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Comparison of the ecotoxicological effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) on the freshwater microbial community
Published 2021“…The ubiquitous presence of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) around the globe has attracted increasing attention, due to their persistency, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. …”
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Dysleksia : puheen prosessointi ja kognitiivinen suoriutuminen
Published 2020“…Puheen prosessointia tutkittiin kuunteluttamalla lapsilla kahta erilaista epäsanaa (/at:a/ ja /ata/) ja tarkastelemalla näistä syntyneitä herätevasteita. …”
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Nopean kaasunsyöttölaitteiston, paineenmittauksen ja valodiagnostiikan kehittäminen ECR-ionilähteeseen
Published 2014“…Kaasunsyöttölaitteistolla ohjataan neutraaleja atomeja ionilähteen plasmaan ja valo- sekä painediagnostiikalla pyritään tutkimaan neutraalikaasupulssin vaikutusta plasmaan. …”
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Mikroaaltoplasmageneraattorin happi- ja typpiplasmojen valoemissio näkyvän valon aallonpituusalueella
Published 2016“…Työn teoreettisessa osiossa käydään läpi plasman määritelmä, törmäysreaktioiden vaikutusala, tuottotaajuuskertoimet, yksittäisen atomin sekä kaksiatomisen molekyylin viritystilat ja näistä johtuvat mahdolliset emissiopurkaustyypit. …”
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Security of firmware update mechanisms within SOHO routers
Published 2019“…Analyzed devices were found to have trivial vulnerabilities where Man-In-The-Middle attacker could deny further updates or install malicious firmware through the network update mechanism. …”
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Kuluttajien suhtautuminen mobiililaitteiden tietoturvauhkiin
Published 2017“…This is a master’s thesis on consumer attitudes towards mobile device data security threats. …”
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Luomun luomat : luomuruoka osana ruokapolitiikkaa- ja ideologiaa
Published 2018“…Tutkielman tehtävänä on selvittää, miten luomuruoan käsite heijastuu luomuruoan käyttäjien arvovalinnoissa ja niihin liittyvissä attribuuteissa Facebookin luomuryhmissä. Tarkoituksena on analysoida, millaisia arvoja ja attribuutteja luomuruoan käyttäjällä liittyy luomun suosimiseen ja käyttömotiiveihin. …”
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Iän, sukupuolen ja harjoittelun yhteys reaktionopeuteen mies- ja naisveteraaniurheilijoilla
Published 2013“…In simple test there were 350 speed athletes, 186 endurance athletes and 707 controls. …”
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Oppimisenhallintajärjestelmiin TIM ja Moodle liittyvät asenteet TAM-mallin avulla tarkasteltuna
Published 2024“…This Master's thesis explores their acceptance and related attitudes in the context of the TIM and Moodle systems used at the University of Jyväskylä, using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM model) and based on previous research literature. …”
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Floorball as a new sport : case study : Bulgaria as a floorball destination from insider's point of view
Published 2011“…The present investigation makes an attempt to fill this gap in a holistic manner. It explores the research problem of finding the potentials of floorball as a sustainably successful sport – worldwide and in the case country, Bulgaria. …”
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Laskennalliset menetelmät foldameeritutkimuksessa
Published 2016“…Molekyylidynamiikka perustuu klassiseen mekaniikkaan. Siinä yksittäisiä atomeja käsitellään palloina, joilla on muuttumaton varaus. …”
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Determination of the magnetic octupole moment of 173-Yb and a design towards laser-double resonance methods in an MR-ToF device
Published 2020“…In the first part, the magnetic octupole moment of stable ytterbium was determined using collinear laser spectroscopy (CLS) on a fast atomic beam in the Ion-Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility at Jyväskylä. …”
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Estimating the distribution of anthropogenic asbestos using random forest algorithm
Published 2020“…The results derived from random forest algorithm showed that with a large number of attributes, that have a high correlation with the examined question the random forest algorithm was able to determine estimations of asbestos use in each municipality. …”
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Tunnin miellyttävyyden, koetun fyysisen kuormittavuuden, liikunnan arvosanan ja tunnin opetusvaiheiden yhteys 8-luokkalaisten sykkeisiin liikuntatunneilla
Published 2016“…Heart rates were monitored from all attending students by heart rate monitors and they also filled in a simple questionnaire after the class. …”
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Internet based exercise management system for worksite exercise and well-being intervention
Published 2012“…Gaming features and other persuasive systems should be studied and use in the future to make physical activity behavior more attractive and raise awareness of the health. …”
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Alpha frequency discrepancy and trait anxiety, activation, and inhibition in states of anxiety and mindfulness
Published 2018“…To form a preliminary framework for developing a brain-computer inter-face system for sustained attention enhancement, the behaviour of alpha fre-quency band during states of anxiety, mindfulness and rest was studied, and the differences were juxtaposed with personality traits of anxiety, inhibition and activation. …”
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The improvement of biowaste management and utilization of a greenhouse tomato production plant : a case study
Published 2023“…Not only do the farmers eliminate costs of waste treatment but can potentially attain further profit from products of employed technologies. …”
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Luontoliikunta ja työikäisten miesten liikuntamotivaatio
Published 2016“…Nature was described as an encouraging and attractive exercise environment. Keywords: self-determination theory, motivation, green exercise, working-age, male …”
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A case study : teaching conflict awareness in a Finnish lower secondary school
Published 2018“…This ethnographic case study investigates the pupils’ thinking processes and changes in behavior and attitudes during the process of using the learning materials created by the CMI. …”
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Lasten sosioemotionaaliset ongelmat oppimisvaikeusryhmissä
Published 2018“…The results suggest that the professionals should pay attention especially to the welfare of children experiencing both mathematical and attention and hyperactivity problems. …”
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