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Future reform of Chinese elite sport management system : perspective of sport events
Published 2010“…In addition, this study attempts to enhance the understanding to Chinese sport management system. …”
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Heart rate variability as a physiological indicator or mental toughness
Published 2016“…The purpose of this study was to investigate athletes’ (N = 18) and their respective coach’s perceptions and appraisals of the athletes’ levels of mental toughness (MT) in elite soccer. …”
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Examining Bulgaria's current lack of performance at elite sport level
Published 2017“…However, little to no research has been done, in order to examine the reasons behind this lack of performance by Bulgarian athletes and teams. Therefore, the goal of this study is to focus on the issues that might hinder the development of professional athletes and their performance. …”
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Finding one's way in society : identity, positioning and discourses in immigrant narratives
Published 2018“…The data was analyzed through the means of narrative analysis and discourse analysis. Special attention was paid to how immigrants position themselves in relation to other characters in their narrative, the audience and dominant discourses. …”
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Gender stereotyping of northern Italian female adolescents' physical activity : a male perspective
Published 2018“…Based on the results, it is recommended for competent authorities to pay particular attention to the existing gender gap in the delivery of sports policies. …”
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University autonomy in Vietnam : fragments beneath the consensus
Published 2019“…Being inspired by the trend of education reform around the world, the attempt to expand school autonomy has been one of the most remarkable orientations for higher education reform in Vietnam in recent years. …”
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Social Integration Through Sport in a Cross-Cultural Setting : Stories from Refugees Living in Central Finland
Published 2018“…All five cases, however, highlight how sport provides the respective individuals with a platform for socialization and cultural expression in attaining social capital. Despite there being a language barrier in the initial stages of the integration process, their involvement or participation in sport is what matters, and previous research has shown that people from ethnic minority backgrounds value positive social interactions, while also contributing to their local community in an affirming and meaningful way. …”
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Penalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for MEG Data
Published 2024“…Temperamental traits decribe a person’s dispositional responses to changes in their environment, while interoception refers to a person’s sensitivity to stimuli originating from inside their own body, such as heart beat. Both of these attributes have a neurobiological basis, and some temperamental traits, especially ones related to anxiety have been found to be linked to interoceptive sensitivity. …”
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Perceptual contents : a study on the nature of the contents of perceptual experience
Published 2013“…The views are discussed with the emphasis on how they explain experiential aspects of our perceptual experiences, with somewhat less attention given to epistemological concerns. As a common method of analysis, the contents advocated by the views are analysed by applying classical philosophical distinctions. …”
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The quality of life in the Finnish game industry
Published 2013“…The most common issues in the field are poor project management skills, lack of industry veterans to mentor new people, overtime compensations, and the attitude that promotes “crunching” and long working hours and a poor quality of life as a normal or even as signs of strength to be bragged about. …”
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Business model analysis on Android app stores
Published 2013“…Moreover, these tools and the revenues attained by using them are protected by certain policies and regulating processes exerted by the app stores. …”
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Cultural diplomacy : the case analysis of Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2013
Published 2015“…From the results of the thesis it can be concluded that cultural attachés are active, open and cooperating participants in cultural field that attract attention of Lithuanian organizations and artists as well as international cultural actors. …”
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"Was very father" : Mexican high-school students' perspectives of Project-based Language Learning
Published 2019“…The study also found that acknowledging people as resources, promoting interaction through group work, and actively using the language are understood to be practices conducive to learning, whilst having limited time and having peers with negative attitudes/different ideas are believed to hinder learning. …”
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Näkyvä tunneilmaisu sekä ruumiillinen liikehdintä ja ihon sähkönjohtavuus pariterapiassa : kuinka ne ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa, ja mitä ne kertovat terapiaan osallistuvien yhteenso...
Published 2015“…We interpreted this as a way to build good therapeutic relationship to both clients and also as an attempt to build understanding between the couple. …”
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Heterogeenisen neljännen luokan liikunnanopetuksen kehittäminen pedagogisin keinoin : tapaustutkimus
Published 2019“…With the help of the research, I also try to develop my teacher`s professional skills in managing the attention of the pupils and to improve the atmosphere of the group. …”
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Effects of non-tracking solar collector orientation on energy production : photovoltaic systems
Published 2012“…Also, the different attributes of different phovoltaic modules were taken into consideration. …”
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Jatkosuunnitelmien asiakaslähtöisyys psykologisissa palautekeskusteluissa
Published 2013“…Further study of psychological feedback sessions is required to improve sessions more clientoriented direction. More attention must be paid to the client-orientation in the field of psychology and it should become a part of occupational practices. …”
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Comparative study of population-based metaheuristic methods in global optimization
Published 2015“…An analysis on the Lennard-Jones problem of up to 200 atoms shows that these methods can be surprisingly efficient optimizers even in high-dimensional real-world problems. …”
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Veden kulkeutumisen ja muodonmuutosten mittaaminen MX-80-tyyppisessä bentoniitissa röntgenmikrotomografisin menetelmin
Published 2015“…This is possible because when absorbing water both the density and the linear attenuation coefficient of MX-80-sample is locally changed. …”
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Suspended graphene device fabrication
Published 2016“…Graphene was synthesized using atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition onto copper thin films that were fabricated using electron beam evaporation. …”
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