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Yksilö- ja perhetekijöiden yhteys nuoren koulutustavoitteisiin yhdeksännellä luokalla : näkökulmia syrjäytymisriskiin
Published 2013“…Hyvä koulumenestys, onnistumiseen liittyvät kyky-attribuutiot sekä vanhempien korkea ammattikoulutus ja ydinperhe perhetaustana olivat puolestaan yhteydessä korkeampiin ylintä tavoiteltua tutkintoa käsittäviin tavoitteisiin, kun taas kouluperusteinen vanhemman kiinnostus ja läsnäolo lapsen arjessa matalampiin ylintä tavoiteltua tutkintoa käsittäviin tavoitteisiin. …”
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The role of coaches' passion in youth ice hockey players perceived motivational climate and feeling states
Published 2023“…These finding provided preliminary insight into direct role of coaches’ passion towards athletes feeling states, and how perceived motivational climate is related with experienced feeling states. …”
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Gymnastiklärarnas åsikter om bedömningen i den nya läroplanen i den grundläggande utbildningen (2014)
Published 2017“…Det är viktigt att gymnastiklärarna förstår och vet hur de ska bedöma eleverna, därmed är det viktigt att anvisningarna är sådana att alla lärare förstår dem så att de utan problem kan följa dem. …”
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GPS-vastaanottimien harhauttaminen Helsingin Länsisataman syväväylän alueella ja sen vaikutukset merenkulkuun
Published 2017“…Major subject, Cyber Security, Master’s Thesis Supervisor(s): Lehto, Martti This study examines the risk profile of the Helsinki West Harbour sea area and investigates its susceptibility in the event of a GPS-spoofing attack. The research is conducted from both a theoretical and a qualitative perspective. …”
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Suomalaisten vanhempien sukupuolirooliasenteet ja niiden yhteydet sukupuoleen, ikään ja koulutukseen 2020-lukua lähestyttäessä
Published 2020“…This Master’s thesis examined three different types of attitudes towards gender roles (traditional attitude, specialized attitude and androgynist attitude) and how these attitudes appear among Finnish parents. …”
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The use of language learning strategies and its role in language learning
Published 2020“…The choice of learners on the use of learning strategies was made based on their personalities, interests, learning types, attitudes, etc. The relationship between strategy use and language achievement in learning was described as two types - a linear process and a complex process. …”
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Open innovation for sustainability: opportunities and challenges for Japanese companies
Published 2024“…The study indicates that these challenges are largely attributed to Japanese unique corporate culture. Identifying the areas for improvement would facilitate the adoption of open innovation in Japanese firms. …”
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The effect of negative interest rate policy's implementation on banks' profitability
Published 2024“…Instead, the observed decrease in profitability can be attributed to the consequences of increased lending. …”
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Sustainability Strategy and Competitive Advantage : Case Study from the Construction Industry
Published 2021“…Construction industry is already addressing global public goods issues such as climate change and sustainability with certificates and licenses, however the construction industry is a major contributor to climate change, air pollution and land waste etc. For the sake of attacking climate change and other harmful factors to our globe caused by construction, it is vital to study the benefits of sustainable business strategy in order to help increase and advocate for sustainable and green building. …”
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The effects of instructional self-talk on quiet eye duration and golf putting performance
Published 2017“…As of late, the trend has been shifted towards researching what are the motivational and attentional constructs at the base of self-talk. Potentially, one such attentional construct is the quiet eye; the final gaze fixation on a target before the execution of task-oriented movement. …”
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Organization of support to children from dysfunctional families in school within the framework of inclusion in Belarus
Published 2017“…Another matter of interest was to research into teachers' understanding of inclusion and their attitude and perception of children from dysfunctional families. …”
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Investigating reciprocal relationships between reading-related anxiety, interest value, and reading fluency from Finnish grade two to three
Published 2025“…The findings necessitated attention to children’s negative affective reactions and intrinsic value associated with their reading performance since lower elementary, particularly those who consistently lag behind in reading. …”
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The association between perceived environmental barriers and walking activity among older adults
Published 2011“…Adjustment for self-rated health attenuated the association. In women, a parallel but non-significant association was found. …”
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Proxmox-virtuaalipalvelinympäristö Jyväskylän yliopiston kyberturvallisuuden kursseja varten
Published 2021“…This thesis aims to determine whether the “Network attack and its countermeasures” (ITKST55) course, a small-scale cyber security exercise in itself, is feasible to implement using a virtualized platform. …”
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Henkilökohtainen budjetti itsemääräämisoikeuden rakentajana
Published 2022“…Tutkimuksessa aineiston analyysissa apuna käytettiin Atlas.ti-ohjelmaa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että henkilökohtainen budjetointi vahvisti vammaisten ihmisten itsemääräämisoikeutta. …”
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An exploration of transnational post-study abroad nostalgia and revisit intention among transnational graduates
Published 2024“…While international student mobility flows increase, governments globally seek ways to attract international skilled labour for economic growth, Finland included. …”
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On the correlation of psychological characteristics within recreational marathon runners
Published 2015“…The results suggest that from a coaching or sport psychologist’s standpoint, which includes sharing in meaning making for athletes, runners can and should be better informed on the typical interaction of psychological characteristics within recreational marathon runners, and could use this information to better work towards making adaptive changes. …”
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Liikunnanopettajaopiskelijoiden tietämys liikunnanopettajan roolista koulun liikunnallistajana
Published 2015“…According to this study it seems that the 1st and 2nd year PE preservice teachers have a lack of knowledge when it comes to the role of participation in promoting pupils’ active life style and schools’ physically active atmosphere. PETE programs should include courses where the students can experience how to build physically active school and what kind of roles PE teachers are expected to adopt. …”
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Laboratoriotöiden tavoitteiden saavuttaminen fysiikan perus- ja aineopintokursseilla : kvantitatiivinen tutkimus opiskelijoiden kokemuksista
Published 2017“…Based on the results, most of the students experienced progress in all of the central objectives of the laboratory work. Positive attitude towards laboratory work, knowledge of operating principles of the used instruments, and high motivation towards physics were the strongest predictors for experinced benefit. …”
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Vaihtoehdot Cr(VI)-yhdisteille alumiinin pintakäsittelyssä
Published 2018“…Pidemmällä tähtäimellä jopa atomitasolle viety tutkimustyö voi tuottaa alaa merkittävästi uudistavia menetelmiä. …”
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