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Hurudan betydelse har relationen mellan handledaren och den unga? : inom ramen för Min egen väg-rehabiliteringen för unga med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning
Published 2023“…Relationen ansågs vara en grundförutsättning för att kunna ställa upp rehabiliteringsmålsättningar och därmed även en förutsättning för att kunna stödja den unga att uppnå sina målsättningar. …”
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Teachers' perceptions of the adaptation of immigrant children within the Finnish education system
Published 2019“…Teachers found that although peers can play a big role in this process as well, it is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure the school is a safe place for all students and to correct racist attitudes of peers. The data reveals multiple methods teachers could use to affect the adaptation process of immigrant children. …”
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“As long as I am still here working, I must be committed to start a degree” : a case study on teacher professional development in a refugee settlement in Uganda
Published 2019“…The other finding of the study indicates that the motivation of teachers for professional development is deeply embedded in their intrinsic motivation and the intrinsic value that they attach to professional development and helping their students. …”
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Onko tässä yhteiskunnassa mitään järkeä? : Jürgen Habermasin elämismaailman ja systeemin käsite-erottelu välineellisen järjen kritiikin päivityksenä
Published 2020“…This thesis is guided by a twofold question: does Jürgen Habermas succeed in his attempt to update the critique of instrumental reason paraphrased by the first generation of the Frankfurt school? …”
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Value creation in online brand communities on Youtube
Published 2023“…Research on online brand communities has examined communities on platforms such as discussion forums and Facebook, but the popular video streaming service, Youtube, has received less attention in this particular context. The aim of this study is to discover if online brand communities exist on Youtube, and if they do, what kind of attributes they possess. …”
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North-South Power Dynamics in United Nations Climate Change and Gender Equality Discourse
Published 2024“…The study found that the (1) Avoiding / Ignoring Responsibility Discourse serves to passively sustain the unequal North-South power dynamic by avoiding the issue of who and what causes climate change and by shifting attention away from the biggest culprit, while the (2) Taking Responsibility Discourse effectively reinforces the South’s de pendency on the North by imposing development intervention on the South. …”
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Perceived contributions of Plan International Finland Children's Board participation to active global citizenship
Published 2024“…Earlier research has commonly focused on formal global education and global citizenship learning, while non-formal and informal global citizenship learning has attained less attention. This qualitative study that uses a survey and interviews as data collection methods studies non-formal and informal learning within the Children’s Board programme of Plan International Finland. …”
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The landlord harassment during the Spanish property bubble
Published 2020“…Today there is not the huge political activity associated to the old urban associations from the seventies, but the same motivation and the goals are shared in both periods of time: to reclaim the participation of the citizens in the urban renewal projects, and at the same time, to attack the speculative aspects of the current urban planning model, with the capital accumulation, as principal aim in the renovation of the neighbourhoods. …”
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"Minä haluan lukee, koska teksti on helppoo ja ymmärtää" : aikuisten S2-oppijoiden kokemuksia selkokielisen kaunokirjallisuuden lukemisesta
Published 2022“…When reading easy language short stories, participants paid attention to both easy and difficult things. In the short stories, the familiar vocabulary, short words, short sentences, short paragraphs and the fact that the clauses and sentences were in paragraphs and in order were easy. …”
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Finnish 2nd graders' beliefs about the English language and learning English
Published 2023“…The reasons behind the change include efforts to increase pupils’ motivation and positive attitudes towards learning foreign languages, which are based on prior research into Early Language Teaching. …”
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Quine's naturalistic conception of truth
Published 2017“…Regardless of this, Quine’s truth conception has not been studied apart from few individual articles. This study attempts to offer a contribution to this lack of research concerning Quine’s truth conception in the reasonably broad field of research that concerns his philosophical system. …”
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Viittomantunnistuksen automaattisuuden mittaaminen Stroopin testillä suomalaisessa viittomakielessä
Published 2017“…Stroop test is one of the best known psychological tests that has been used to investigate a person’s capacities to direct attention. There are hundreds of different vari- ants of the test but this is the first time when test is applied to Finnish Sign Language. …”
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Aktiivisuusrannekkeita päiväkodeissa, seisomapulpetteja kouluissa : terveyden edistämisen hallintakeinot Lihavuus laskuun -ohjelmassa Seinäjoella
Published 2019“…The City of Seinäjoki Obesity Programme 2013−2020, which has received international attention too, aims to prevent childhood obesity by doing multisectoral work. …”
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"Haes tyttö joku osaava paikalle": customer incivility at work : a qualitative study of customer service employees' accounts
Published 2021“…Lastly, the study aims to increase understanding and awareness of customer incivility and change the reader’s attitudes or behaviours towards customer service employees if necessary. …”
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Interactional strategies : a case study for immigrant nursing students in a vocational degree for practical nurses
Published 2021“…Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin paljastaneet viestinnälliset haasteet, joita tulee eteen terveydenhuollossa kulttuurienvälisessä vuorovaikutuksessa (Atkins and Omeri, 2002; Emami, Gerrish and Jirwe, 2010; Heikkilä, 2004; Olakivi, 2013). …”
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Finnish Lessons or Fairy Tales? : Finnish Education Policies in The British Printed Media Education Reform Discussion in 2015-2020
Published 2022“…The Finnish education system has received widespread international attention since the first PISA results were published in 2001. …”
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Investigating the police : migrant experiences and trust in Finland
Published 2023“…Interview questions ranged from previous experiences with the police to trust, expectations, emotions and other aspects relating to trust, attitudes, and views. The findings were then analysed and categorised into three main themes that emerged from the data: expectations of police behaviour, language issues, and perceived racial discrimination. …”
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The economic ideas in expert statements of the 2021 Finnish healthcare and social services reform
Published 2023“…The research sheds light on the ideational atmosphere of the healthcare and social services reform and shows how the parliamentary processing of a large-scale public policy contains multiple arguments which sometimes conflict with each other. …”
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“This was terrorism.” : multimodal representation of the Capitol Hill invasion on January 6th, 2021, in Tumblr posts
Published 2023“…Näissä tutkimuksissa analyysin multimodaalisuutta voitaisiin myös lisätä ottamalla mukaan myös videoaineistoja. The attack on the US Capitol building by Donald Trump’s supporters on January 6, 2021, attracted plenty of attention on both traditional and social media. …”
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Tough crowd : consumer acceptance of equity crowdfunding platforms
Published 2016“…The results of this study indicate that attitude is the strongest predictor of intention among the three main factors in the model. …”
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