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Opiskelijaurheilijoiden kaksoisuran toteutumisen erot yläkouluissa ja lukioissa
Published 2023“…On the other hand, when looking at the averages of the sum variable measuring the weak implementation of a dual career, a statistically significant difference was observed between ball sports athletes and endurance sports athletes (p=0.048) while endurance sports athletes experiencing the implementation of a dual career weaker than ball sports athletes did. …”
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Bis-organosilane applications and synthesis
Published 2017“…Bis-organosilaaneilla on kaksi pii-atomikeskusta, joista kukin voi tarttua pinnan hydroksyyliryhmiin. …”
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Sustainable development of airports : peak at the sustainability of airport ́s commercial sector
Published 2018“…In particular, this study draws attention to the role of commercial operators of the airport. …”
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Epätasaisella pinnalla mitatun staattisen tasapainon ja alaraajojen rasitusvammojen yhteys 21-vuotiailla ja nuoremmilla koripallon ja salibandyn pelaajilla
Published 2018“…In this study, there were 390 athletes. 387 of them fulfilled baseline information form, injury forms and did one leg static balance tests. …”
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Effect of acute strength training on cellular respiration and gene expression of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Published 2019“…For investigating this, twelve young male athletes performed eccentric (ECC), concentric (CON) and combination (CEX) of these two exercises in a random order. …”
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Crossing the borders of justice : a philosophical study of climate change, justice and environment
Published 2011“…Justice in this context requires not only fairer allocation of shares of atmospheric capacity to absorb emissions and more generally of ecological space, but also shifting focus to the structures that maintain and reproduce the inequalities in access to environmental goods and distribution of burdens related to climate change. …”
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A periphery extending into Europe? : a study of the politics of education within higher education reform in Georgia
Published 2011“…Furthermore, it seeks to understand how these different types of boundaries are formed and how they are perceived by Georgians. This study attempts to shed light to ways how Georgian educational authorities portray Georgia in relation to Europe in their Bologna Process reports and how is Georgia positioned in relation to the European core. …”
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Sports sponsorship in Nigeria : why are corporate sponsors involved and are they deriving value?
Published 2013“…Sports entities in Nigeria need to create an outlook that will attract sponsors as well as help deliver value in relation to expressed value definitions by their sponsors. …”
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Nanodiamond seeding for thin film growth
Published 2014“…Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images of seed layers were taken and analysed. …”
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Pitkään jatkuneen, säännöllisen meditaation harjoittamisen ja meditaatiotilan vaikutus säikähdysreaktioon
Published 2014“…Furthermore, meditators’ better attention regulation during the test may explain the smaller startle responses. …”
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The effects of cold water immersion on medial gastrocnemius muscle architecture and performance post-exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise
Published 2017“…The aim of this study was to investigate how muscle architecture of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and neuromuscular performance change after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise and what effects a single CWI has on those parameters over 48 hours (48H). Male athletes (n = 11) were randomized into either a passive recovery control group (CON) or CWI. …”
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Rehevöitymisen ja lämpenemisen vaikutus makean veden kasviplanktonin kasvuun
Published 2022“…As the climate continues to warm, it is especially important to pay attention to the nutrient content of water bodies. …”
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Johtajien käsityksiä työn merkityksellisyydestä ja Työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten -kyselyn hyödyntämisestä johtamisessa
Published 2021“…Meaningful work is a topic that has gained attention of the leaders interviewed in this study and they believed it to become even more important in the future. …”
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Palvelunestohyökkäykset ja kuinka Kali Linux pystyy niihin vastaamaan?
Published 2022“…The first two tools sim-ulate the denial-of-service attacks on network and transport layers, while the latter two simulate the denial-of-service attacks on the application layer. …”
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Account-based marketing concept and process
Published 2021“…Despite its recent popularity, account-based marketing has attained very limited academic attention. To fill this gap, this study presents one of the first academic attempts to conceptualize account-based marketing and investigate its micro-foundations it is formed from. …”
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Uimahallipalveluiden tuottamismallit kuntaorganisaatioissa esimiesnäkökulmasta
Published 2017“…Collaboration between different parties and new partnerships have received increased attention as a production model that allows more efficient service production in future. …”
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"Et pystyksä diilaamaan niit sun hepuleitas?" : väkivallasta puhumisen käytännöt väkivallan ehkäisemiseen tarkoitetussa pariterapiassa
Published 2018“…These results can be used in the future to pay more attention on discussing violence in-depth. Therapists should concentrate on making violence a central subject of discussion in every therapy session in couples therapy in the treatment of intimate partner violence. …”
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An exploratory study of coach and players' emotion regulation in a female volleyball team
Published 2018“…During the past few decades, the strategies followed by athletes in order to initiate, maintain, modify or display emotions before and during competition have received extensive attention in sport settings (Gross and Thompson, 2007). …”
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The effects of perceived website usability on trust of online stores
Published 2018“…Further, they may illustrate those website attributes of usability and aesthetics which are reflected against the evaluation of an online store’s trustworthiness. …”
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Suhdekehyspohjaisten interventioiden vaikutukset esiintymisjännityksen hoidossa yliopisto-opiskelijoilla
Published 2019“…They also filled questionnaires before and after intervention, and after the experiment their unconscious attitudes were measured with IRAP (the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure). …”
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