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Thiazyl radicals and their derivatives
Published 2017“…The second new radical is a modified version of the parent dithiazolothiadiazinyl1 framework with a hydrogen atom replaced by fluorine, thereby inducing changes in the solid-state packing of the radical. …”
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Electrical measurements of femtosecond laser treated graphene
Published 2017“…The gated measurements provided information about the density of states limited conductance and charging effects on the graphene by atmospheric molecules and charge traps. The femtosecond functionalization of graphene was done in $N_2$ and ambient atmosphere. …”
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HIT-harjoittelun vaikutukset VO2max:iin, kehon koostumukseen ja voimaan 6 viikon harjoitusjaksolla
Published 2017“…Presently the training method is also commonly used by recreational athletes, as HIT exercises are efficient and quick to implement. …”
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Liikuntapaikkojen koetun riittävyyden yhteys aikuisväestön fyysisen aktiivisuuden laatuun ja määrään
Published 2017“…ATH-tutkimuksen aineisto kerätään kyselylomakkeella satunnaisotannalla. …”
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Analysis of linear alkylbenzene samples with a camera-based equipment
Published 2017“…Results showed that the current setup is not precise enough to detect any differences between samples with long attenuation lengths. The setup is ideally able to distinguish samples that have at least difference of 0.4 % in their absorbance. …”
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Tyttöjen koululiikuntamotivaatio lukiossa
Published 2018“…The results show that female students consider physical education classes to be motivating, and they have a positive attitude towards them. Three main factors enhancing the motivation are the following, in order of importance: 1) teacher encourages the students even-handedly 2) good group dynamic 3) positive attitude of the physical educator. …”
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"Tosi urheilullinen, hauska, ja kaikkee ihan normaalia" : lasten kuvauksia ja kokemuksia sporttikummitoiminnasta
Published 2018“…As an example of one of the many possible solutions, this study presents the Sporttikummi youth sport program by Save the Children Finland, a form of voluntary work which has gained popularity over the past few years. A child attending to the program receives a mentor, a volunteering adult that acts as a physically active role model to the child, and, with whom the child can perform informal physical activities. …”
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Samband mellan kronisk smärta och fysisk aktivitet bland äldre personer med typ 2-diabetes
Published 2018“…Syftet med denna avhandling var att kartlägga förekomsten av kronisk smärta bland äldre personer med typ 2-diabetes och att undersöka sambandet mellan kronisk smärta och fysisk aktivitet. …”
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Spectroscopic study of strong coupling between R6G-dye and optical cavities
Published 2018“…Kaviteetin eri kerrosten paksuudet mitattiin atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Vahvasti kytkeytyneet ja uudelleenabsorboivat kaviteettijärjestelmät karakterisoitiin mittaamalla transmittanssi- ja heijastusspektrit. …”
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Graphene plasmons in optically forged structures
Published 2019“…As no change in the IR response was detected between unpatterned and patterned areas despite multiple attempts with different structures and parameters, it could be that optically forged structures are not enough to overcome the wavevector mismatch and allow excitation of plasmons in graphene. …”
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Engaging with generation Z : from face-to-face interactions to online communities
Published 2020“…Generation Z was born to an already technology-advanced society, and this study focuses on the needs, attitudes and characteristics of generation Z in a digital environment. …”
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The role of a changing trade agreement in companies’ market selection
Published 2020“…The SSIs aim to review the attitudes and behaviour of the case companies operating at the targeted markets and study if the changing trade agreement would influence their trading. …”
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Metacognition, learning, & Socrates : asking questions to foster entrepreneurial minds
Published 2020“…There seems to be potential in utilizing constructivist pedagogies within entrepreneurial classrooms to foster metacognition, however further research is needed that will include larger samples and control groups to push for generalizability and superiority over traditional pedagogies. In addition, attention was brought to whether it is better to measure metacognition quantitatively or assess it qualitatively. …”
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The effects of social media customer service on brand love
Published 2020“…However, it has been uncertain how customer service delivered via social media affects on customers’ emotions and emotional attachments to brands and if relationships created through social media can lead to preferred outcomes, such as brand love. …”
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The impact of user-generated online reviews on pre-travel planning and accommodation selection processes of Finnish millennial consumers
Published 2021“…A large number of positive reviews were found to increase attractiveness, whereas multiple negative reviews were decreasing attractiveness. …”
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An exploratory study into Finnish consumers’ expectations and perceptions of mobile shopping customer experience
Published 2021“…Ease of use remains as consumers’ main expectation, and user experience of mobile optimised websites and mobile applications should be improved to attract consumers who are new to mobile shopping. …”
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Managing sustainability in a complex urban development project : a stakeholder engagement approach to a wicked problem
Published 2021“…The aim of this Master’s Thesis study is to uncover how a stakeholder engagement approach might improve the overall sustainability management of complex urban development projects, and contribute to sustainability management research in the area of stakeholder engagement that calls for additional attention, particularly in the construction field. …”
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Entrepreneurial growth and exit orientations : a study of Finnish venture founders
Published 2021“…Growth ventures and entrepreneurs attract interest in public conversation and media, and they are important actors in enhancing employment, productivity, and innovations. …”
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The effect of networks to entry mode choice and the moderating role of institutions : Finnish SMEs entering Latin America
Published 2021“…Tulokset analysoitiin temaattisella analyysillä, käyttäen ATLAS.ti -ohjelmaa tietojen käsittelyyn. Verkostojen ja markkina-avausstrategian välistä suhdetta tutkittiin, huomioiden kohdemarkkinan viralliset ja epäviralliset instituutiot. …”
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Eco-anxiety and it ́s link to the everyday life choices of young Finns in 2020
Published 2021“…Eco-anxiety has received more attention in the previous years, and the attention will probably increase even further in the future. …”
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