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Sosiaalinen työhyvinvointi liikunnanopettajan ammatissa
Published 2017“…Content analysis formulated four main categories which were personal perceptions of being a teacher, being a PE teacher, the culture and interaction atmosphere at school, and the external expectation and thoughts of others, from outside of school. …”
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"Läheks röökille" : ammattikoulun autoalalla opiskelevien nuorten antamia merkityksiä tupakka- ja nikotiinituotteiden käytölle
Published 2017“…In addition, the workplaces where the on-the-job learning period takes place has a significant role, enhancing smokeless attitudes and behavior. …”
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Daily physical activity and physical activity in soccer practice with children
Published 2017“…Different amounts and intensities of physical activity is attained throughout the day, mostly during leisure time. …”
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Fyysiset ominaisuudet ja motoriset taidot urheilevilla 10-12 -vuotiailla tytöillä
Published 2017“…Aesthetic group gymnasts were better than swimmers in jumping sideways and better than track and field athletes in moving sideways. From the background variables age and other sport activities/w had the most correlations to FMS and physical fitness tests. …”
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Luontoliikunnan hyvinvointivaikutukset ja positiivinen mielenterveys Sydänliiton jäsenten kokemina
Published 2018“…The restorative effect and effect of increasing the mental wellbeing was emphasized. Attention should be paid to strengthen positive mental health in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. …”
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Nuorten urheilijoiden kipulääkkeiden käyttö : 13-17 -vuotiaiden suomalaisten urheiluseuraharrastajien kipulääkkeiden käyttö
Published 2019“…Pain medications are commonly used to relieve pain, but the use has also numerous side effects. Athletes’ pain medication use is found to be higher than in the non-athlete population. …”
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Keski-ikäisten henkilöiden arvojen yhteys ikäkokemukseen ja ihanneikään
Published 2020“…Both of these notions can depict attitude toward own aging. Values are personal beliefs that guide one’s action. …”
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Reippaasti raskaana : raskausajan lihaskuntokurssin suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi
Published 2023“…In addition, small group training enabled the participants to train and share their experiences with their equals. The course was attended by six expectant mothers who were recruited through the health services of the city of Jyväskylä. …”
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Liikunnanopettaja oppilaan itsetunnon vahvistajana
Published 2016“…Master’s thesis in sports pedagogy, 72 p., 2 attachments. Physical educators along with the legal guardians, play a significant role in the upbringing and development of a child as well as the strengthening of its self-esteem. …”
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Exploring the relationships between flow, mindfulness, & self-talk : a correlational study
Published 2013“…Lastly, future research could benefit greatly from looking into the potential mediating influence mindfulness has on self-talk, and consequently how these two concepts affect athletic peak performance, flow. …”
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Successful adaptation of immigrants to Finland : can cultural fusion work?
Published 2017“…Immigration numbers in Finland are growing, more than doubling in the past decade, with immigrants arriving from increasingly diverse regions of the world. An attempt should be made to understand what are the factors that lead immigrants to finding happiness, and to mitigate the apparent rise in assimilation and anti-immigrant attitude in Finland. …”
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Notions of artist as the hero : a Nietzschean reading on the philosophical relationship of Otto Rank and Sigmund Freud
Published 2019“…It proposes that the notion of Artistic Hero in the philosophies of Rank, Freud and Nietzsche can be seen as a key concept, as they attempt to answer this dilemma. The study shows how the development of Rank's thought progresses from strict adherence to Freud's ideas to a point where he re-unites again with his early philosophical hero, Nietzsche, the artistic heroism acting as a connecting metaphor. …”
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Early childhood education of refugee students in Lebanon : teachers’ perspectives
Published 2020“…Taking into account the increasing need for refugee education support and especially during the last few years, this study attempts to understand the integration process for refugee students into the Lebanese curriculum, through early childhood education, based on teachers’ perspectives. …”
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Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset siikakalojen varhaiskehitykseen : kokeellinen tutkimus Konneveden muikulla
Published 2020“…On average lowest survival was recorded in 8,0 °C. The larvae attained 50 % hatch in 8,0 °C after 97 days post fertilization, when in 4,0 °C in was 179 days. …”
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Experiences and well-being of Ugandan teachers working in a refugee settlement during the COVID-19 school closure
Published 2022“…Teacher well-being has been recognised as a major driver of quality education and it has received a lot of attention from researchers, but the well-being of teachers working in low-resource, crisis and conflict-affected settings is an under-researched topic, and there is little research on teaching during the COVID-19 school closures in contexts where online learning was not feasible. …”
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Lihassolurakenteen ja entsyymiaktiivisuuksien yhteydet isometriseen voimantuottoon, maksimijuoksunopeuteen sekä juoksun taloudellisuuteen
Published 2000“…ATPaasi -värjäyksellä määritetyt solutyypit ja solupinta-alat korreloivat erittäin merkitsevästi (p<.001) vastaavien myosiinin raskasketjujen kanssa. …”
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Sydämen parasympaattisen säätelyn arvioiminen sykevaihtelun avulla - autonomisen hermoston salpaustutkimus
Published 2002“…Ennen salpausta. selektii visen sympaattisen salpauksen (metoprololi, 4 x 0.05 mg · kg-1) ja selektiivisen parasympaattisen salpauksen (atropiini, 4 x 0.01 mg·kg-1) jälkeen sykevaihtelua mitattiin koehenkilön ollessa makuulla, istumassa ja seisomassa. …”
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Pedagoginen tuki tietotekniikan hyödyntämisessä kemian opetuksessa
Published 2013“…Furthermore, the biggest obstacles in using ICT and solutions for the problems attached to the use of ICT in science teaching will be explored. …”
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Chirality-controlled preparation and single molecule characterisation of carbon nanotubes
Published 2011“…Nanostructures have gained increasing attention not only for their basic scientific richness, but also because they promise novelties and potentials that may lead to technological revolution. …”
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On the influence of national culture on knowledge sharing
Published 2013“…In order to meet the need for such a theory, this thesis attempted to create a new frame- work, which encompassed all relevant factors. …”
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