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HIV/AIDS, power and influence in Malawi : the Nyau masquerade
Published 2008“…As a unique phenomenon that has received little scholarly attention, this ritual requires a combination of different theories in order to approach and understand the dynamics of the phenomenon from a political perspective and to recognise the interrelationships between other strategies to bring about behavioural change. …”
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The relation between interoceptive accuracy, temperament and personality
Published 2016“…Participants were asked to attend to their own heartbeat and answer if the delivered audio signal matched their real-time heartbeat or not. 16 series of auditory signals were delivered, each of them containing 10 sounds. …”
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Value creation and co-creation in advisory board : case Kasvun Roihu Ltd and Nordea Growth program
Published 2017“…These main factors are the leading role of the company, concrete and realistic targets, open atmosphere, company’s readiness to receive challenging, company’s functional ability, suitable Growth Board members, sufficient meeting preparations, and time and attendance. …”
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Benchmarking of outdoor activity facilities : an analysis of German hiking facilities and its implications to Finland
Published 2015“…Furthermore, authorities of German outdoor facilities, such as national parks and distinct travel regions/trails were interviewed to discover successful practices that attract German people to go outdoors. The Atlas.ti programme was utilised to organise and partly analyse the collected interview data. …”
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Ikääntyneiden moniammatillisen kotikuntoutuksen merkityksiä työntekijöille
Published 2017“…Social and health care workers’ experiences, perspectives and attitudes about multiprofessional home rehabilitation for elderly. …”
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Surface modification of gold nanoparticles and nanoclusters
Published 2016“…Among them, monolayer protected gold nanoclusters (MPCs) have received a significant attention in the scientific community due to their well-defined atomic structure, which is important for fundamental studies of nanoparticles properties and their functionalization. …”
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Vetysitoutumisen ja halogeenisitoutumisen ominaisuuksien vertailu ja röntgenkristallografinen tarkastelu
Published 2018“…Molemmat sitoutumismuodot ovat osittain sähkömagneettisia ja nimensä mukaisesti vetysitoutumisessa sidokseen osallistuu osittain positiivisen varauksen saanut vetyatomi ja siihen elektrostaattisesti liittyvä nukleofiilinen atomi. Vastaavasti halogeenisitoutuminen on elektrofiilisen halogeenin ja nukleofiilisen atomin välinen vuorovaikutus. …”
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Optical feedback cooling of a mechanical silicon oscillator with a single laser
Published 2020“…Optical feedback cooling was attempted on a split silicon beam photonic crystal oscillator, which acts as an optical cavity and a micromechanical resonator. …”
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Terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmiin kohdistuva kyberrikollisuus
Published 2021“…One of the risks is cybercrime and cyber-attacks, and the number has increased tremendously in the recent years. …”
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Affektiivisten tekijöiden näyttäytyminen elämäntapamuutosprosessissa
Published 2022“…The aim of this qualitative study is to describe how affective determinants appeared in the process of lifestyle change in those who attended the acceptance and commitment therapy -based lifestyle intervention. …”
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The Formation of Parasocial Relationships Via Video Content in a Brand Community
Published 2024“…This master’s thesis discusses the formation of parasocial relationships online and specifically how influencers within the Planner Community facilitate the formation of parasocial relationships. Attractiveness, prestige, expertise, self-disclosure and interactivity were identified in existing literature as influence attempts or facilitators of parasocial relationships. …”
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Uusien yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tietotekniset taidot ja CSE-uskomukset
Published 2014“…This study, based on an online survey, examined gender differences of first year university students in behavior related to information and communication technology (ICT), self-perceived skill-level of most commonly used software, experiences in internet usage at leisure, and attitudes towards ICT, which are called computer self-efficacy (CSE) in this study. …”
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Characteristics of successful grass-root sport club's governance: a case study Jyväskylän Naisvoimistelijat
Published 2017“…After all interviews were completed, they were immediately transcribed verbatim and analysed with ATLAS.ti software, respectively. The Board consisted of people that were capable of executing the tasks trusted upon them, and understand their legal obligations. …”
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Teenagers exploring the world : their stories 10 to 18 years after : or what remains of an extended Outdoor Adventure Education sailing trip
Published 2016“…The aim of this study was to question the long-term impacts of Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE), a division of the currently regarded experiential education philosophy. 1000 Sabords, a project consisting of a six to eight month long sailing trip around the Atlantic Ocean, was used as subject of research. Nine individuals shared their stories through open-ended interviews, presenting their beliefs as to their experience and its impact on their lives 10 to 18 years after their involvement in the program. …”
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Towards organizational understanding of the notions of nexus and localization in humanitarian aid and development cooperation
Published 2021“…The concepts of humanitarian-development nexus and localization have gained attention in global debates and international policies related to address the effectiveness and efficiency of crisis and conflict response. …”
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MMORPG-pelaajien suhtautuminen mikromaksuihin
Published 2019“…Based on these the thesis observes the link between microtransaction attitudes and playing motivations using a survey and motivation components. …”
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The changing relationship between personality traits and acceptance skills
Published 2015“…Their acceptance skills were measured in Time 1 and post-intervention (Time 2) phases with a measure based on three questionnaires (ATQ-F, ATQ-B and AAQ-II). Results The intervention group significantly increased their acceptance skills compared to the TAU group skills in Time 2. …”
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Tietojärjestelmän omaksumiseen ja käytön jatkamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä : tapaustutkimus
Published 2017“…Finally, the center of attention is in the motivational factors that will affect how interesting and useful users find to utilize the information system. …”
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The role of co-branding in brand loyalty
Published 2024“…The relatively recent phenomenon of co-branding has attracted the attention of both researchers and brand managers due to the possibility of exploiting synergies between brands and achieving competitive advantage. …”
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Employee's experience with Corporate Volunteering : motives and impacts
Published 2020“…The strength of OMV’s CV projects could be further developed by offering versatile and meaningful activities which attract a larger base of employee volunteers. …”
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