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Kinematic and temporal analysis of overarm throwing in Finnish baseball players under different instructions
Published 2016“…A velocity-accuracy trade-off was not present, attributed to the demands of the sport, and the skill level of the participants. …”
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Dosimetric Effects of Patient Rotations in Treatment of Breast Cancer Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
Published 2021“…Thus, one has to pay special attention to the patient set-up to ensure that the target is covered by an adequate dose and the surrounding organs are spared optimally from the effects of radiation. …”
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X-ray fluorescence and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the sorting of WC-Co hardmetal scrap based on their chromium content
Published 2022“…The analysis of the measured XRF and LIBS spectra focused on the characteristic X-ray energies and the atomic emission of lines of chromium, respectively. …”
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Metal-organic frameworks for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
Published 2024“…One well known MOF structure, NH2-UiO-66 was attempted to be synthetised by combining reaction parameters from two different articles for a simpler and faster production. …”
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Study of surface chemistry of activated carbon by Boehm titration and spectroscopic methods
Published 2024“…Lisäksi tehtiin alkuaineanalyysi, jota käytettiin tukena selvitettäessä aktiivihiilten pinnalta löytyviä atomeita. Tulokset osoittivat, että hiileen nähden heteroatomeja sisältäviä funktionaalisia ryhmiä tutkituissa hiilissä oli suhteellisen vähän. …”
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Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuva verkkointerventio unettomuuden hoitoon : lyhyen verkkointervention vaikuttavuus unettomuuteen sekä asiakkaiden kokemuksia interventi...
Published 2014“…The purpose of this thesis was to determine the impact of a six-week independent web-based intervention based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on insomnia and dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep. In addition, one of the interests was to investigate how people suffering from insomnia approve and feel about the independent web-based treatment program. …”
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Farmaseuttien valmiudet liikuntaneuvonnan antamiseen apteekeissa : ehdotuksia farmaseuteille suunnatun liikuntaneuvonnan täydennyskoulutuksen toteutukseen
Published 2013“…The analysis method used is content analysis. Key results The attitude of the pharmacists towards physical activity counseling is mainly positive. …”
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Erityistä tukea tarvitseva oppilas yleisopetuksen liikuntaryhmässä : oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemuksia
Published 2014“…Interviewed pupils had positive attitude about PE and they felt belonging to the PE group. …”
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Asiakkaan kokemus alkoholin käytön mini-interventiosta
Published 2015“…Based on this study, in order to prevent and reduce health problems caused by alcohol, carrying out systematic brief interventions based on researched information is recommended as a part of basic health care services: health care personnel regularly reflect on their attitudes and norms regarding the use of alcohol in order to appreciatively and respectfully face a patient who uses alcohol. …”
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An action research case study intervention : psychological skills training program in high school
Published 2016“…Participants in this study were first and second year student-athletes. The study was conducted using a qualitative action research case study approach. …”
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Ilves-Hockey Oy:n taloudellinen tila ja siihen vaikuttaneet tekijät vuosina 2003—2017
Published 2018“…A strong factor in the poor financial situation was the company’s inability to operate within the constraints of the business environment. The athletic performance of the team was affected by the unstable financial status and the numerous changes in the management personnel. …”
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Yleisavain tulkintojen moniin oviin : otsikot lukijan ja tekijöiden tulkitsemina periteksteinä Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläisen tuotannossa
Published 2015“…Tutkielman kohdeteokset ovat Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläisen kirjoittamat ja Atena-kustannusyhtiön julkaisemat neljä kirjaa: Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta (2006), Taivaalta pudonnut eläintarha (2008), Harjukaupungin salakäytävät (2010) ja Sielut kulkevat sateessa (2013). …”
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"Vapaaehtoisesti lapseton, miksi ihmeessä?" : argumentaatioanalyysi verkkokeskusteluviesteistä
Published 2020“…Vastaajat käyttävät miltei kaikissa kategorioissa ateoreettista vetoamista argumentoinnin keinoina, eli perustelevat vapaaehtoista lapsettomuuttaan enemmän tunne- kuin järkipainotteisesti. …”
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Metaphoric descriptions of pre- and post-game performance-related experiences in a soccer team during a competitive season
Published 2013“…This study provides additional support for the use of the metaphor generation method in the assessment of athletes’ experiences related to performance. The results of this study also supported the importance of the primary and secondary appraisal as antecedents of emotions experienced and the bidirectional emotion-performance relationship suggested by the IZOF model. …”
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Business model viability of Galileo Commercial Service
Published 2013“…In order to increase the chances of adoption, we suggest clarifying the value proposition of CS as well as creating awareness of it early on and focusing attention either on getting governments on board to create trust and reputation for CS or on service pro- viders directly. …”
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Perceptions about physical activity and its associated benefits among employees : case study in 12 Multinational Companies in Pakistan
Published 2016“…Furthermore associated benefits of physical activity such as reduced healthcare cost, decrease in exposure to various heath-risks and reduced presenteeism were also addressed within the scope of this thesis. An attempt was made to use recalled levels of physical activity to check whether the benefits associated with physical activity can be observed within the target audience as well or not. …”
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Hintsa-hyvinvointiohjelman vaikutukset aikomuksiin ja fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen rahoitusalan yrityksessä
Published 2018“…According to the theory all behavior is preceded by intention based on attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. …”
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Motivoivaa motoristen perustaitojen oppimista seinille hyppien : Parkour-oppimateriaali koululiikuntaan ja harrastetoimintaan
Published 2020“…This Master’s thesis was aimed to support the development of Finnish youth’s athletic skills, particularly the development of fundamental motor skills in a motivating way. …”
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The effect of maximal strength and plyometric training on physical performance of young football players and game intensity
Published 2020“…Nevertheless, strength, power and speed are the most important qualities for athletic performance. Strength training (ST) and plyometric training (PT) are two frequently used methods for improving sport performances. …”
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Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking : A rhetorical discourse analysis of Kamala Harris’s argumentation in the vice-presidential debate in 2020
Published 2023“…Näissä argumenteissaan Harris assosioi Bidenin positiivisiin attribuutteihin ja Trumpin negatiivisiin. Harris ei juurikaan osoita perinteisesti feminiiniseen puheeseen liittyviä piirteitä väittelyn aikana. …”
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