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- Social Sciences of Sport 120
- tietoturva 113
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- englannin kieli 91
- Health Education 88
Methods of spatial statistics in monitoring of wildlife populations
Published 1995“…Two examples are given; one uses data of an atlas survey on breeding birds, and the other uses data of a herpetological atlas. …”
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Päätöksentekijöiden viiteryhmät kaupunkien liikuntapolitiikassa
Published 1982“…The results indicated that the following reference groups, listed in order of descending importance, were most often chosen as support by the majority of the decision-makers: the city officials preparing the decision issues, colleagues at one's place of work, top athletes, participants in mass sports, leaders of sport clubs, and the members of the city council belonging to one's own party. …”
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Lutakko - savuisesta tehdasalueesta Jyväskylän helmeksi : vaihtoehtoista kaupunkisuunnittelua
Published 2012“…By 2012, Lutakko is an attractive residential and working district, which final function is becoming apparent, and for this reason it is possible to evaluate the planning. …”
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Are we solving the right challenges? : evaluating the roles and responsibilities of public governance in emerging talent hub ecosystems : case study: City of Jyväskylä
Published 2021“…High recruitment thresholds, fragmentation of services and attitudes were seen as the most challenging barriers to utilizing international expertise locally. …”
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Aikuisväestön kokemuksia Jyväskylän Kangaslammen ja Keljonkankaan lähiliikuntapaikoista
Published 2015“…In general Neighbourhood sport sites should be accessible, known, attractive, versatile and safe. In the future it would be interesting to study how different size NSS can serve as an adults sport sites. …”
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Intercultural communication experiences of foreign students with a focus on their perspectives of national, cultural and ethnic identity : case of exchange and degree students in J...
Published 2011“…The aim of the study is to learn about intercultural communication experiences of foreign Exchange and Master degree students in Jyväskylä, Finland with a particular attention to the perspective of national, cultural and ethnic identity concepts. …”
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Living the policy discourses of employability : a discourse analysis of Finnish Migration strategy (2013) and experiences of international graduates of Master programmes at the Uni...
Published 2017“…This might entail changes in the attractiveness of Finland among the affected group of international students. …”
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Exploring sustainability education : perspectives of Finnish pre-service teachers
Published 2023“…Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the interview data with the help of a qualitative data analysis tool, Atlas.ti. The findings showed that respondents hold different perspectives on the topic of sustainability education, with some focusing primarily on the environmental dimension. …”
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Analyzing time-dependent relationships: The impact of unexpected and expected inflation on stock and commodity markets
Published 2024“…This Master’s thesis attempts to analyse and examine the effects of inflation on market returns for different areas. …”
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Aineenopettajien ja aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia Jyväskylän yliopiston fysiikan laitoksen aineenopettajakoulutuksesta
Published 2023“…The interviewees also identified certain assumptions related to physics teacher education students within the department's atmosphere. Individual differences in how the interviewees perceived their education were highly significant. …”
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Social support and well-being of refugees in Finland
Published 2018“…Conclusions: Nonetheless traumatic pre-migration experiences, experiences of acculturative stress and poor health outcomes, perceived and provided social support had a positive effect on acculturation strategy choice and attitude, thus lessening refugees mal-being during the acculturation process in Jyväskylä, Finland. …”
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Traktorit ja kyberturvallisuus
Published 2018“…As result of the research, we can say, that in the future, vehicles are more and more prone to cyber attacks. The ever-growing number of computers and their wireless systems enlarges the attack surface of the vehicle and therefore the risk of cyber attacks. …”
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Sfärisk geometri och kartprojektion
Published 2012“…Därefter härleds projektionen med hjälp av villkoret att projektionen är konform. En stor fördel med en karta gjord med hjälp av Mercator projektion är att varje linje representerar en loxodrom på sfären. …”
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Kestävyyskunnon kehittymisen yksilöllisyys ja harjoittelun ulkopuolisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteys harjoitusvasteen vaihteluun
Published 2015“…Several individual factors such as initial fitness level and gender contribute to training effect attained in standardized aerobic exercise program. …”
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Liikuntapedagogiikan aikuiskoulutuksen maisteriohjelman kasvatusteoreettiset perusteet
Published 2023“…The program's core values are learner’s autonomy and subjectivity, an explorative and critical attitude, collaborative learning, and working-life orientation. …”
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Parisuhdeväkivalta, alkoholin käyttö ja masennus Lapsesta aikuiseksi -tutkimuksen aineistossa
Published 2015“…Further research should pay attention to the quality and quantity of intimate partner violence, compare the mediating effects between sexes and to utilize longitudinal sets and look for causalities. …”
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Ungdomars fysiska aktivitet och föräldrars medverkan
Published 2009“…Därför är det viktigt att man kan förmedla budskapet om hälsofrämjande idrott och försöka uppmuntra eleverna att fortsätta med sin hobby. …”
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Sustainability evaluation of Indian Eco-Village Development -Project
Published 2010“…Additionally the empowerment evaluation revealed that more attention should be given for forming well functioning youth groups and a Farmer’s Cooperative. …”
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Kuluttajien suhtautuminen mobiililaitteilla tapahtuvaan sijaintiin perustuvaan mainontaan
Published 2019“…The research suggest that pull deliv-ery mechanism, privacy, consumer’s permission, entertainment and personali-zation are the most important factors for the consumer. Consumer attitude to-wards advertising was found to be neutral. …”
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Tietojärjestelmien menestyksekäs muutosjohtaminen
Published 2023“…Factors influencing success found in the literature review include project and change leadership skills, management's role and involvement during change, training of technology users and attitudes, feelings, trust and adaptation to the use of technology, organizational culture, internal communication and environmental factors, business process redesign, the technology implementation process, the organization's technology infrastructure, and the technology's characteristics and suitability for the organization. …”
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