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Kirjallisuuskatsaus kuorolauluharrastuksen itsekoettua hyvinvointia edistävistä syistä ja vaikutuksista
Published 2024“…The result is also that knowledge from the exact sciences is valid within the framework of the exact sciences, but does not necessarily tell us about all of people's motivations for choir practice, nor about the subjective conceptions of well-being that each choir enthusiast has, nor about the importance that choir enthusiasts attach to the well-being effects of choir practice. …”
Get full text Get full textBachelor's thesis -
Le subjonctif en moyen français à la lumière d'un corpus de textes des XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles
Published 2016“…In 13.0 % of the cases, the speaker's perception of the subject is emphasized: semantic variation arises then from the speaker's doubt, hesitation, ironic attitude, irresolution, indifference to the message. …”
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Male mating success and female choice in the lekking black grouse
Published 1995“…Male behavioural traits did not predict particularly well male mating success, even if lek attendance and lyre posture had significant effects. …”
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Child, mother and grandmother : intergenerational interaction in Finnish families
Published 1988“…The study also showed that Finnish daughters help their mothers independent of any emotional attachment to the mother. Help is determined solely by the mother's need for help. …”
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Illuminating political experience : exercises on Hannah Arendt's thought
Published 2017“…On these grounds, the dissertation as a whole defends Arendt’s thinking as a promising attempt to embrace both the subjective and the worldly, temporally durable aspects of political experience in a way that also speaks to our most recent experiences from the Arab Spring to the emergence of ‘post-factual’ politics. …”
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Sommitellut muusat : rituaali ja leikki luovan kirjoittamisen prosesseissa ja kirjoittajaryhmän toimissa
Published 2020“…The study pays particular attention to the concrete, material contexts where creative writing takes place. …”
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Facilitating the use of virtual worlds in schools
Published 2012“…Virtual worlds have grown in popularity recently and thus have been able to gain attention of many researchers and educationists as well. …”
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Yrittäjyyskasvattaja : ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnon ja kaupan alan opettajien näkemykset itsestään ja työstään yrittäjyyskasvattajana
Published 2001“…Attitudes were most positive towards the SME's and the work. …”
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Understanding corporate moral development in the context of rapid and radical changes : the case of Estonia
Published 2008“…Further the research showed that in order to strengthen CMD in Estonian business life, particular attention should be directed at developing and implementing societal norms as a basis for sustainability in business and teaching business ethics and corporate social responsibility as a priority in business schools. …”
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Kahvikuppineurootikkojen ja paniikkiagorafoobikkojen minäkuvat minäsysteemin rakenteina ja kognitiivisen oppimisterapian perustana
Published 1988“…Attempts were made to bring out self-images connected with symptoms. …”
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Advanced optimization algorithms for applications in control engineering
Published 2011“…In the last ten years optimization in industrial applications has obtained an increasing attention. In particular it has been demonstrated useful and effective in the solution of control problems. …”
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Suggestiiviset mielikuvamallit käyttäytymisen muokkaajina tarkkailuluokkalaisilla
Published 1987“…Both treatments of the experimental groups caused a change in attitudes towards school compared to the control group treatment. …”
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Kurssimuotoisuus opetussuunnitelman moduulirakenteen sovelluksena lukiossa
Published 1993“…Students' ratings and attitudes to nearly all the features assessed became more critical as studies progressed. …”
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Consumer perceptions of grocery stores
Published 1998“…Consumer preferences for grocery stores were examined by regression analysis. Different store attributes explained preferences for different stores. …”
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Cygnaeuksen jäljillä käsityönopetuksesta teknologiseen kasvatukseen
Published 1997“…The second one dealt with the position of environmental education in the teaching of lecturers of Didactics for Technical work as well as with their attitudes to and awareness of environmental matters. …”
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Modernség, progresszió, Ady Endre és az Ady-Rákosi vita : egy konfliktusos eszmetörténeti pozíció természete és következményei
Published 2008“…As a part of this description, I am paying attention to the dispositional, socialization-related, role-related, psychological and existential factors. …”
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Osaamisperustaisen kilpailukyvyn ja yrittäjyyden edistäminen : tutkimustapauksena Raahen tietotekniikan muuntokoulutusohjelma insinööreille
Published 2004“…However, in other areas of importance in working life, such as leadership and management, human relations, practices of working life and other personal attributes, the training did not enhance the participants’ competence to any great extent. …”
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Laskutaitoharjoittelusta ongelmanratkaisuun : matematiikan opettajien matematiikkauskomukset opetuksen muovaajina
Published 1999“…In this way the study attempts to describe and understand the instructional practices of mathematics teachers and the preconditions under which these practices develop and change. …”
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Ylioppilastutkinnon muotoutuminen autonomian aikana
Published 1998“…The birth of the political party system diverted attention towards educating the population. Improved attitudes towards learning and openness to new ideas led to an increase in the number of people passing the Matriculation Examination. …”
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Two perspectives to text structure representation
Published 1998“…The text is assumed to contain both informatively indispensable propositions and those which do not increase information in their context but are included in the text to make it more comprehensible, convincing or attractive to the reader. To account for this textual feature text structure is approached from the two perspectives of message structure and message trategies. …”
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