Showing 1,401 - 1,420 results of 3,718 for search 'AT*', query time: 0.12s Refine Results
  1. 1401

    Specifika russkih otglagol'nyh imen suščestvitel'nyh proizvodstvenno-tehničeskoj leksiki : slovoobrazovatel'nyj i leksiko-semantičeskij analiz by Valtakari, Pertti

    Published 1991
    “…The study is based оn motivating verbs, in the analysis of which the main attention has been paid to conjunction, aspect, word changing, formation method, word roots, prefixes, transitivity/intransitivity, semantic type, word formation mechanism and special cases. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  2. 1402

    Interspecific social information in habitat choice by Seppänen, Janne-Tuomas

    Published 2007
    “…Earlier research has shown that migrants are attracted to residents, and in this study I aimed to further investigate this phenomenon. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  3. 1403

    Evolution of female choice in the bank vole by Horne, Taina

    Published 1998
    “…The results suggested that although females may invest more on offspring of attractive males, male UMV appears to indicate male genetic quality. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  4. 1404

    Determinants of clutch size and reproductive success in the pied flycatcher by Siikamäki, Pirkko

    Published 1995
    “…Additionally, the trade-offs between the current breeding attempt and future reproduction also mould the evolution of clutch size. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  5. 1405

    Beta decay and deformation : studies of neutron-rich nuclei with 106≤A≤114 by Jokinen, Ari

    Published 1994
    “…The obtained experimental information have been compared to the global models of atomic masses and beta decay rates. In addition, this thesis includes macroscopic-microscopic calculations for the beta decay properties as a function of deformation and nucleon number. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  6. 1406

    Polyterritorial polygyny in the pied flycatcher by Rätti, Osmo

    Published 1993
    “…After having attracted their first female most pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) males establish a second, spatially separate, territory and attempt to attract a second female there. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  7. 1407

    Painted and photographed portraits in Finland 1839-1870 by Käyhkö, Unto

    Published 1995
    “…Using these as a basis, an attempt has been made to create a methodological system for the research that is based on hermeneutic theory. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  8. 1408

    "Az igazság ismérve az, hogy igaz" : etika és nemzeti identitás Sütő András "Anyám könnyű álmot ígér" című művében és annak recepciójában by Bartis, Imre

    Published 2008
    “…The second part of the thesis is the analysis of the various attitudes the narrator and the characters have towards ethical questions related to that of national identity, as well as of the meanings such expressions as responsibility towards and holding on to (one s motherland, nation, values etc.) may have in Sütő s text. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  9. 1409

    Genuskongruens och genus i finska gymnasisters inlärarsvenska by Lahtinen, Sinikka

    Published 1998
    “…It is thus suggested that foreign language learners may benefit from focusing their attention on gender marking done in teaching, whereas informal learners may not pay sufficient attention to neuter gender markers which occur less often in input, their proportion being approximately 20-30 %. 379 pupils in 10 different upper secondary schools were tested and it was shown that adjective attributes which can take different forms depending on the preceding determiner constitute the main problem for the learners. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  10. 1410

    Themiksen temppeli : vanhan Vaasan hovioikeudentalo Kustaa III:n valistuspyrkimysten monumentti by Harju, Virpi

    Published 1997
    “…Using comparisons from legal history, for example, an attempt is made to analyse the subject's similarities in terms of judicial function with other corresponding court buildings in Sweden-Finland. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  11. 1411

    Now they're talking : testing oral proficiency in a language laboratory by Saleva, Maija

    Published 1997
    “…It was also explored whether the LLOPI could be validated with the ACTFL interview. Student attitudes towards speaking and testing English were investigated, as well as the effect of spending time abroad on oral proficiency. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  12. 1412

    Erik Cainberg ja hänen reliefisarjansa Turun vanhassa akatemiatalossa by Pöykkö, Kaarina

    Published 1991
    “…The way in which the layout has been designed is atypical of Cainberg, but it is obvious that he has received the idea from C.C. …”
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    Doctoral dissertation
  13. 1413

    Jääkiekkotaktiikat 5 vastaan 5 -pelissä Torinon vuoden 2006 olympialaisissa by Luimula, Sami

    Published 2013
    “…The teams used a lot of passes to the weak side in the defense and neutral zones in their attacks. For example the attacks were started in the defense zone with the pass to the weak side in 55 percent of the attacks. …”
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    Licentiate thesis
  14. 1414

    Persoonallinen palloseura : Jyväskylän Seudun Palloseuran viisi vuosikymmentä by Mäkinen, Mikko

    Published 2015
    “…Football and bandy were chosen to be played in the club, and the founders had certain educational and social motives for their work in (allegedly restless) Kypärämäki. Most of the athletes played football in the summer and bandy in the winter, and competitive success wasn’t the primary goal of JPS. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 1415

    Lasten ja nuorten liikuntaa Lumijoella ja Jyväskylässä : omaehtoiseen liikuntaan kannustavat tekijät 5., 7. ja 9. luokkalaisilla by Karjula, Henri

    Published 2014
    “…The study showed that children's and young people's attitudes towards recreational sports were mostly positive regardless of how much they played sports. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 1416

    Palokan Riento 1965-2014 : yleisseurasta jalkapallon lajiseuraksi by Vanhala, Antti

    Published 2016
    “…Palokan Riento has been a typical sport club in a housing estate to offer athletic activities for residents in the area. Operational principle and values has been through history of the club to offer safe leisure activities for the kids, youths and adults in the neighbouring area. …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 1417

    Voimistuneen kuntoliikunnan tarkastelua markkinatutkimuksen segmenteissä : jyväskyläläiset kilpa- ja kuntourheilijat KIHUn näkökulmasta by Sopanen, Taneli

    Published 2015
    “…The conditioning and competitive sport athletes in Jyväskylä use more time to physical activity and goal-oriented sport compared to the rest of the population. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 1418

    Men's explanations for intimate partner violence : how intimately violent men explain their violence, and how the explanations and their changes are related to treatment outcome in... by Järvinen, Hanna

    Published 2011
    “…The explanation models of each of the four subjects were analysed from the four first and four last sessions they attended. The used method was functional analysis developed by Stephen Haynes. …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 1419

    "Kun hevonen tarvitsi semmoisen kurituksen" : eläinrääkkäys ja -suojelu Keski-Suomessa 1890–1900 by Vehmas, Mika

    Published 2019
    “…In addition, the animal cruelty prevention societies in small cities were focused on horses and the training and attending of horses were considered to be masculine responsibilities. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 1420

    Taloustieteilijöiden harjoittelijavaihdosta poikkitieteelliseen johtajuuteen : AIESEC Jyväskylä 1969-2009 by Kähkönen, Merja

    Published 2014
    “…In 1980’s, cooperation with companies was expanded by establishing a Board of Advisors. Attention was paid to the members by arranging training events and by participating in national and international educational seminars. …”
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    Master's thesis
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