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The connection between bank credit ratings and loan loss provisions in Western European banking sector
Published 2021“…The validity of credit rating formation in banking sector gained attention after the global financial crisis in 2007. …”
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Plastic Pathways : The Discursive Representations of Plastics Economy in Finnish Media
Published 2021“…The news framed plastics as a problem due to the waste generation due to plastics consumption and the atmospheric emissions due to the fossil raw material of plastics. …”
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Factors Affecting Uruguay's Bilateral Trade Flows : Gravity Flow Model
Published 2022“…The estimation was executed in Stata software with atheoretical gravity flow equation with two cross-sectional datasets. …”
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The drivers of employee brand endorsement in social media
Published 2022“…The shortage of talent has forced companies to focus on creating attractive employer brands, and besides company lead communication, employees can act as valuable builders of the brand. …”
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Unlocking Circular Economy for Capital Equipment : Exploring Implementation of Lifecycle Extension
Published 2022“…Researchers highlight the role of LCE to contribute to a circular economy (CE) in this industry where common product characteristics include inherently long lifetime and high material intensity. Despite the attention capital equipment has received from researchers in the context of LCE, it seems that previous research has somewhat overlooked the role of studying implementation through challenges and opportunities. …”
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Social media as a tool in investor relations
Published 2023“…Finally, employee related challenges included an attitude towards social media, not seeing social media as valuable and other employee characters such as age. …”
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Effects of micro-influencer marketing on Z-generation behavior
Published 2023“…The study uses semi-structured thematic interviews to collect data and acquire insights into the perspectives and attitudes of the Z- generation about social media and micro-influencer marketing. …”
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Public Sector Branding and Social Media Use
Published 2023“…The findings of the study show that the concept of brand is a rather novel but fast-growing subject in public sector, and that the public sector organizations are adapting a holistic view of branding: the brand displays the key organizational attributes and the organizations’ aim is to display their brand in everything they do, including social media. …”
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Towards data-driven marketing organization
Published 2023“…Using a comprehensive mixed-method approach encompassing an interview-modeling-interview sequence, the research examines the challenges encountered in a prior MMM implementation attempt by a private Finnish healthcare company. This approach allowed for the extraction of valuable insights through initial interviews, the application of these insights within a practical MMM framework, and the subsequent validation of findings through follow-up interviews. …”
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IFRS 16 leases : standard implementation and impact on financial reporting quality from accounting professionals’ point of view
Published 2019“…In the old standard, leases were categorized as either financial leases or operating leases, and the treatment was different in these two options. In oper- ating leases the lease payments were recognized as an expense in the income statement. …”
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Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, paikallaanolon ja kestävyyskunnon yhteydet valtimojäykkyyteen ja valtimoiden laajenemiskykyyn : 2 vuoden seurantatutkimus esimurrosikäisillä lapsilla
Published 2019“…Valtimojäykkyys ja endoteelin toimintahäiriö ovat ateroskleroosin varhaisia merkkejä, joiden kehittyminen saattaa alkaa jo lapsuudessa. …”
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Association of Leisure Time Physical Activity with Gut Microbiota Composition in Early Adulthood : A Cross-sectional analysis from subsample of the STRIP study 26 years follow-up
Published 2023“…However, the majority of the current research has focused on elderly, people who are overweight and athletes, whereas general population research is scarce. …”
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Liikunta-aktiivisuuden yhteys nuorten kehonkuvaan ja itsetuntoon : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2014“…In the future, more attention should be paid to the importance of positive atmosphere and value base for promoting physical activity instead of competitiveness and normative comparison. …”
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Vaihdevuosi-ikäisten naisten ravitsemustilan yhteys lihaksen kokoon ja koostumukseen
Published 2014“…From scans relative proportion of muscle within the whole thigh cross-sectional area, muscle area, muscle attenuation and muscle compartment fat area were calculated. …”
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Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden lajintuntemustaidot sekä asenteet ja valmiudet opettaa lajintuntemusta
Published 2016“…The aim of this study was to investigate 36 teacher students’ species identification skills and also their attitudes and readiness to teach species identification at primary school. …”
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Naisyrittäjien hyvinvointi : nuorten naisyrittäjien käsityksiä terveyteen ja työkykyyn vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2016“…Schools at different levels can also for their part evaluate how different educational programmes can in a new way consider entrepreneurship as career choice and draw attention to maintaining health and work ability during their career as an entrepreneur. …”
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Vähän ja paljon liikkuvien lasten liikuntatottumusten taustalla esiintyviä syitä
Published 2022“…Different forms of support and their importance should be brought to the attention of parents as early as possible so the parent can support their child at an early stage. …”
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"Me halutaan ymmärtää" : vanhempien käsityksiä fysioterapeuttisesta ohjauksesta CP-lapsen botuliinihoidon yhteydessä
Published 2014“….-1.9.2013 and their families. Two families attended this study and the data was collected by interviews. …”
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Ahdistaako koululiikunta? : yhdeksäsluokkalaisten ahdistuneisuuskokemukset koulun liikuntatunneilla
Published 2014“…Atmosphere of the lessons sould be more task oriented. …”
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Tehostettu palveluasuminen psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen elämänlaadun näkökulmasta
Published 2016“…Factors that posed a threat to the residents’ good quality of life were low staff resources, an institutional atmosphere, a lack of communality, loneliness and unpleasant or too few activities. …”
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