from children ́s point of view. People should pay attention to the effects of the singing competitions and teachers should take notice of them in their teaching. …”
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Deux garçons face aux circonstances angoissantes : Oscar et Joseph dans Oscar et la dame rose et L'enfant de Noé d'Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Published 2015“…Henkisen kasvun myötä pojat alkavat ymmärtää elämää ja selviävät koettelemuksista. Ateistivanhempien kasvattama Oscar löytää uskon Jumalaan, Joseph taas häilyy juutalaisuuden ja kristinuskon välillä. …”
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Syria from afar : how journalists in Finland and Germany cover the first YouTube war
Published 2015“…I hope that this study will provide some useful ideas to media organizations, with regard to improving verification methods, and that it will act as a reminder of how important it is to pay proper attention to the verification of social media content. …”
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The news consumption of digital natives
Published 2015“…As a result, the digitalization brought by the Internet is challenging the operations of media companies and they need to find new ways to attract consumers to using their services. Digital natives represent a generation that has grown up surrounded by the digital technologies and got used to utilizing the Internet for information collection. …”
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"Quit your ♥♥♥♥♥ing and play the game" : impoliteness in a gaming-oriented online discussion forum
Published 2016“…At the same time, multimodal tools were given special attention. In part, the study also addressed the question as to whether the forum should be regarded as a Community of Practice or an Affinity Space. …”
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An intergovernmental organization and its reputation according to politicians : case: the United Nations in Finland
Published 2016“…Therefore there is a need for further research because the reputation of the IGOs has not received enough academic attention. In addition, the model of the elements of the reputation of the IGOs needs further research. …”
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The role of electronic word-of-mouth in consumers' online purchase decision making : an eye-tracking study
Published 2016“…Previously little research has been done on the effects of product ratings toward consumer attention through eye-tracking methodology. Eye-tracking methodology was chosen to overcome the limitations created by using solely self-report methods and projective techniques, such as surveys and interviews, in order to better understand the mental constructs and the behavior of a consumer. …”
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Formation of relationship commitment in B2B software industry
Published 2018“…From the beginning of the 1990s customer relationship management (CRM) has gained plenty of attention among marketing researchers and practitioners. …”
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An investigation into the diffusion of the cryptocurrency innovation
Published 2018“…Thereby, the re-search draws attention to how a range of barriers synergistically working together requires a synergistic strategic approach from governments and individuals to surpass the current diffu-sion position and progress further, in turn increasing the chances of mainstream adoption. …”
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Factors affecting brick and mortar channel choice in an omnichannel environment
Published 2018“…These factors may originate from the retailer’s marketing efforts, channel attributes, channel integration, social influence, situational variables or individual differences between customers. …”
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Julkituotu ja jaettu yrityksen strategia organisaatiokulttuurin ilmentymänä Gösta Serlachiuksen taidesäätiön arjessa
Published 2018“…Fast growth and increase in the amount of personal bring challenges to this in the Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation. For this, extra attention should be paid to the communication concerning all the personal and making the common organizational practices clear to everyone. …”
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Mikä tekee työnantajasta houkuttelevan? : työnantajamielikuvan ja sosiaalisen median vaikutus työnhakukäyttäytymiseen
Published 2019“…Employer branding is a long-term Strategy to build an attractive Employer Image and manage the perceptions related to a particular employer. …”
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Strategic Procurement in the Face of Uncertainty
Published 2019“…Supply chain management as a field of study has received increasing amounts of attention from researchers in the past few decades. …”
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Internalization of Finnish small- and medium-sized enterprises providing professional services to Russia
Published 2019“…Moreover, the researcher aims to provide practical guidelines for Finnish SMEs planning Russian market penetration: great attention is paid to characteristics and key challenges that Russian market carries. …”
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