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  1. 3661

    Esineiden internet ja sen tietoturva sovelluskerroksella by Lahtinen, Tuomo

    Published 2019
    “…IoT has different layers and each layer are exposed to different kinds of attacks. These attack can be critical to mankind. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  2. 3662

    Pelikonsoleiden verkkopalveluiden tietoturvauhat by Ylönen, Riku

    Published 2020
    “…The paper deals with the types of security threats as well as the 2011 and 2014 attacks on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. The attacks were implemented using distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) and SQL injection. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  3. 3663

    Grafeenin ja proteiinien vuorovaikutus by Tolkki, Dan

    Published 2019
    “…Grafeenimateriaalien pintoja ja näiden funktionalisointia voidaan tutkia useilla eri tavoilla, kuten muun muassa fluoresenssilla ja mikroskopian muodoilla, kuten elektroni-, atomivoima- ja valomikroskopialla. Näiden sovelluskohteiden mahdollisuuksien arvioimiseksi ja turvalliseksi tekemiseksi täytyy grafeenimateriaalien ja biomolekyylien väliset vuorovaikutukset tuntea tarkasti. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  4. 3664

    Kodin IoT-laitteet ja tietoturva by Lahti, Janne

    Published 2022
    “…In addition to security, various options to target attacks on IoT devices are specified. Also, the thesis examines the attitude towards the security of IoT devices. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  5. 3665

    Sybil-hyökkäykset ja niiden havaitseminen ajoneuvojen langattomissa verkoissa (VANET) by Kajanto, Juho

    Published 2022
    “…Like any other open network, VANETs are vulnerable to cyberattacks. The most dangerous attack is the Sybil attack, which enables the attacker to perform all other types of attacks in the network. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  6. 3666

    Henkilöautojen varkaudenestojärjestelmien vertailu by Paavolainen, Sulo

    Published 2022
    “…During the presentation of the concepts, the vulnerabilities and some attack methods are also presented. After the introduction of the concepts, the thesis makes a comparison between traditional and modern anti-theft systems for passenger cars, from the perspective of risk assessment. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  7. 3667

    Verkkohuijausten tyypit sosiaalisessa mediassa by Hellsten, Joonas

    Published 2017
    “…These types of scams were phishing scams, scams related to social engineering malware attacks and 419 -scams. There were a couple of scam scenarios that were not detected outside of social media context due to social networking site required as a platform for the scams. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  8. 3668

    Verkkosovellusten yleisimmät haavoittuvuudet ja käytänteet niiden ehkäisemiseksi by Kaasalainen, Santeri

    Published 2018
    “…However, web applications are more prone to cyber-attacks because they accessible through their web user interface. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  9. 3669

    Kyberturvallisuus esineiden internetissä by Hyytiäinen, Teemu

    Published 2017
    “…These threats are physical vulnerability from physical attacks, wireless communication and low amount of computing power in the devices of internet of things. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  10. 3670

    PK-yritysten kybervalmius by Matilainen, Juhani

    Published 2018
    “…The most common types of attacks are phishing, various types of scamming attacks and different types of malware. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  11. 3671

    Tietoturvan ihmiselementti : sosiaalinen manipulointi by Teirivaara, Tuomas

    Published 2017
    “…The result of this thesis is that Social Engineering is an effective strategy for the attacker because the lack of user awareness and easily predictable behavior. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  12. 3672

    Mobiilipelialustan tuotteistaminen : case X-Routes by Vitikainen, Teemu

    Published 2018
    “…Theories related to productization and service perspective cre-ate the theoretical framework of this study. The importance of segmentation, revenue models and customization in the productization of a game platform is analyzed at the examination part (chapter 4). …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  13. 3673

    Liikuntateknologiat ja niiden käyttö by Mengus, Mikael

    Published 2020
    “…The study also analyzed the attributes of gamification and future applications of sports technologies. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  14. 3674

    3D production pipeline in game development by Ciszek, Peter

    Published 2012
    “…These pipelines have been used to make processes more efficient and rational. This study attempts to explain the meaning of 3D production pipeline for game development and evaluate the processes. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  15. 3675

    RFID-implantit ja tietosuoja by Jussila, Eveliina

    Published 2021
    “…Another problems are the possible cyber attacks that could gain access to a person's private information. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  16. 3676

    The use of information operation activities in foreign electoral interference by Lassila, Siiri

    Published 2019
    “…The thesis showed that the Russian government intervened in the election by an extensive social media disinformation campaign that involved the use of trolls, bots, disinformation, “active measures” and purchasing of political advertisements as well as computer network exploitation attacks on systems containing sensitive information and then the leaking of that information. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  17. 3677

    Naisten asema IT-alalla by Lahtinen, Pieta

    Published 2023
    “…Organisations should pay attention to their communication styles during recruitment processes, to get also females interested in applying. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  18. 3678

    Pelitilan synkronointi verkkomoninpeleissä by Elonen, Aapi

    Published 2024
    “…Gamestate synchronization in multiplayer online games (MOGs) has gained increasing attention from the research community in the last two decades. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  19. 3679

    Käyttäjien tietoisuus kyberturvallisuusuhista ja digitaalisten järjestelmien turvallisuus by Laitinen, Lassi

    Published 2024
    “…The aim was to use a literature review to create an overall picture of users’ awareness and attitudes towards cyber security threats. Based on the reviewed studies, most users are not aware of cybersecurity threats or how to prevent them, and awareness was found to influence the user’s attitude towards cyber security threats. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
  20. 3680

    Skriftliga språkkunskaper i A-svenska hos finska abiturienter på basis av processbarhetsteori by Hirvonen, Roni

    Published 2016
    “…Tutkittavat kieliopilliset rakenteet olivat inversio väitelauseessa, jälkilauseen sanajärjestys, kieltosanan paikka sivulauseessa, epäsuora kysymys sekä adjektiivi attributiivisena ja predikatiivisena lauseenjäsenenä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että 12:sta tutkimushenkilöstä kaksi sijoittuu prosessoitavuusteorian neljännelle tasolle ja peräti kymmenen viidennelle eli ylimmälle tasolle. …”
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    Bachelor's thesis
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