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Juoksijan kontaktiajan arviointi kiihtyvyysanturilla
Published 2020“…Tutkielma antaa suuntaviivat, joilla mallin kaltaista ratkaisua voi soveltaa käytännössä The research question of this thesis is estimating runner’s ground contact time from a shoe attached acceleration sensor. The research followed the Design Science Research paradigm. …”
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EU - do you hear me? : the role of civil society organisations in the democratisation of the European Union
Published 2009“…Consequently, neither of them introduce direct participation channels for citizens nor pay due attention to the communicative aspect of democracy. …”
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Employee CSR (Dis)Engagement: A Young Blue-Collar Perspective
Published 2024“…While employee engagement in CSR has been studied extensively, blue-collar workers as an employee group have received less attention. Blue-collar work inherently differs from white-collar work, which may impact how blue-collar workers perceive and engage with CSR. …”
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Yleistetyn kontinuumihypoteesin ja Alef-hypoteesin yhtäpitävyys valinta-aksiooman kautta
Published 2014“…L ähtien kummasta tahansa hypoteesista saadaan siis valinta-aksiooma käytt öön, ja t ät ä kautta tutkielman p ääv äite on suoraviivainen todistettava. …”
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A metadata model for hybrid data products on a multilateral data marketplace
Published 2018“…On such marketplaces, multiple different vendors can offer equivalent products in terms of functionality, but different in attributes such as pricing, quality and licensing; attributes that could be contained in metadata. …”
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Use of the personalized learning plan in the end-user training : case- JYU : business intelligence system enduser training
Published 2022“…This study uses the concept of a personalized learning plan suited for information system end-user training and attaches it as a case study to the University of Jyväskylä business system implementation projects end-user training. …”
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Vieraskasvilajien tuntemus ja kiinnostus niiden torjuntaan
Published 2022“…I also investigated the citizens’ interest in the management of IAS in terms of their attitudes and participation in managing invasive species. …”
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Quantitative comparison of option pricing models: neural networks vs. stochastic models
Published 2024“…However, despite the large network size this does not cause overfitting problems, and this is somewhat attributable to the large reliable dataset. The time period used, along with the chronological data partitioning method, caused problems, ultimately leading to the decision to drop the interest rate variable from the network model altogether. …”
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The Choice of Financing Instrument in Game Companies: With Study on Finnish Start-ups
Published 2024“…The game industry is a growing industry, and Finland is an attractive country for the industry’s international employees, as well as for international investors. …”
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Perceptions of Environmentally Sustainable Fashion by Finnish 25–45-year-old Consumers
Published 2024“…Production practices have accelerated in recent decades despite increasing attention towards more sustainable processes. The industry also disposes large quantities of garments annually, further exacerbating its environmental footprint. …”
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The computer knows best: AI-powered personalization in marketing through the lens of data privacy
Published 2024“…The aim of the research is to enhance understanding on how personalized marketing is made more effective with the use of AI, and how are the possibilities and limitations of the practice reflected on current data regulations and consumer attitudes about privacy. Previous research on personalization has slightly touched on AI integration but has not considered consumer privacy as a significant part of this development. …”
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Käyttöliittymäkehitys kosketuskäyttöisille älypuhelimille
Published 2012“…Following the rise of app stores and touch user interface driven smartphones in the recent years, practically all of the major device vendors have started paying more attention to usability and third party development tools. …”
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Ydinfuusion fysikaaliset perusteet energiantuotannossa ja fuusiolaitteiden kehitys
Published 2016“…Kahden atomin, joiden massaluku on alle 60, yhdistymistä yhdeksi atomiksi kutsutaan fuusioksi. …”
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Sosioekonomisen aseman ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteydet 42 vuoden seurannan aikana
Published 2017“…The amount of participants attending this study varied between 250 and 369. The connection between socioeconomic status and physical activity in different stages of life was analyzed with chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis. …”
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Suomalaisten uintivalmentajien valmennustyö - teoriaa ja käytäntöä
Published 2015“…Above all, a good coach is always there for the athlete. Key words: coaching, coaching education, biology of physical activity …”
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Haluttu, menestyvä ja laadukas seura : tapaustutkimus Jyväskylän Naisvoimistelijoiden seuratoiminnan muutoksesta
Published 2017“…In addition, the improved quality attracts new members to join the club. In the future in sports clubs need to think of new ways of working so that the professionalization of clubs does not reduce the importance of important volunteering. …”
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From Hesitation to Action: Communicating to Overcome Barriers and Motivate Vegetarian Choices at Semma
Published 2024“…This thesis investigates the disconnect between positive attitudes towards vegetarianism and the actual dietary choices among consumers at Semma, a network of university campus restaurants. …”
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A comparative analysis of impulse buying strategies : case study of an online women apparel store
Published 2019“…The goal of the study is to offer insights to marketers and entrepreneurs as to which strategies perform successfully with internet users. The study attempts to measure the effectiveness of these strategies on four metrics, namely number of sales, average order value, number of repeat customers and average session duration. …”
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Determining the substrate specificity of two lysostaphin enzyme family members using NMR spectroscopy
Published 2020“…Entsyymien tehokkuutta erilaisten peptidoglykaanifragmenttien katalyysissä tutkittiin käyttäen liuostilan 1D 1H ydinmagneettista resonanssispektroskopiaa (NMR), joka mahdollistaa hydrolyysireaktioiden reaaliaikaisen seurannan atomiresoluution tasolla. Reaktiotuotteiden rakenteet määritettiin 2D NMR -spektroskopialla. …”
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Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön kokemuksia ruokailutilanteesta
Published 2023“…Varhaiskasvatuksen ruokailutilanne on oleellinen osa henkilöstön toteuttamaa päivittäistä pedagogiikkaa, jossa lapsille tarjotaan mahdollisuus säännölliseen ateriarytmiin. Kasvava tutkimusnäyttö osoittaa ruokailutilanteen vaikutuksia sekä lapseen että kasvattajaan. …”
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