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Teachers' perspective on gratitude within classroom environment
Published 2015“…The study provides support and insight about the idea that gratitude in the school environment has meaning in its own right, thus deserving attention in order to provide suggestions on how to help students to identify, feel and express gratitude. …”
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Doges go to war – The influence mechanisms of NAFO memes in Russia-Ukraine conflict
Published 2024“…Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin yksityiskohtaisesti Nordic Atlantic Fella Organizationin (NAFO) meemejä sekä tutkittiin, millaisia mekanismeja mee-meissä hyödynnettiin yleisöön vaikuttamiseksi. …”
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Ohjelmisto-ohjatut verkot ja tunkeutumisen havainnointijärjestelmät
Published 2017“…The thesis explores the surface of extensive software on the platforms of wired network controllers and attack detection systems. The results also show how significant the continuous maintenance of the software is when the platforms are aging, for example. …”
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Exploring group music therapy process and the effect of musical activities with children having social, emotional and behavioral concerns in an after-school setting
Published 2018“…Data collection was taken place at an elementary school located in Jyväskylä with 4 participants from Finland, aged 7-10 years. Participants attended a total of 17 sessions, 45 minutes length. …”
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Valittamatta jättäminen mobiilisovelluskontekstissa
Published 2015“…In mobile application context the main reasons for uncomplaining were common negative attitudes towards mobile application business and the ease of acquiring substitutes. …”
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Jyväskylän yliopisto-opiskelijoiden liikuntaharrastus, liikuntamotivaatio ja harrastuksen esteet yliopistoliikunnan palveluissa
Published 2017“…The Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences and the Faculty of Education stand out in a positive way when examining the amounts of exercise and attitude towards exercise, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty on Information Technology again in a negative way. …”
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Parasubstituoitujen pyridiininjohdannaisten kompleksointireaktiot halogeenisidosten donoreiden kanssa
Published 2020“…Jokaisen kompleksin halogeenisidoksen pituus mitattiin kolmen atomi N1-X-N2 suhteen (N1 =donorin typpi, X=I/Br, N2 = akseptorin typpi). …”
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ICT projektien ja strategian yhteensovittaminen kunnassa
Published 2021“…A downside was identified in the maturity level analysis since single weakness in strategic alignment attributes dropped the maturity level significantly. …”
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Lääkeainekuormituksen vähentäminen ympäristöön erottelevien kuivakäymälöiden avulla
Published 2020“…As a result the respondents had a positive attitude towards urine-diverting dry toilets and using urine as a fertilizer. …”
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Ulkonäköperusteinen ekskluusio ulkoistetussa rekrytoinnissa
Published 2024“…Tutkimusdata tulkittiin sisällönanalyysin avulla ja sisällön erittelyssä hyödynnettiin ATLAS.ti -ohjelmistoa. Tulosten perusteella ulkonäköperusteinen ekskluusio kytkeytyy tyypillisimmin sukupuoleen, ikään, hygieniatekijöihin ja tyyliin. …”
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Kulttuuriset tekijät ja vaikuttamisen periaatteet kalasteluviestien tehokkuuden taustalla
Published 2024“…While previous research has explored persuasion techniques and Cialdini's principles of influence, integrating cultural factors with these principles has received little attention. This study analyzed how Cialdini’s principles of influence and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions affect the effectiveness of phishing emails in an international organization. …”
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Perceptions of sport injuries of young elite swimmers
Published 2012“…Sport injury can limit or end athlete´s career. It is important to find out ways how sport psychology can prevent and treat sport in juries. …”
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An exploration into the applicability of school principals' training on the principals' leadership practices in Finland
Published 2012“…To improve the training, certain programme attributes such as quality and methods of course delivery, management of human and financial resources, creating and sustaining local and international collaborations with other training institutions need to be improved. …”
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Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and their photosynthetic membranes : imaging from macro- to nanoscale
Published 2022“…Extracted material and whole cells were analyzed and compared spectroscopically, revealing that the extract contained intact photosynthetic complexes. Atomic force microscopy was used to image the isolated membranes and embedded protein complexes. …”
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Työväen urheiluliikkeen miehisyysihanne Työväen Urheilulehdessä 1917-1927
Published 2023“…In the study, based on the Työväen Urheilulehti, four choice situations for determining masculinity can be observed, in which the male athlete of the working class had to act in a manful manner, i.e. in accordance with the discourses. …”
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Toimijuus kuntoutuslaitoksen työhyvinvointiasiakkailla : case Peurunka
Published 2013“…There has been paid more attention to workers capacity of work and occupational well-being. …”
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Liikkumisen apuvälineen käyttö lonkkamurtuman jälkeen
Published 2014“…The most significant association has attenuated balance confidence. The balance confidence illustrates partly the fear of falling. …”
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"Se on just toi yhteisöllisyys mikä on tässä kannattajaporukassa, että jos ei näitä tyyppejä täällä ois" : Suomen jalkapallomaajoukkueen kannattajien kokemuksia kannattajuudesta...
Published 2014“…Their first priority is to create a positive and catching atmosphere at the stadiums and support other spectators’ experience of the game. …”
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Oppimisvaikeudet ja prosessointinopeus : alaryhmien vertailu sukupuolittain prosessointinopeutta vaativissa kielellisissä ja ei-kielellisissä neuropsykologisissa testeissä
Published 2018“…The present study investigated whether boys' and girls' performance times and the number of errors made differ within different learning disability subgroups (reading disability [RD, LV], mathematical disability [MD, MV], attention disorder [AD, TH]) in verbal and non-verbal neuropsychological tests requiring processing speed. …”
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Sisarussuhteet lasten kuvaamina
Published 2019“…On the other hand a warm attachment and support between siblings can have adverse effect of protecting from such problems ever occurring. …”
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