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Effects of herpesviral US3 protein kinase on DNA damage
Published 2023“…However, the higher amount of the DNA damage in US3 deletion virus infection could not be attributed to an increased presence of caspase-activated DNAse in the nucleus. …”
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Hiukkasherätteinen röntgen-emissio ohutkalvojen analysoinnissa
Published 2013“…PIXElle saatu havaitsemiskynnys kyseisellä välillä oli (0,01-0,02)*1e15 atomia/cm2 ja takaisinsironnalle se oli (10-1)*1e15 atomia/cm2 . …”
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Nature-related physical activity motives and their connection to experienced mental wellbeing among JYU students
Published 2024“…It is likely that only people who are interested and have positive attitude towards physical activity and mental wellbeing chose to answer the questionnaire. …”
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The other at the workplace : power and language in a multicultural workplace
Published 2015“…In particular, results of present study indicate that more diverse language skills are attributed to perception of power. Respectively low proficiency in second language communication at workplace seems to cause feelings of alienation and exclusion among employees leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. …”
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Katseenseuraamistutkimus representaation vaikutuksesta kykyyn ratkaista fysiikan ongelmia
Published 2016“…Some differences were also found about where students answering right or wrong pay attention while solving physics problems. …”
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" Se on sellaista tasapainoilua" : Kalevalan koulun opettajien käsityksiä vuosiluokkiin sitomatomasta esi- ja alkuopetuksesta.
Published 2018“…Haastatteluaineiston koodaukseen käytin Atlas.ti -ohjelmaa, jonka avulla muodostin aineistosta käsityskategorioita. …”
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Yhteisöllinen ongelmanratkaisu verkkoympäristössä : vuorovaikutuksen laatu ja taitotasot opettajaopiskelijoilla
Published 2019“…Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty syksyllä 2016 PREP21-hankkeessa (Preparing student teachers for 21st century learning practices: Ways of thinking and working). Aineisto muodostui ATC21S-verkkoympäristön keräämästä lokidatasta, jota taltioitui opettajaopiskelijoiden (n = 88) ratkaistessa pareittain yhteisöllisen ongelmanratkaisun tehtäviä verkkoympäristössä. …”
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Keihäänheittäjien yläraajan liikelaajuuksien ja lihasvoiman yhteydet heittokäden urheiluvammoihin : viiden kuukauden seurantatutkimus
Published 2023“…Acute and overuse injuries were recorded using the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Overuse Injury (OSTRC-H) questionnaire sent to athletes weekly. Data were analyzed by comparing athletes with and without injuries using independent samples t-tests and Mann-Whitney U tests. …”
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Gender roles and domestic violence : narrative analysis of social construction of gender in Uganda
Published 2016“…The results within this thesis further suggest that development work attempting to eliminate the practice of gender inequality should explore the socially constructed aspects of gender which exist. …”
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Liikunnalliseen elämäntapaan kasvattaminen : Liikunnanopettajien käsityksiä ja kokemuksia oppilaiden liikuntamotivaatiosta
Published 2018“…The physical education teachers experienced that the personality of a teacher, a safe atmosphere, the students’ experiences of autonomy and the versatility of physical education classes are the best ways to motivate students towards a physically active lifestyle. …”
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Opettajaopiskelijoiden ennakkosuhtautuminen ohjelmointiin ja robotiikkaan käsityökasvatuksessa
Published 2021“…Surveys result shows a noticeable correlation be-tween positive and negative attitudes and the previous educations. …”
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Verkkoliikennetallenteiden analysointi Snort-järjestelmällä
Published 2020“…At the end of the study, we will go through examples of how Snort can detect some of the most common network attacks from existing network traffic recordings. …”
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Osakekurssien ennustaminen koneoppimisen menetelmillä
Published 2021“…The risen popularity of artificial intelligence has lead to attempts to forecast stock market using machine learning algorithms. …”
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Hur beaktas barnperspektivet i utredningar om behovet av barnskydd?
Published 2010“…Ändrar en socialarbetare sina värderingar och attityder bara för att det kommer en ny lag som poängterar barnperspektivet ? …”
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Ukrainan sotaan liittyviä kyberattribuointeja
Published 2024“…Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on valottaa, miten kyberhyökkäyksiä ajankohtaisessa kontekstissa on attribuoitu. Lisäksi tutkimuksella pyritään tuomaan lisäarvoa tarkastelemalla myös sitä, kuka attribuoi kyberhyökkäyksiä sekä attribuoivan toimijan suhdetta kyberhyökkäyksen kohteeseen. …”
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The role of immigrants' self identity in effective integration process into Finland
Published 2016“…The themes examine: (1) immigrants’ perceptions of self identity, (2) individuals’ definitions of successful integration into Finland and contributing factors, (3) effects of integration process on immigrants’ self identity, (4) role changes of immigrants and its impact on self identity, (5) dilemmas associate with identity and integration process, (6) immigrants’ belongingness to the host society along with supporting and hindering factors and (7) immigrants’ attitudes towards counseling concerning self identity. …”
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Teollisen Internetin turvallisuus : Raspberry Pi kokeellisen palvelunestohyökkäyksen kohteena
Published 2016“…In a testing setup built in the Data Transmission Laboratory in Jyväskylä University a Denial of Service-attacker attempted to cut of a web camera stream sent by Raspberry Pi. …”
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Understanding meaning-making of diversity : education students' experience of a 10 day intensive programme
Published 2017“…During this process, participants’ attach meanings to their experiences which correspond with their dialogic and monologic nature with regard to the notion of meaning-making. …”
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Gamification Gamification User Types and Preferred Game Characteristics Amongst Student Teachers
Published 2021“…One innovation that has shown to increase motivation and gener- ate situational interest in individuals is gamification of learning. …”
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Kiinteistö- ja rakennustoimiala yritysvakoilun kohteena
Published 2024“…In the context of the real estate and construction sector, the phenomenon has hardly been researched. However, attention has been drawn to the is-sue as Finland's security environment has become more unstable in recent years. …”
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