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Elektronisen ja perinteisen urheilun vertailua
Published 2017“…Electronic sports has offered an opportunity for some to achieve and gain fame as an e-athlete. However, electronic sports is a relatively new phenomenon which is constantly changing its form and its current state is unstable. …”
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Kalasteluhyökkäykset, huijaussivustot ja niiltä suojautuminen
Published 2023“…The research reveals that the forms of phishing attacks have developed considerably with the development of technology and channels of communication and that artificial intelligence creates new threats to make use of phishing attacks. …”
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Tekoälyn mahdollisuudet ja rajoitukset kohdennetussa mainonnassa
Published 2023“…The study was conducted as a liter ature review. Books, articles, and other literature related to the subject were used in the research. …”
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Fotorealistinen tuotekuvastaminen latenteilla diffuusiomalleilla
Published 2023“…Photorealism refers to the image's attempt to resemble a real photograph. The thesis collected information on product representation, especially for marketing communication channels, and created literature reviews describing the techniques and methodologies that produced the highest quality results at the time of writing. …”
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Älykkäiden tieliikennejärjestelmien haasteet ja niiden ratkaiseminen
Published 2023“…To improve the coverage and accuracy of possible future research, the scope should be tightened, and more attention should be paid to the age of the material. …”
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Tekoälyn mahdollisuudet kyberuhkien jatkuvan valvonnan ja torjunnan työkaluna
Published 2023“…In the con- text of continuous monitoring in the cyber environment, AI proved to be highly beneficial, as it can effectively detect anomalies in normal operations and prevent potential future attacks. Various AI applications can respond to advanced and diversified cyber threats more effectively than traditional methods. …”
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IEC 62443-4-2 standardin hyödyt ja haasteet yritykselle : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus
Published 2023“…The study found benefits from greater transparency and reliability, reduced risk of attacks, protection from attacks, and protection for operative technology. …”
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Puettavat teknologiat osana urheilijan kuormituksen seurantaa
Published 2023“…In order to develop, athletes must expose their bodies to physical stress through training. …”
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Digitaalisen markkinoinnin merkitys B2B-yrityksissä
Published 2024“…Examples include brand awareness, customer engagement, acquisition of new clients, and the improvement of existing customer relationships. To attain these, B2B enterprises employ digital marketing tools such as search engine marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. …”
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Mobiilisovellusten saavutettavuus
Published 2024“…It is therefore no surprise that the topic of accessibility has started gaining more attention. However, there is still much room for improvement, especially in the field of mobile applications. …”
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Kohdistetun mainonnan vaikutus kuluttajan ostokäyttäytymiseen
Published 2024“…In the selection of the material, special attention has been paid to the peer-reviewed articles published after 2020. …”
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Digital transformation of SMEs : drivers, challenges, and strategies
Published 2024“…The COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as one of the reasons why this transformation process came to the attention of many organizations and researchers. Digital transformation is a process which offers unprecedented scale, scope, and speed for organizations. …”
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Suhde käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun periaatteiden ja käytettävyystutkimuksen välillä web-pohjaisissa sovelluksissa
Published 2024“…The thesis examines usability attributes, metrics, and definitions through source material. …”
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Taloudellinen kybervakoilu : menetelmät ja tekniikat
Published 2024“…The study found that the key methods in economic cyber espionage include APT attacks (advanced persistent threat), malware, and social engineering. …”
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Digitaalisten kaksosten rooli kestävän kehityksen edistämisessä älykaupungeissa
Published 2024“…One of the newest and most significant solutions to these challenges of urbanizations are digital twins, which have gained new attention with advanced technologies. The aim of this research was to investigate the role of digital twins in promoting sustainable development in smart cities. …”
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Scalability and extensibility in client-independent server architectures
Published 2005“…In this research we are focusing only on scalability and extensibility on the client-independent server software architectures leaving out any other quality attributes or requirements. Nowadays systems are more often based on the client/server architecture and the client may be besides traditional workstation any kind of hardware from servers to personal digital assistants (PDA s) and mobile phones, based on many different technologies. …”
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’I do not want the public to feel unduly alarmed’. : turvallistamisargumentointi ja emotionaalinen retoriikka pääministeri Theresa Mayn puheissa terrori-iskujen jälkeen Britanniass...
Published 2021“…The then- Prime Minister Theresa May gave speeches after each attack, in total four (one after each attack, two after the Manchester attack). …”
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Luurankolihaksen geeniekspressio ja perinnöllinen kestävyyssuorituskyky
Published 2007“…Myös mitokondrioiden kyky tuottaa ATP:ta on parempi, mistä kertoo sitruunahappokierron ja elektroninsiirtoketjun geenien ekspression kasvu. …”
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Perimän ja liikuntaharjoittelun vaikutus ulomman reisilihaksen lihassolutyyppeihin ja kapillarisaatioon
Published 2008“…Koehenkilöiltä otettiin vastus lateraliksesta lihasbiopsianäyte, josta analysoitiin ATPaasi värjäyksen perusteella viisi lihassolun alatyyppiä ja kapillaarit laskettiin immunohistokemiallisesta CD31-värjäyksestä. …”
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Ravinnon vaikutus happo-emästasapainoon ja elektrolyytteihin levossa
Published 2006“…Emästen tuotantoa elimistössä lisäävä ruokavalioja yksi ateria sen sijaan nostaa ainakin plasman kaliumpitoisuutta. …”
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